A NSW Government website


Priority growth areas and precincts

Narrabri Place Strategy

In collaboration with the Narrabri Shire Council, we have prepared the draft Narrabri Place Strategy. The draft place strategy will provide a framework to accommodate growth and identify new economic and social opportunities over the next 20 years to support the community of Narrabri.

The draft strategy and supporting documentation will enable the rezoning of land in Narrabri for new homes, facilities, infrastructure and services on flood free land, and identify opportunities to create a liveable and growing community that supports the existing township.

The draft strategy is a plan for:

  • 2,100 new homes supported by infrastructure and new public open spaces on flood free land
  • new economic and social opportunities facilitated by investment and development
  • a thriving town centre with an Eat Street concept
  • improving amenity in Narrabri West through new and existing sport, recreation and social infrastructure
  • planning for the delivery of infrastructure that is required to support development, including improved transport connections, road upgrades and cycling and pedestrian paths.

The draft strategy is accompanied by draft statutory amendments to rezone land for residential, general industry and employment purposes under Narrabri Local Environmental Plan 2012.

Have your say

The local community plays a vital role in planning for the future of Narrabri.

The draft Narrabri Place Strategy is currently on exhibition for public feedback on the NSW Planning Portal until 20 September 2024.

Have your say

During the exhibition period, community members are invited to attend face to face drop-in sessions with representatives from the department, and Narrabri Shire Council.

Session 1

Riverside Room, Crossing Theatre

Date: Wednesday 11 September 2024

Time: 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm

No registration required. Please drop in at any time.

Session 2

Riverside Room, Crossing Theatre

Date: Thursday 12 September 2024

Time: 9:00 am to 10:30 am

No registration required. Please drop in at any time.

What happens next

Feedback received during the exhibition period will be reviewed and used to finalise the draft strategy by 2025. Once the plan is finalised, land will be rezoned for its new intended use. After the land is rezoned, Narrabri Shire Council will become the consent authority for most new developments in the precinct.

For more information about the draft Narrabri Place Strategy and associated planning amendments, phone 1300 420 596 or email [email protected]