Making it happen

North Coast Regional Plan 2041

Entrance of Coffs Harbour Health Campus. Credit: NSW Department of Planning and Environment

Implementation plan

An Implementation Plan for 2022-26 accompanies this regional plan. Combined, these documents will guide the preparation of local land use strategies, including local strategic planning statements prepared by councils.

Download the North Coast Regional Plan 2041 (PDF, 15.4  MB).

Local land use planning

Councils prepare local plans with the community and state agencies. These plans inform local environmental plans that zone land for different uses.

Local land use planning must reflect the regional plan and draw from the region’s settlement planning principles.

Read about these principles in objective 18 (PDF, 15.4 MB) and Appendix A (PDF, 15.4 MB) of the regional plan.

Urban growth areas

The regional plan identifies urban growth area boundaries that help direct development for new homes, workplaces and other facilities to the right locations, while protecting other environmentally sensitive areas from development.

These areas are shown on the maps for each LGA in the ‘Local government narratives’ section of the regional plan.

Subregional planning

For planning purposes, we think of the North Coast Region in terms of 2 subregions: Mid North Coast and Northern Rivers. This is detailed in objective 18 (PDF, 15.4 MB) of the regional plan.

We have established subregional planning principles to help us work with councils and collectively address the sustainable delivery of residential and employment lands.

North Coast Delivery, Coordination and Monitoring Committee

The North Coast Delivery, Coordination and Monitoring Committee includes council and State agency representatives.

It prioritises the actions needed to seize on immediate and emerging opportunities. It will monitor and review progress and provide advice to government on short-term actions in an annual report.

Regional plan 2036 key achievements

Key implementation achievements from the North Coast Regional Plan 2036 included:

  • Delivery of a Local Housing Strategy Guideline and Template to support councils in preparing local housing strategies.
  • Regional City Action Plans developed for Port Macquarie, Coffs Harbour, Lismore and Tweed.
  • Development of the North Coast Housing and Land Monitor (PDF, 19.7 MB), providing a review of housing and employment land activity throughout the region.
  • Preparation of cross border land-use planning principles to help plan and deliver vital infrastructure and services along the region’s NSW-Queensland border.
  • Ongoing identification of High Environmental Value Land for protection within new land release areas.
  • Progression of Aboriginal cultural heritage mapping to ensure protection of Aboriginal heritage.
  • Delivery of the North Coast Settlement Planning Guidelines (PDF, 83 KB) to guide councils in identifying appropriate locations for future land release.
  • Delivery of the Urban Design Guide for Regional NSW for connected healthy communities.