The Central Coast’s natural environment is its distinguishing feature. Kilometres of ocean foreshore, coastal lakes, rivers, estuaries, lagoons, valleys and mountains have created corridors that have shaped the region’s development.
The economy is strong and diversified and proximity to Greater Sydney and Newcastle has made it possible for residents to access a wider variety of jobs and services both within and beyond the region.
Thanks to urban planning, revitalised local centres such as Gosford have become livelier, more attractive places, with vibrant retail and services.
The region’s renowned natural environment provides attractive settings for a range of lifestyles and is a drawcard for visitors beyond the region.
Coordinated land-use and infrastructure planning, including assessment and development of land owned by the Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council will deliver long term benefits for all of the region’s communities.
And improvements to health, transport, education, sporting and civic infrastructure have bolstered the Central Coast’s liveability.