The Office of Strategic Lands administers the Planning Ministerial Corporation, which buys, manages and transfers land to local councils and other NSW Government agencies.
The land is used to deliver more public open spaces, green corridors and infrastructure like rail and roads. It also helps the government pursue long-term planning goals by setting aside land for new housing or to create industrial or employment areas.
Buying land to deliver public benefits
Established in 1951, the Office of Strategic Lands owns and manages more than 6,000 parcels of land (6,300 ha) to provide significant community benefits in Greater Sydney including:
- a network of open spaces where people meet, play, relax and experience nature
- transport corridors
- biodiversity corridors and nature conservation areas
- land for housing, employment and tourism.
The Office of Strategic Lands also buys land on behalf of other NSW Government agencies. This has included conservation land within the Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan area and for coastal protection and conservation through the Coastal Lands Protection Scheme.
Selling land to reinvest the profits
The Office of Strategic Lands is funded through the Sydney Region Development Fund, which generates revenue through the sale of land no longer required for the original planning purpose and through annual contributions received from 34 local councils within Greater Sydney. All revenue received is reinvested back to the Sydney Region Development Fund to buy more open spaces or enhance existing ones.
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More information
For more information read the Strategic Business Plan (PDF, 3.4 MB).