The Independent Expert Advisory Panel for Mining has been established to give NSW Planning and the Independent Planning Commission of NSW (IPC) access to specialist knowledge and expert advice when we assess mining proposals under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
The establishment of the panel is consistent with the recommendation made by the NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer’s Independent Expert Panel for Mining in the Catchment.
Terms of reference
When requested, the panel will give the department or the IPC technical advice on development applications, post-approval matters and policy relating to the assessment and management of environmental impacts associated with mining across NSW. Detailed terms of reference (PDF, 39 KB) are available.
The panel comprises an independent chair and experts in the fields of:
- mining engineering;
- geotechnical engineering (which in many circumstances may be covered by mining engineering);
- groundwater systems, modelling, geochemistry and responses in mining environments;
- surface water systems, modelling, geochemistry and responses in mining environments;
- ecology, biodiversity, swamp hydrology and ground water dependent ecosystems and responses in mining environments; and
- gas management and greenhouse gas emissions.
Panel members are highly experienced academics and professionals who bring significant knowledge and experience to their tasks. They have each worked on a wide range of relevant matters throughout their careers in the private and public sectors (and/or academia).
Given the limited number of recognised experts in the fields of interest, it is inevitable that many will have worked in some way connected with the industries which will be the subject of their advice. This is likely to involve a mix of working to advise or review the work of proponents or operators in the industry, undertaking research into the impacts of or protective measures used by the industry, and/or for government bodies that are regulating or assisting the industry. Indeed, it is unlikely that a person would have acquired the necessary expertise if they had not worked in such capacities either in NSW or elsewhere.
The NSW Government must have access to the same level of skills and experience utilised by industry to support sound, robust planning decisions. It is therefore critical to be able to access the best experts while also ensuring that they meet the high ethical standards and professional integrity required to service the public interest.
The chair manages any conflicts of interest when appointing members to give advice by applying the Panel's Conflict of Interests Policy (PDF, 177 KB).
Panel members
Professor Galvin is an Emeritus Professor (University of New South Wales) in Mining Engineering and former member of the NSW Planning Assessment Commission. He has professional qualifications in science, engineering and mine management and extensive international experience in mining and geotechnical engineering, risk management and workplace health and safety. Professor Galvin is one of the world’s foremost experts on underground coal mining and ground subsidence. He was a member of the Independent Panel for the Southern Coalfield Inquiry (2008), several subsequent reviews of mining projects in the Southern Coalfield and most recently, Chair of the Independent Expert Panel on Mining in the Catchment.
Bruce Hebblewhite is an Emeritus Professor and was formerly the Professor of Mining Engineering at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) until his retirement from UNSW in 2020. He has over 45 years of international mining experience, specialising in the fields of underground mining systems, geomechanics, mine safety and risk management. He has held senior positions with Australian Coal Industry Research Laboratories (ACIRL Ltd), has served 25 years at the UNSW including 12 years as the Head of Mining Engineering, and was also the Secretary General of the international Society of Mining Professors. He was also the Chair of the NSW Independent Panel for the Southern Coalfield Inquiry (2008).
Alex is an experienced ecologist and botanist with over 24 years practice in terrestrial ecology research, ecological impact assessment and conservation landscape management. Alex holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours 1) from the University of Newcastle and is a leading accredited assessor under the NSW Biodiversity Assessment Method, having also formed part of a separate experienced assessor advisory group established under the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand and being a Commonwealth approved ecological auditor. He has strong expertise in biodiversity assessment related legislation, policy and assessment methodologies under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act and Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, has advised to NSW Planning on State Significant Infrastructure (SSI) and Critical SSI projects, and has been an expert witness evidence to Land and Environment and High Court proceedings.
Dr Young is a retired academic who worked at the University of Wollongong's School of Earth and Environmental Sciences. Her Doctor of Philosophy was a seminal study into the upland swamps on the Woronora Plateau. Between 2006 and 2017, she was a member of community consultative committees at two mines in the Southern Coalfield. She was involved with the Commonwealth Government’s review of Temperate Highland Peat Swamps on Sandstone Endangered Ecological Community and a member of the NSW Government’s Independent Expert Panel for Mining in the Catchment.
David Waite is a Scientia Professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of New South Wales (UNSW). Professor Waite obtained his Doctor of Philosophy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has served as the Head of the Department of Water Engineering (1993-1999), Director of the Centre for Water and Waste Technology (1993-2006), Head of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2007-2013) and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering (2013-2018) at UNSW. His principle research areas are that of investigation of physico-chemical processes in natural and engineered systems and biogeochemical transformation and fate of contaminants. Professor Waite is the CEO of the UNSW Centre for Transformational Environmental Technologies (CTET) and is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Environmental Science & Technology. He was honoured with international membership of the US National Academy of Engineering in 2018 for his distinguished service to engineering.
Professor Wiley is a chemical engineer who is currently the Dean of Engineering at Newcastle University. She holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering from the University of New South Wales and was previously the Head of School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Sydney from 2016. Professor Wiley is a recognised world leader in the assessment of a broad range of technologies for carbon capture and storage and membrane systems for water and wastewater treatment applications. She is also a board member for Coal Innovation NSW in addition to being an author and co-author of many academic publications including journals, book chapters, international conferences and reports. Professor Wiley has been appointed to the panel to provide advice on greenhouse gas matters.
