Lowes Creek Maryland

Priority growth areas and precincts

Lowes Creek Maryland is located in Sydney's South West Growth Area. It is approximately 5 km from the Oran Park Town Centre, 8 km from the future Western Sydney Aerotropolis and 47 km from Parramatta CBD.

The Lowes Creek Maryland Precinct was rezoned on 16 July 2021.

The Lowes Creek Maryland Precinct accommodates up to 7,000 new homes 2,200 new jobs, a local centre, a new school and a community facility, along with open space, cycling and pedestrian paths.

What has happened

The draft precinct plan for Lowes Creek Maryland was on exhibition from 28 September 2018 to 9 November 2018.

You can view a summary of the key issues raised, the response in the Finalisation Report and the rezoning package on the NSW Planning Portal.

The department worked closely with Camden Council to finalise a Development Control Plan (DCP) which provides detailed design controls for development in the precinct. The Camden Council Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan (DCP) – Schedule Six (Lowes Creek Maryland Precinct) came into force on Tuesday 21 December 2021.

Over time, infrastructure will be provided to support development.