Housing Acceleration Fund

Infrastructure funding

Alfred Street Bridge, Parramatta. Developed by City of Parramatta Council. Lead Design & Engineering by Bonacci Infrastructure. Architecture by Archipelago. Landscape Design by Lat Studios. Constructed by Abergeldie. Credit: The Guthrie Project

The Housing Acceleration Fund (HAF) provided grants for critical infrastructure projects to accelerate the delivery of housing. These grants provided early funding for planning, design and / or construction.

The program is administered by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure together with Infrastructure NSW and NSW Treasury.

Projects were nominated by state agencies, state-owned corporations and councils, and are subject to a rigorous prioritisation and selection process.

There have been 5 rounds of the Housing Acceleration Fund. HAF is partly funded under the Restart NSW program with project assurance undertaken by the Infrastructure NSW Infrastructure Investor Assurance Framework.


Over $900 million has been committed to 55 projects under the HAF program to help councils and agencies deliver a $1 billion infrastructure program across NSW.

HAF funding contributes to the planning, design and construction of infrastructure projects including transport, water, wastewater, drainage and community infrastructure.

Refer to the table for a list of projects and their status.

Project Local government area Summary Status Details
Alfred Street bridge, Parramatta Parramatta The project, jointly funded by the Housing Acceleration Fund, City of Parramatta Council and Transport for New South Wales will deliver a new cycling and pedestrian bridge over the Parramatta River at Alfred Street to support new housing growth in the local area. Completed
Appin Road upgrade Campbelltown The Appin Road upgrade project is being delivered to support housing growth in Mt Gilead. The Housing Acceleration Fund is funding the delivery of a key intersection upgrade at Appin Road and St Johns Road, Bradbury. In progress
Australia Avenue / Homebush Bay Drive intersection upgrade Strathfield The Housing Acceleration Fund has committed $10 million to fund the design and planning of an intersection upgrade at Australia Ave and Homebush Bay Drive, including the conversion of a roundabout to a signalised intersection. In progress
Bernera Road Extension Project, Edmondson Park Liverpool The Bernera Road extension was jointly funded by the Housing Acceleration Fund and Liverpool City Council and has provided 1.3 km of new 4-lane road to connect Camden Valley Way to Edmondson Park Station. The project supports new housing growth in Edmondson Park. Completed
Boundary Road and McCulloch Street Blacktown The road upgrade extends approximately 1.8 km between Schofields Road and Cranbourne Street, and will deliver an upgrade of the existing 2-lane rural road to a 4-lane divided road including signalised intersections, cycleways, pathways, landscaping and street lighting. Completed
Boundary Road, Dubbo Dubbo Regional The Boundary Road Dubbo extension project supports new housing growth in the Keswick and South Lakes residential subdivisions. The extension is approximately 1.9 km long between Wheelers Lane and Sheraton Road and will be delivered in 2 stages. The upgrade will provide a road extension, 3 roundabouts and ancillary infrastructure such as cycleways, pathways, drainage and lighting. Completed
Byron Road upgrade (Ingleburn to Bringelly) Camden The Byron Road upgrade (from Ingleburn Road to Bringelly Road) will support the increasing demand for transport infrastructure in southwest Sydney. It will do this by increasing the traffic capacity of Byron Road. This project will also accelerate the development of fragmented land in Leppington by enabling infrastructure to increase development potential in the region. In progress
Camden Valley Way Camden The Camden Valley Way upgrade provides approximately 10 km of improvements to support improved access to the M7 and M5 motorways. The project supports new housing growth in the South West Growth Centre. Completed
Camellia pump station relocation Parramatta Options assessment to relocate Sydney Water Wastewater Pumping Station (and incoming sewer network) to a suitable site in Camelia. Completed
Campbelltown Road (Stage 1) Liverpool The project has upgraded Campbelltown Road between Zouch Road and Ingleburn Gardens Road, including widening and intersection improvements, and supports new housing growth in the wider South West Growth Centre. Completed
