Qualifying as a certifier

Building certification

How do you get qualified as a certifier?

The qualification you need depends on the type of work you want to do, ranging from inspecting swimming pools and homes, to office buildings or industrial sites. Qualifications are available in NSW from TAFE NSW, CPD Training Pty Ltd and universities.

Courses include:

  • Advanced Diploma of Building Surveying
  • Skill Set CPCSS00004 Provide building surveying services for residential buildings up to three storeys
  • Bachelor of Construction Management (Building) (Honours) (University of Newcastle)
  • Bachelor of Building Surveying and Certification (Honours) (Central Queensland University)

Each university and registered training organisation sets the fees for their courses. There is government funding for the Advanced Diploma of Building Surveying for people who are eligible for the Smart and Skilled List. See Smart and Skilled List for more information. There is also help available through student loans and scholarships. For more information, visit:

To become an accredited certifier in NSW, you need to obtain between one and three years of practical experience in building surveying or certification. You can complete study and practical experience at the same time.

You also need to undertake the University of Technology Sydney’s 4 day Certification Short Course or complete the NSW Building Professionals Board’s Accreditation Exam.

Certifiers are accredited by the Building Professionals Board, the NSW Government authority established to oversee building and subdivision certification. The Board assesses applications in accordance with the Accreditation Scheme.

Your pathway to a career as a building certifier*

Qualifying as a certifier infographic

*The types of buildings you certify depend on your level of accreditation. You can gain experience whilst you study.

What does the career path look like?

As a certifier, you can work for yourself, a private firm or a local council anywhere in NSW. There is opportunity for career progression with different accreditation levels, providing the freedom to up skill on the job.