Delivering the South East and Tablelands Plan 2036

Aerial view of aeroplane landing strip.

Implementation plan

The South East and Tablelands Regional Plan 2036 is the NSW Government's strategy for guiding land use planning decisions for the South East and Tablelands Region for the next 20 years. This plan is currently under review, which resets its priorities and reach to 2041.

The South East and Tablelands region consists of 9 local government areas: Bega Valley, Eurobodalla, Goulburn Mulwaree, Hilltops, Queanbeyan-Palerang, Snowy Monaro, Upper Lachlan, Wingecarribee and Yass Valley.

A South East and Tablelands Regional Plan implementation plan (PDF, 488 KB) was prepared for this plan which sets out the governance framework and timing of each action and strategy.

Monitoring report

The Regional Planning Monitoring Report (PDF, 435 KB) provides an overview of work undertaken by the NSW Government, local councils and other stakeholders to implement the South East and Tablelands Regional Plan 2036.

The report identifies the key achievements for delivering on the goals, directions and actions of the regional plan and outlines progress on the delivery of priority actions for the relevant reporting period.

Key actions delivered from the South East and Tablelands Regional Plan 2036

Planning for 6,500 new homes in new communities on the border of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory

The department has completed planning and infrastructure coordination for 2 key housing developments. Approximately 5,000 new homes will be delivered in Parkwood in the Yass Valley local government area, as part of the cross-border development with the Australian Capital Territory known as Ginninderry. South Jerrabomberra in the Queanbeyan–Palerang local government area will accommodate up to 1,500 new homes – another land release that will become a cross-border community because of its proximity to Canberra.

Improved data on regional biodiversity corridors and land with high environmental values

We have improved the quality of and access to information about land, identifying land with high environmental values and regional biodiversity corridors in our mapping and methodology. This has allowed councils and other planning authorities to make better, evidence-based decisions.

South Coast Marine Tourism Strategy

The South Coast Marine Tourism Strategy outlines a 20-year vision to realise the economic benefits of tourism in this stunning part of the world. It describes how government and industry can work together to develop, market and use opportunities in a detailed action plan. For example, it builds on opportunities created by the NSW Government’s $44-million investment to extend the Port of Eden wharf.

Preparation of regional water strategies

DPE Water prepared draft regional water strategies for catchments in the region, such as South Coast, Murrumbidgee and Murray. The strategies were publicly exhibited in the first half of 2022 and DPE Water will finalise them by the end of the year.

An urban design guide for regional NSW

Urban Design for Regional NSW provides guidance for everyone involved in the design, planning, and development of the built environment across regional NSW. The guide links design objectives with advice about how these might be achieved in typical development projects. This will help ensure projects achieve design excellence that is in keeping with the special character of their place.

The Local Housing Strategy guideline and template

We have prepared a housing guideline and template to support councils in developing local housing strategies. Councils prepare local housing strategies in consultation with communities to detail how and where housing is needed and will be provided.