Cleveland Road Upgrade Wollongong Upgrade of approximately 2.5 km worth of road in the West Lake Illawarra Urban Release Area to accelerate the delivery of approximately 2,500 homes. Planning and design completed
Concord Road and Homebush Bay Drive intersection upgrade Canada Bay Funding is for the design and planning of an intersection upgrade at Concord Road and Homebush Bay Drive. In progress
Concord West – Precinct Acceleration Canada Bay The project involves road upgrade works at the intersection of Pomeroy Street and George Street. This will support approximately 1,000 new homes on industrial land planned for rezoning, and up to 6,500 new homes in the wider area. The project will also deliver a flood mitigation strategy for the local area. In progress
Epping Town Centre Road Upgrades Parramatta The Epping Town Centre Road upgrades include intersection improvements and road widening along Epping Road between Langston Place and Essex Street, and an intersection upgrade at Carlingford Road and Beecroft Road. The projects support new housing growth in the Epping Town Centre Urban Activation Precinct. Completed
Farley Regional Wastewater Network Maitland The project involved important wastewater upgrades and expanded capacity to support housing growth in the Farley, Aberglasslyn, Lochinvar, Anambah and Rutherford areas. Completed
First Ponds Wastewater Carrier Blacktown The First Ponds Creek wastewater carrier improved water services to Riverstone and is part of a wider program of work being delivered by Sydney Water in northwest Sydney. The project supports new housing growth in Riverstone and surrounding suburbs. Completed
Gosford City Centre – Sewerage Infrastructure Improvements Central Coast Upgrade the sewerage system in Gosford CBD area to meet increased demand from new developments in the area. In progress
Gosford City Centre – Water Supply Infrastructure Improvements Central Coast The project includes water infrastructure improvements to support the increase demand and housing growth in the Gosford CBD. The improvements increase water supply capacity and reliability of the network. The project will support approximately 5,000 new homes. In progress
Government Road / Raymond Terrace Road intersection upgrade Maitland The project includes an intersection upgrade at Government Road and Raymond Terrace Road, Thornton, to support new homes in the local area and improve safety. In progress
Green Square – Town Centre Flood Risk Management City of Sydney The project delivers important planning for flood mitigation around Green Square. The project supports new housing growth in Green Square. Completed
Green Square Town Centre – Waverley Land Acquisition City of Sydney The acquisition of the former Waverley Depot site to support new homes at Green Square. Completed
Hambledon Road Blacktown The new Hambledon Road creates a connection between Schofields Road and Burdekin Road / Stanhope Parkway, transforming the old 2-lane rural road to a 4-lane divided road. It includes signalised intersections, cycleways, pathways, landscaping and street lighting. Completed
Hill Road Upgrade Parramatta The Hill Road local road upgrade project supports development in the Carter Street precinct and Sydney Olympic Park by providing improvements to Hill Road including widening and an upgrade to the John Ian Wing Parade intersection. In progress
Ingleburn Road and Rickard Road upgrades Camden The project includes upgrades along Ingleburn Road between Camden Valley Way and Rickard Road, and Rickard Road between Ingleburn Road and Bringelly Road. The road upgrades will support new homes in the Leppington community, and improve connectivity with the Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport. Planning and design completed
Ingleburn Road upgrade (Rickard to Eastwood) Camden The Ingleburn Road upgrade (from Rickard Road to Eastwood Road), Leppington seeks to increase Ingleburn Road from a 2-lane road to a 1,575 m 4-lane sub-arterial road. This includes pathways and landscaping, as well as signalising the Ingleburn Road / Rickard Road intersection. This project will support the increasing demand for transport infrastructure in southwest Sydney by increasing the traffic capacity of Ingleburn Road between Rickard Road and Eastwood Road. This project will also accelerate the development of fragmented land in Leppington by increasing the provision of infrastructure that will increase development potential. In progress
