
Priority growth areas and precincts

Artist's impression of Glenfield concept proposal.

Glenfield is set to become South West Sydney’s premier regional sporting and education destination.

Glenfield’s heritage will be protected and enhanced, with existing schools retained and with investment in the future of Hurlstone Agricultural High School to continue a strong legacy of contribution to agricultural education.

Glenfield place strategy

Glenfield was rezoned on 16 July 2021. 

The rezoning will enable up to 7,000 new homes, 2,900 new jobs, shared community playing fields and upgrades to Hurlstone Agricultural High School. The rezoning of the precinct will also:

  • deliver at least 30 ha of additional accessible public open space through land zoning and other mechanisms
  • incorporate planning controls to deliver up to 5% affordable housing in the precinct
  • create a unique educational hub for Western Sydney through the retention of approximately 50ha of agricultural land for Hurlstone Agricultural High School (HAHS), retention of Glenfield Public School, Glenfield Park School, Campbell House School and Ajuga School
  • identify and plan for delivery of infrastructure that is required to support development, including extension of Cambridge Avenue, and potential future health and education facilities
  • protect and enhance the heritage significance of Macquarie Field House
  • delivery of best practice design through a Design Excellence provision which will apply to future development applications
  • permit the creation of a new vibrant town centre.

What has happened so far

The rezoning package was on exhibition from 9 December 2020 to 12 February 2021.

The exhibited package included a draft structure plan, discussion paper and supporting technical information.

The rezoning package, all finalisation documents and all submissions are available on the NSW Planning Portal.

The finalisation report as part of the rezoning package provides a summary of key issues raised during exhibition and the department’s response.

What happens next

For land to the eastern side of the T8 Airport and South Railway line, Campbelltown City Council has prepared a Development Control Plan (DCP) to provide detailed design controls for development.

'Part 15 - Glenfield East' - Amendment to Volume 2 of the Campbelltown (Sustainable City) DCP 2015 commenced on 22 June 2023 following a public exhibition period that ran between 1 March and 31 March 2023.

Land to the western side of this train line will be subject to a future DCP. Once prepared, Council will publicly exhibit this DCP to seek the community’s feedback before the DCP is adopted. Over time, infrastructure will be provided to support development.

Plans for Glenfield also includes revitalizing Glenfield Parklands in partnership with Campbelltown Council, to fund 43 ha of new and improved public open space. Delivered through the Parks for People program it will offer a mix of new public open green space and better access to the Georges River, as well as conserving and protecting the Indigenous landscape.

Hurlstone Agricultural High School

The Department of Education are leading the plans for Hurlstone Agricultural High School. We have worked with the Department of Education to finalise the Glenfield Place Strategy and ensure the ongoing success of Hurlstone Agricultural High School.

The NSW Government will be investing in the future of Hurlstone Agricultural High School to continue its legacy of contribution to agricultural education. Students will benefit from contemporary agricultural education through a farm and boarding upgrade including fit for purpose farming technology in a centralised farm hub. The proposed upgrades include new farm facilities, a new farm layout and new and upgraded boarding. To find out more, go to NSW Schools Infrastructure.