Stage 1 works

Ivanhoe Estate

The development application for Stage 1 construction works for Ivanhoe Estate was approved by the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces on 30 April 2020.

NSW Land and Housing Commission (LAHC) obtained approval to start construction on the site. The approval includes:

  • site preparation works, including tree removal and earthworks across the entire Ivanhoe Estate
  • the provision and augmentation of utilities and services infrastructure across the entire Ivanhoe Estate
  • the construction of the internal road network
  • the consolidation of the existing lots and subdivision of the Ivanhoe Estate to reflect the revised road layout, open space, and provide superblocks corresponding to the master plan
  • the construction and use of Buildings A1 and C1 in the north western corner of the Ivanhoe Estate, comprising approximately 740 dwellings (including 259 social dwellings) and a childcare centre within the ground level of Building A1.

Consultation and feedback

The department welcomed feedback from the community, government agencies and other stakeholders during public exhibition for the Stage 1 application from 23 May until 19 June 2019.

Following the exhibition, we published all submissions received and asked LAHC to address any issues raised by the community, council and government agencies.

In November 2019, LAHC submitted a formal Response to Submissions (RTS) report which is publicly available at Major Projects.

Next steps

The redevelopment of the Ivanhoe Estate is expected to begin in October 2020 with the first two residential buildings, which will deliver 740 new homes.

For more information about the redevelopment of Ivanhoe Estate go to:

Indicative master plan for Ivanhoe Estate

Indicative master plan for Ivanhoe Estate by Ethos Urban
Image source: Ethos Urban