Kings Hill Interchange Port Stephens The Kings Hill Interchange project supports planned housing growth in the Kings Hill Urban Release Area. The project will deliver a new interchange to allow access to the Kings Hill Urban Release Area off the Pacific Highway, adjacent to Grahamstown Lake. In progress
Kissing Point Drive upgrade Parramatta The project supports new housing growth in the Telopea Priority Precinct by providing improved intersections at key locations along Kissing Point Road. Completed
Lochinvar intersection signalisation Maitland The Wyndella Road and New England Highway intersection upgrade include new signals which will improve safety and provide faster access for local residents moving to new homes in the area. The project, along with other water and wastewater projects in the local area supports new housing growth in Lochinvar. Completed
Lochinvar Wastewater Network Upgrade Maitland The project upgraded wastewater mains to support housing growth in Lochinvar. The project has been delivered in parallel with additional projects which provide enhanced water infrastructure and an intersection upgrade. Completed
Lochinvar Water Main Maitland The project upgraded water mains to support housing growth in Lochinvar. The project has been delivered in parallel with additional projects which provide enhanced wastewater infrastructure and an intersection upgrade. Completed
Main Road Heddon Greta upgrade Cessnock The Housing Acceleration Fund has committed $1 million to fund the design and planning of road upgrades along Main Road Heddon Greta to support up to 960 new homes to the north and south of the road. Completed
Menangle Road upgrade Campbelltown The project will support the Greater Macarthur Investment Area and Mt Gilead to Menangle Park priority growth area by providing supporting road infrastructure in the region. In progress
Minmi Road / Newcastle Link Road intersection upgrade Lake Macquarie The Housing Acceleration Fund has committed $4.6 million to fund the design and planning of an intersection upgrade at Minmi Road and Newcastle Link Road to support housing growth in the local area. In progress
Minmi, Cameron Park – Regional Water Services Upgrades Stage 1 Lake Macquarie Service upgrades for pump stations and sewer mains. The project will provide new water and sewer infrastructure to support approximately 305 new homes. In progress
New Flood Basin, Camden Valley Way Edmondson Liverpool The project will deliver a new 48-megalitre flood storage basin in Edmondon Park to support approximately 2,000 new homes and protect against a 1-in-100-year flood event. In progress
New Moss Vale Road intersection Shoalhaven The project will deliver a new intersection to service the Moss Vale Road Urban Release Areas. The intersection will ensure safe vehicle, pedestrian and cyclist movement on and across Moss Vale Road. The project, along with other water and wastewater projects in the local area, supports up to 2,500 new homes. Completed
New Wastewater Capital Works Program, Moss Vale Shoalhaven The project will provide new wastewater infrastructure (including gravity sewer mains, sewage pumping stations and emergency storage tanks) to connect the Moss Vale Road North and Moss Vale Road South urban release areas to existing water supply systems. These include the Cambewarra Reservoir and Bomaderry. The project, along with other road and water projects in the local area, supports up to 2,500 new homes. Completed
New Water and Sewer Service, Jerrabomberra Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional The project includes new water and sewer infrastructure, including a sewer pump station, high and low-level reservoirs, and trunk water and sewer mains to support up to 2,500 new homes in the Jerrabomberra Development Area. Completed
New Water Reservoir and Water Supply Systems, Cambewarra and Bomaderry Shoalhaven The project includes the delivery of new pipelines, reservoirs and water pumping stations to connect the Urban Release Areas to the existing water supply systems including the Cambewarra Reservoir and Bomaderry Water Supply System. The project, along with other road and wastewater projects in the local area supports up to 2,500 new homes. Completed
