A NSW Government website

Parramatta Light Rail – Stage 1

Transport for NSW has proposed Stage 1 of the Parramatta Light Rail project, a twin-track light rail line connecting Westmead to Carlingford via the Parramatta CBD and Camellia.

The 12 km route will link Parramatta's CBD to the Westmead Health precinct, Parramatta North Urban Transformation Program, the new Western Sydney Stadium, three Western Sydney University campuses, the relocated Powerhouse Museum, Rosehill Racecourse, the Camellia Precinct and redevelopment at Telopea.

The department assessed the proposal, taking in to account the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), all feedback and submissions received from the community, councils and other agencies, and the Response to Submissions (RtS) report.

The Minister for Planning and Environment approved the Stage 1 proposal in May 2018. All documentation related to the proposal is available at the NSW Planning Portal.

Artist impression on Parramatta Light Rail along Macquarie Street
Artist impression on Parramatta Light Rail along Macquarie Street.


Parramatta Light Rail – Stage 1 documents can be found at the NSW Planning Portal.

Artist impression of Parramatta light rail Carlingford line showing cyclists using bicycle path along train line
Artist impression of Parramatta light rail Carlingford line.