Aerotropolis Core, Badgerys Creek and Wianamatta-South Creek precincts

Western Sydney Aerotropolis

Artist's impression of Western Sydney Aerotropolis.

Aerotropolis Core

The Aerotropolis Core is a dense urban precinct planned around the Aerotropolis Metro station and the Wianamatta-South Creek corridor system. It is defined by a new regional park along Thompsons Creek and a focus on the new metropolitan centre – Bradfield City Centre.

It will offer attractive places for workers, residents and visitors and complement the metropolitan cluster of Greater Penrith, Liverpool and Campbelltown-Macarthur. The Aerotropolis Core could accommodate up to 50,000 to 60,000 jobs, leveraging the positive economic impact of the adjacent Western Sydney Airport.

The Bradfield City Centre will be focused on advanced manufacturing, research and development, professional services, creative industries and science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) focused educational facilities, and will facilitate the emerging aerospace and defence industries. The precinct will also attract business incubator hubs and shared office workspaces.

While the land use focus for the precinct is on employment and economic development, the Aerotropolis Core will include residential development in areas not significantly affected by aircraft noise. Residential development will be within walking distance of the Metro station or other public transport and will benefit from proximity to blue-green infrastructure including creeks and open spaces.

Badgerys Creek

The Badgerys Creek precinct will support the operations of Western Sydney Airport and is well connected to the Bradfield City Centre to the south and the Northern Gateway precinct to the north-west. The precinct will transform from lower density and less intensive land uses, buildings and structures to higher order employment-focused technology, advanced manufacturing and industry uses with the opportunity for between 9,000–11,000 jobs.

The precinct will be linked to the east across Wianamatta-South Creek to areas such as Rossmore and Kemps Creek. The precinct adjoins the Western Sydney Airport with good access to Elizabeth Drive and the M12 Motorway. New developments will be designed to benefit from nearby major infrastructure and to appropriately integrate with existing resource recovery industries and new circular economy hubs.

Affected by aircraft noise, this precinct is not suitable for noise sensitive land uses such as residential development. It will provide land for a range of employment generating uses that will benefit from proximity to the Western Sydney Airport.

Wianamatta-South Creek – Initial

This precinct is located within the broader Wianamatta-South Creek corridor. It will provide for a mix of land uses that are compatible with the environmental characteristics of the precinct and development constraints, including flooding.

The department is preparing a Wianamatta-South Creek Delivery Strategy that will set out how the area’s trees, open space and creeks are managed now and into the future, including by proposing access, ownership and management arrangements. For further details or to sign up for updates, visit Wianamatta-South Creek.

View the planning package