North Kellyville Electrical Distribution Feeder The Hills Shire North Kellyville Electrical Distribution Feeder project provides improved electricity services to North Kellyville and supports new housing growth. Completed
North Kellyville Wastewater Solution The Hills Shire The Cattai Creek carrier provides improved water services to North Kellyville and is part of a wider program of work being delivered by Sydney Water in northwest Sydney to support new housing growth. Completed
North Ryde local roads improvement project Ryde The North Ryde local roads upgrade projects include a key intersection upgrade at Pittwater Road and Epping Road to support housing growth in the North Ryde Station precinct. The project is jointly funded by the Housing Acceleration Fund and City of Ryde Council. In progress
Norwest Boulevard and Lexington Drive intersection upgrade The Hills Shire The Housing Acceleration Fund has committed $3.9 million to fund the design and planning of an intersection upgrade at Norwest Blvd and Lexington Drive, including the installation of traffic lights. The project supports up to 8,600 new homes in the North-West Metro Growth Corridor. In progress
Old Wallgrove Road Blacktown The road upgrade between Lenore Drive and Wallgrove Road in Eastern Creek provides an important east-west link connection for the Western Sydney Employment Area, and new housing growth. The project includes approximately 400 m of new road and 2.5 km of road widening. Completed
O'Riordan Street Realignment City of Sydney Realignment of O'Riordan Street to support additional homes in Green Square. Completed
Richmond Road upgrade (Stages 2 and 3) Blacktown Stage 2 works included upgrading Richmond Road from a 2-lane undivided road to a 4-lane divided road between Townson Road and Garfield Road West. Stage 3 works involved the upgrading and construction of approximately 870 m of Richmond Rd (north of Garfield Road West). Completed
Riverstone Wastewater Lead Ins Blacktown The project includes the installation of three new wastewater lead-ins to improve wastewater capacity and support new housing growth in Riverstone. Completed
Schofields Road (Stage 1 and 2) Blacktown The new Schofields Road Corridor provides a flood-free east-west link in Sydney’s North West Growth Area which supports housing growth. Stage 1: Road upgrade between Windsor Road and Tallawong Road. Stage 2: Road upgrade between Tallawong Road and Veron Road. Completed
Sparks Road Intersection Upgrade Warnervale Central Coast The upgrade of Sparks Road between Virginia and Hiawatha Roads at Woongarrah provides 2 lanes in each direction on Sparks Road and a new intersection which provides access to the new Warnervale town centre. The upgrade helps ease congestion during peak traffic times and improves traffic flow and safety to and from the Warnervale Town Centre. Completed
Spring Farm Parkway – Stage 1 Campbelltown Spring Farm Parkway is a proposed 6.1 km long east-west arterial road to link Camden Bypass, the M31 Hume Motorway, Menangle Road, and Appin Road. Completed
Thurmster Sancrox Water Reservoir Port Macquarie-Hastings The new construction of a 20 megalitre water reservoir supports new homes in the Thrumster urban growth area and development of the Sancrox employment precinct. Completed
Warnervale Town Centre – Water Supply and Sewerage Servicing Central Coast The project includes the design and installation of sewer pump stations and sewer mains to service new development in the Warnervale Town Centre. This project removes the need for housing developers to plan and install major water / sewer assets, reducing the cost, complexity and time for housing development projects. Funding this infrastructure is expected to accelerate the delivery of up to 588 homes. In progress
West Dapto Wastewater Extensions Wollongong The project improves wastewater connections throughout stage 1 and stage 2 of the West Dapto Urban Release Area. Completed
Wongawilli Road and West Dapto Road Upgrade Wollongong The project will provide about 1 km of road widening along Wongawilli Road and West Dapto Road, as well as an intersection upgrade at Wongawilli Road and Shone Ave. This will support up to 1,200 new homes in stages 1 and 2 of the West Dapto Urban Release Area. In progress
Yass Murrumbateman – Water Quality Improvement Yass Valley This project aims to improve water quality and capacity in the Yass region by improving water treatment infrastructure and up to 1,580 new homes. Planning and design completed

