Low-Rise Housing Diversity Code


The Low-Rise Housing Diversity Code aims to increase the range of housing in NSW by making it quicker and easier to build homes that offer an alternative to apartments and freestanding houses.

It allows well-designed dual occupancies, manor houses and terraces (up to 2 storeys) to be built under fast‑track complying development approval.

Approval can be issued within 20 days if the proposal complies with the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008.

Good housing design goes beyond the look of a building and its architectural style. It can add social, economic and environmental value. It can help to create robust neighbourhoods and communities that are fit for future challenges and change.

Dual occupancies, manor houses and terraces built as complying development are only allowed in zones where this type of housing is already permitted under a council’s local environmental plan.

A complying development must meet all the development standards in the code and the design criteria in the Low-Rise Housing Diversity Design Guide for complying development (PDF, 14.4 MB).

The code applies across NSW.

Read the code

Benefits of the code

Dual occupancies, manor houses and terraces are more sustainable for growing families, singles and empty nesters – and more affordable. Families can still enjoy having private open space to socialise, garden and play in their own home without the higher price tag.

Fast track development approvals also save homeowners time and money. The code and the accompanying design guide incorporate amenity, privacy and design in the development standards.


Encourages good design

The design guide provides practical advice to promote good quality, well-designed and sustainable homes that respond to the character of the area and surrounding landscape and built forms.


Promotes housing choice and diversity

The code promotes housing diversity, allowing for more choice, by providing for a variety of housing types as complying development.


Supports an increase in housing supply

The code helps to speed up housing supply through the fast-tracked complying development process. This allows the NSW Government and councils to meet their housing targets to accommodate our rapidly growing population.


Creates liveable and desirable communities

The code promotes more liveable and desirable communities by making private open space and vegetation essential features of future homes.