West Schofields

North West Growth Area

Artist's impression of Western Schofields.

West Schofields precinct is in Sydney’s North West Growth Area, about 10 km from the Blacktown CBD.

What’s happening now

On 30 September 2024, a portion of the West Schofields precinct was identified for state-led rezoning under the State Significant Rezoning Policy.

It is proposed that approximately 2,300 new homes, a new school, local centre, and recreational and conservation land uses can be delivered under the new proposal.

The new rezoning proposal will remain consistent with the advice provided last year as part of the Department’s decision to not proceed with the previous rezoning.

What happens next

We will work closely with Blacktown City Council and other stakeholders to prepare a revised rezoning proposal for the precinct. The community will have an opportunity to provide feedback on this revised proposal when it is made available for public feedback. We anticipate this to occur in late-2025.

What has happened

In October 2023, we announced that a full rezoning of the West Schofields precinct, as envisaged by the draft Precinct Plan, should not proceed as new flood modelling had demonstrated that flood related risk to life and property may be greater than previously known.

On Thursday 9 November 2023 we held an online information session to provide landowners with more information on the decision not to proceed with the full rezoning of West Schofields. This session also provided an opportunity for landowners to have their questions on the decision answered by representatives of the Department.

You can watch a recording of the online information session and view the presentation slides (PDF, 2.4 MB) that were presented on the night.

For more information, download:

Exhibited draft plan and supporting documents can be found on the NSW Planning Portal.

How was flood risk determined?

Following several major flooding events across Western Sydney in recent years, including parts of the West Schofields Precinct, necessary analysis was undertaken on flood evacuation route capacities, flood levels and flood risk management.

The State Government’s 2022 Flood Inquiry made a series of recommendations, including several that are particularly relevant to planning and development in the Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley.

Within this context, a Flood Advisory Panel was convened to consider high-risk rezoning proposals, including the draft Precinct Plan for West Schofields.

The Panel has recommended that any new homes in West Schofields must be above the Probable Maximum Flood level. This means new homes should only be built in areas that are less likely to be impacted by flooding during major events.

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For more information about the West Schofields precinct, email [email protected]