Frequently asked questions

What is the Housing Acceleration Fund program?

The Housing Acceleration Fund (HAF) was established by the NSW Government in 2012 as a grants program to support the delivery of critical enabling infrastructure which stimulates the acceleration of housing delivery.

The HAF program provides grant funding through the Restart NSW Fund and is administered by the Department of Planning, Housing and Environment (the department), in conjunction with Infrastructure NSW and NSW Treasury under the Restart Act 2011.

HAF funding is a fixed contribution towards a delivery agency. Funding is provided on a full or partial contribution basis to a delivery agency who is responsible for all aspects of project delivery including planning, design, construction and asset operations and maintenance.

What are the objectives of the HAF program?

Increase housing supply in high demand areas by prioritising infrastructure projects in growth areas and providing for critical enabling infrastructure such as transport, water and community infrastructure.

Accelerate housing supply by providing critical infrastructure to growth areas, giving developers confidence to proceed with housing developments and confidence for council’s to accelerating development approvals.

Support community resilience for growth through the provision of enabling infrastructure that enables the development of planned, appropriately serviced and accessible communities.

Facilitating sustainable urban growth and in-sequence development to ensure that funding is directed in areas of greatest need and aligned to current plans and strategies.

How is the program administered?

Program management accountability

The department is accountable for the delivery of the Housing Acceleration Fund program, including:

  • monitoring overall program delivery
  • managing program change
  • benefits realisation.

Delivery agencies are accountable for the management of individual projects, including:

  • lodging project nominations
  • defining project scope, cost and schedule
  • managing project risk and stakeholder engagement
  • delivering project phases including design and construction
  • asset management and operation
  • data collection for benefits realisation.


The HAF program governance structure:

  • Cabinet Standing Committee on Expenditure Review (ERC)
  • Treasurer
  • Infrastructure NSW
  • Minister for Planning and Public Spaces
  • Program governance
    • Grant Governance Committee
    • HAF Program Manager
  • Program/project interface
    • Project assurance meeting
  • Project governance
    • Delivery agency

Grant Governance Committee

The Grant Governance Committee (GGC) provides:

  • strategic oversight of all aspects of the program performance
  • delivery and risk/issue management
  • endorsement of program and project delivery and project funding decisions, including change management
  • inter-agency coordination and stakeholder management.

The Grant Governance Committee meets monthly and includes representatives from the department, NSW Treasury and Transport for NSW.

Project Assurance Meeting

Project assurance meetings (PAM) are held monthly and provide an interface between the department, as HAF program manager, and delivery agencies.

The primary function of the PAM is to:

  • review and track project progress and performance (budget/schedule) and risk/issue management
  • undertake forward planning and coordination of project delivery, gateways, milestones and media/communications.
What is the role of Infrastructure NSW in the HAF program?

Infrastructure NSW fulfils 2 roles as part of the HAF program:

  1. Project assurance
  2. Funding deed management.

The 2 roles are performed by separate groups within Infrastructure NSW to protect the integrity of the independent assurance process.

Project assurance

All projects funded under the HAF program are subject to a Gate 2 Final Business Case assurance review. Infrastructure NSW conduct the assurance review for Tier 1 and Tier 2 projects and the subsequent recommendation report is used to make decisions regarding project suitability for further investment.

Go to Infrastructure NSW for the:

Tier 3 and 4 projects will undergo an assurance process that is managed by the department. This process may be led by an independent consultant.

Regardless of who is leading the assurance process, the cost of conducting the assurance review is funded by the delivery agency i.e., it is not able to be funded from the HAF program.

The purpose of conducting the Gate 2 Final Business Case review is to:

  • provide a milestone / checkpoint to determine the suitability of the project to move into the next phase of delivery (including further funding)
  • satisfy requirements under the Restart NSW Fund Act 2011 to demonstrate that funding from the Restart NSW fund is being directed to projects which 'improve economic growth and productivity in the State.'

The department will assist delivery agencies commence and participate in the assurance review process.

