Cockle Bay

DPT & DPPT Operator Pty Ltd is seeking concept approval for the redevelopment of the Cockle Bay Wharf in Darling Harbour, which includes new retail shops, bars and restaurants, along with a commercial office tower.

The department carefully assessed the planning merits of concept proposal for the redevelopment of Cockle Bay Wharf, having regard to the comments raised in submissions and the Applicant’s response to submissions.

In January 2019, the department referred the proposal to the Independent Planning Commission for a final decision. The project was determined in May 2019; all relevant documentation is available at the Independent Planning Commission.

About the redevelopment concept proposal

In response to the feedback received during previous exhibitions of the concept proposal, the applicant has lodged a Response to Submissions report, which further amends the original concept proposal.

Elements of the (amended) Concept Proposal include:

  • development area of 24,900 m2
  • demolition of existing site improvements
  • building envelope providing a podium and tower form with a maximum height of 183 m approximately 40 storeys (reduce from an original proposal of RL 325)
  • building controls and design guidelines to guide future development within the building envelope and public domain
  • a maximum gross floor area of 75,000 m2 for commercial and 14,000 m2 for retail development
  • minimum of 6,000m2 and maximum of 15,000 m2 open space
  • amendments to Wheat Road and maximum 150 car parking spaces.

Note: This application seeks approval for the concept proposal and demolition works.

Consultation and feedback

The department has completed our assessment of the proposal.

In January 2019, we referred the project to the Independent Planning Commission (IPC), and the IPC made a final determination in May 2019.

All submissions received during public exhibition are publicly available in line with the department's objective to promote an open and transparent planning system. If you do not want your name published, state this clearly at the top of your submission and make sure any attachment to online submissions do not contain your name or address. Before making a submission, read our privacy statement.

For more information, go to the Independent Planning Commission.