Mamre Road Precinct

Western Sydney Employment Area

The Mamre Road Precinct is located within the Western Sydney Employment Area and was rezoned in June 2020.

The precinct provides about 850 ha of industrial land which could accommodate approximately 5,200 construction jobs and 17,000 ongoing jobs when fully developed. The rezoning of the precinct preserves around 95 ha of land for environmental conservation and open space and protects a site for a potential Western Sydney freight intermodal terminal (IMT).

Road upgrades to Abbotts and Aldington Roads

The Department has made amendments to the Industry and Employment SEPP to enable upgrade works to Abbotts and Aldington Roads in the Mamre Road Precinct.

The changes were exhibited in an Explanation of Intended Effect (EIE) from 22 February to 21 March 2024.

The EIE details proposed changes to the Industry and Employment SEPP to allow upgrade works to Abbotts Road and Aldington Road shown within the Mamre Road Precinct Development Control Plan.

Thank you to everyone who made submissions during the exhibition. Your feedback has informed the final changes.

For more information on these changes, please visit the NSW Planning Portal.

Mamre Road Precinct Development Control Plan 2021

The Development Control Plan (DCP) was adopted on Friday 19 November, 2021. The DCP provides planning controls for future industrial development in the Mamre Road Precinct including building design controls, the road network, drainage strategy and landscaping and biodiversity controls.

The draft DCP was on public exhibition from 10 November to 17 December 2020. A summary of the submissions and the Department’s response is contained in the Finalisation Report available on the NSW Planning Portal.

Mamre Road rezoning

The draft rezoning package for Mamre Road Precinct was on exhibition between 20 November and 18 December 2019. The rezoning was finalised in June 2020.

The package included a draft structure plan, discussion paper and proposed zoning maps.

The finalisation report detailed changes to the State Environmental Planning Policy (Western Sydney Employment Area) 2009 (WSEA SEPP) that helped to facilitate industrial development in the Mamre Road Precinct. The finalisation report also outlined post exhibition changes to the package and provided a response to submissions.

The rezoning package, all finalisation documents and all submissions are available on the NSW Planning Portal.

Read the rezoning package

Infrastructure funding

We are continuing to work with landowners, Penrith City Council and Government agencies to enable development in the precinct and the delivery of key infrastructure.

Penrith City Council has adopted a section 7.11 plan for the precinct. It establishes a funding mechanism for local infrastructure, which includes local roads, drainage and local open space. The NSW Government introduced a special infrastructure contribution (SIC) to help pay for new infrastructure in the Western Sydney Aerotropolis and Mamre Road Precinct on 25 March 2022.

The draft Aerotropolis Special Infrastructure Contribution (SIC) was on exhibition until 26 February 2021, and introduced on 25 March 2022. The SIC outlines how the cost of infrastructure in the Aerotropolis will be supported through developer contributions, including the Mamre Road Precinct.

To view information about the SIC, including current rates, visit Special Infrastructure Contribution for Western Sydney Aerotropolis.