The assurance process includes these key steps:

  • Document upload – upload of Final Business Case and all associated documentation for review by the assurance team.
  • Planning day – presentation of the Final Business Case to the assurance team.
  • Interviews – interviews with key personnel involved in the preparation of the Final Business Case and in the delivery of the project should funding be awarded under HAF. 1–2 days is typically allocated to conduct these interviews.
  • Draft assurance report – the assurance review will provide a measure to Government regarding the confidence that the project aligns with the objectives of the HAF program and project deliverability. The report will also include a series of action items for the submitting agency to respond to.
  • Final assurance report – the final version of the assurance report which has been updated to include:
    • delivery agency feedback regarding the Action Items documented by the assurance team
    • changes to the assurance report based on the feedback from the delivery agency.

The complete assurance process can take up to 3 months including interviews, providing findings and generating a final report. Through the PAMs, the department will work with the delivery agency to forecast when an assurance review will be required and ensure that this is booked in advance with the relevant assurance team.

Contract management

INSW are responsible for the preparation of new deeds of agreement and the management of existing deeds (including claims).

Under the terms of deeds of agreement, delivery agencies must report project progress to the Infrastructure NSW Project Management Office (PMO) via an online portal. All project change requests, including scope, time and budget, must be lodged with the INSW PMO via the online portal.

Delivery agencies should seek approval for all project change from the department prior to lodgement on the Infrastructure NSW PMO portal. Written approval will be provided by the department which can be attached to the change request submitted in the online portal.

The Infrastructure NSW PMO and the department work collaboratively to share project information provided by deliver agencies.

How is HAF program funding made available to delivery agencies?

Project funding allocations

The HAF budget is drawn from the Restart NSW fund, controlled by Treasury and managed by Infrastructure NSW.

Funding approval (allocation) decisions are made by the Cabinet Standing Committee on Expenditure Review (ERC). The department works collaboratively with Infrastructure NSW and Treasury to bring project funding requests and recommendations to the ERC.

The full process and timing throughout the project lifecycle to secure a funding approval is:

Planning and design

  • Step 1 – Funding Agreements established for Planning + Design.
  • Step 2 – Agency Complete Planning + Design (Strategic Business Case and/or Planning and Final Business Case).

Assurance phase

  • Step 3 – Assurance (INSW/DPHI).
  • Step 4 – DPHI makes funding recommendation to INSW.
  • Step 5 – INSW makes funding recommendation to the Treasurer.
  • Step 6 – Funding decision made by ERC.

Project delivery phase

  • Step 7 – Funding Agreement established for Delivery (INSW/Treasurer).

Funding provided to a project from the HAF program is considered a fixed grant contribution. The contribution may be provided to fund the full estimated total cost of a project at the time of nomination, or on a partial funding basis.

An expansion of the grant contribution will not be provided where the total project cost increases, either because of revised cost estimates through the design process, scope variations, or latent conditions encountered during construction. Delivery agencies must fund, through internal funding sources or other grant programs, the completion of the current phase of project delivery, as agreed in a deed of agreement.

Project funding deeds

A deed of agreement between Treasury and the delivery agency will be established to specify the conditions under which HAF funding is provided, and the timing of funding release.

Preparation of the deed of agreement will be managed by Infrastructure NSW, with support from the department where required. Delivery agencies will be required to provide the following documents to support preparation of the deed of agreement:

  • project scope
  • project program (including milestones)
  • procurement plan for final business case and indicative plan for the project.
  • risk management plan for final business case and indicative plan for project delivery.
  • cash flows for final business case and indicative cash flows for the project, including proposed grant drawdown schedule.
  • preliminary cost plan for the project.

Projects being delivered under the HAF program are typically captured under 2 deeds relating to separate project phases:

Project phaseKey elementsPhase completion milestone
Planning and designProject initiation, design (including REF) and business caseProject business case
ConstructionLand acquisition and constructionProject operation
How is project change managed?

