Gosford City Centre Revitalisation

Central Coast

Aerial view of the Gosford community.

Revitalisation of Gosford City Centre as the capital of a healthy, prosperous and connected Central Coast, is a key priority of the Central Coast Regional Plan 2041.

The NSW Government Architect’s Urban Design Framework provides the long-term vision for the continued development and renewal of the Gosford City Centre. The State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts – Regional) 2021 and accompanying development control plan provides the planning controls for future development and requires that all development exhibit design excellence and contribute to the natural, cultural, visual and built character values of Gosford City Centre.

The City of Gosford Design Advisory Panel, established in October 2018, provides design excellence advice to proponents at the pre-lodgement stage and the consent authority in the assessment of development proposals.

Developing Gosford City Centre

Landowners and developers wishing to develop within Gosford City Centre should apply the new planning, infrastructure and assessment provisions, which can be viewed by clicking the links below:

State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) (Precincts – Regional) 2021, which establishes the statutory controls that recognise the state-significant importance of Gosford as a regional capital.

The SEPP provides the overall zoning and development controls within Gosford City Centre. The SEPP established where land-use zones apply, land uses that are permissible within each zone in the city centre and the primary controls for development.

City of Gosford Design Advisory Panel

The City of Gosford Design Advisory Panel has been established to support the revitalisation by providing advice on urban design, architecture and landscape for development proposals within Gosford City Centre.

The City of Gosford Design Advisory Panel – Guide for Proponents and Stakeholders (PDF, 2.8 MB) identifies the role and operation of the City of Gosford Design Advisory Panel and how the design excellence process will be applied in Gosford City Centre.

Read the guide

Gosford Urban Design Framework

The Government Architect NSW has created the Gosford Urban Design Framework, which maps out a design-led, place-based revitalisation process that focuses on public domain renewal.

Read more about the Gosford Urban Design Framework.

Developing application forms and guidance

State-significant development applications (CIV more than $75m)

Go to State-significant development for more information and Major Projects for requesting SEARS (Standard Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements) and lodging an application.

Development applications (CIV $10m-$75m)

Download application forms

Archive resources

Draft development control plan (DCP)