Project change that requires approval

  • Scope: The scope deviates from a deliverable specified in a deed of agreement, or the broader project scope which was approved for inclusion in the HAF program.
  • Cost: The cost to deliver the project scope outlined in a current deed of agreement increases beyond what has been approved under the deed of agreement. This needs to be reported even if the increase in cost can be funded by the delivery agency. Where the project is in Planning and Design estimated cost of the Construction phase is expected to increase beyond the overall project budget, a change request does not need to be lodged. Rather, it should be recorded and reported as a project risk.
  • Schedule: The delivery schedule will result in a milestone under a current deed of agreement not being met.

Project change that does not require approval

  • Project team members.
  • Consultant or contractor engaged by delivery agency.
  • Minor project schedule change that do not affect the overall project completion date or milestones set out in a current deed of agreement.
  • Minor cost changes that do not require additional funding to the allocated to the project.
  • Minor scope changes that do not materially impact the broader project.

The department recommends that all potential project changes are communicated via regular PAMs in the first instance, so that approval from the Grant Governance Committee can be provided before a formal Change Request is issued through the INSW reporting portal.

Procedure for submitting project change requests

1Delivery agency to inform DPHI at a monthly PAM.Delivery agency
2DPHI to provide initial advice on viability of change and if any support documents are required from the delivery agency.DPHI≤1 week
3DPHI to escalate the project change request to the Grant Governance Committee for decision or DPHI HAF to apply its delegated authority and provide direct decision advice to the INSW PMO.DPHI≤6 weeks
4Delivery agency to submit a formal change request via the INSW project reporting portal.Delivery agencyNext reporting period following endorsement from DPHI
5INSW PMO to amend the current deed of agreement and supply to the delivery agency.INSW≤4 weeks

Where a change request seeks additional funding, complete steps 1–4, then steps 6–8.

6Consideration of funding allocation request by the Expenditure Review Committee/ Treasurer for funding approval (via INSW Restart Team and Treasury).DPHI, INSW and Treasury≤12 weeks2
7DPHI to notify the delivery agency of outcome of funding approval.DPHI, INSW≤1 week
8INSW PMO to amend the current deed of agreement and supply to the delivery agency.DPHI≤4 weeks

1 = Where the delivery agency can provide early notification of potential change requests, DPHI and INSW will work to shorten these timeframes.

2 = General guidance only – this may vary depending on the circumstances of the individual project or the timing of Expenditure Review Committee meetings.

How are media releases and public communications managed?

Media releases

The department will lead development of project related media release in collaboration with the delivery agency.

The timing of media releases will be linked to the formalisation of a new funding deed of agreement, or completion of significant milestones during project delivery (e.g., project commencement, project opening). Delivery agencies must adhere to the NSW Government’s Funding Acknowledgement Guidelines.

Public communications

The department will maintain a HAF program website. The website will provide the public with a list of projects funded via the program, status, funding amount, project scope and dwellings supported.

Delivery agencies may also maintain a project website, however ensuring that the publication of new project material (e.g., an announcement of a new project or new funding) does not occur in advance of an announcement by the department.

On-site signage

Delivery agencies must adhere to the NSW Government’s Funding Acknowledgement Guidelines.

Benefits Realisation

The Grant Governance Committee has oversight of the Benefits Realisation Framework for the HAF Program. The framework is designed to draw on existing data sources to quantify and monitor the delivery of project benefits both during construction and following project completion.

Delivery agencies must ensure that benefits realisation data collection is underpinned by a rigorous data collection methodology. The department will work with the delivery agency to ensure that the frequency and duration of data collection is not overly burdensome for the delivery agency. The benefits realization monitoring period will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

DPHI’s Grants and Delivery team has responsibility for managing the HAF Benefits Realisation framework.

More information

For more information visit Infrastructure funding or phone the HAF Program Management team on 1300 420 596.