Dr Gareth Swarbrick is principal geotechnical engineer at a design consultancy specialising in the assessment and prediction of subsidence impacts from underground mining. He has completed a Doctor of Philosophy in geotechnical engineering from the University of New South Wales (UNSW). Dr Swarbrick is currently the technical advisor to the Supervising Scientist on the closure of Ranger Uranium mine and was the co-author of the Dendrobium height of fracturing study. Before his current position he was a lecturer and researcher at UNSW specialising in geotechnical and geo-environmental engineering.
Garry Mostyn graduated from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in civil engineering in 1973. He completed a master's degree in Geotechnical Engineering at UNSW and a Bachelor's degree in geology and statistics at Macquarie University. He worked as a cadet and engineer with the NSW Department of Public Works and with consulting geotechnical engineers from 1970 until 1986. He joined the School of Civil Engineering at UNSW as a senior lecturer in civil and environmental engineering practice and geotechnical engineering. He returned to consulting at Pells Sullivan Meynink (PSM) in 1997 as a Principal and has been an Adjunct Associate Professor at UNSW. He remains a Senior Principal and Director at PSM.
Emeritus Professor Esterle is the Chair of the Vale University of Queensland (UQ) Coal Geosciences program. Her research interests vary but focus on how geological history impacts on coal measures’ behaviour during mining processing and utilisation. She received her Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Kentucky, USA in 1990. She worked for 17 years with Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, followed by GeoGAS-Runge Group before joining the UQ full time in 2010. She has developed 3D models for the distribution of sedimentary strata that can be used to predict geohazards in coal mines or reservoir behaviour in conventional and non-conventional gas resources, and for CO2 geosequestration.
In addition to working with Vale and other industry partners, she has conducted multi-client studies funded through the Australian Coal Association Research Program, the Australian National Low Emissions Coal Research, the UQ Centre for Natural Gas, and the Australian Research Council. From 2016-2019 she served on the Expert Scientific Committee on Coal Seam Gas and Large Coal Mining Development.
John Ross is a Senior Principal Hydrogeologist with over 40 years’ experience specialising in water resource, site contamination, infrastructure, mining and natural resource impact assessment and management. His specialty is sedimentary basin hydrogeology, particularly the Great Artesian Basin, Sydney-Gunnedah and Gloucester basins here in NSW. John has held specialist management roles in public and private corporations and environmental consultancies. He has a Bachelor of Science (Geology) and a Certificate in Engineering Hydrology and Groundwater Hydrology.
John provides technical hydrogeological expertise and advice across the spectrum of water resource development, environmental/water planning, assessment and management projects, including environmental impact assessments, environmental audits and technical peer reviews, monitoring programs, remedial action plans, modelling and groundwater licensing matters. John also has extensive experience in community and regulatory consultation across the eastern seaboard.
Liz Webb is a Principal Hydrogeologist at a consultancy and has over 27 years of national and international experience in hydrology and water management. Liz has a Bachelor of Science and Master of Engineering in Hydrogeology and has extensive experience in assessing impacts of open cut and underground coal mines. Liz is a current member of the Springvale Independent Monitoring Panel and has previously played a key water science advisory and consultation role for the NSW Land and Water Commissioner in relation to mining and coal seam gas projects across regional NSW.
Lucy Reading is an Associate Professor of Hydrogeology at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). She has completed a Bachelor of Applied Science (Honours) at QUT and a Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Engineering at the University of Queensland. Dr Reading now specialises in setting up groundwater monitoring networks with communities, assessing groundwater and surface water resources (quantity and quality) and assessing impacts of mining activities on groundwater. Lucy has over 20 years of experience in groundwater investigations, including roles with the University of Queensland and the Queensland Government.
Nathan is an experienced ecologist with over 20 years' practice in biodiversity assessment and approvals across eastern Australia. Nathan holds a Bachelor of Science and Graduate Diploma in Biological Science from the University of NSW and is a Certified Environmental Practitioner and a Biodiversity Assessment Method accredited assessor under the Biodiversity Conservation Act. Nathan is also a Fellow of the Environment Institute of Australian and New Zealand (EIANZ) for his contribution to the field of environmental science and management.
Nathan has experience across a diverse range of sectors including mining, oil and gas, linear infrastructure, renewable energy and residential development, including biodiversity assessment for major projects, offsetting and Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act referrals. He has strong expertise and experience in the assessment of impacts to biodiversity arising from subsidence, as well as impacts to groundwater dependent ecosystems arising from groundwater drawdown. He is one of NSW's leading experts in biodiversity approvals and offsetting.
Neil is a mining engineer with over 30 years of experience, including in senior operational, technical and statutory positions. He has been a mine manager across a broad range and scale of underground bord-and-pillar and longwall coal mines. Neil has expertise in mine management, mine design and planning, due diligence, research and development and strata control for projects across Australia. Neil's technical experience has ensured high levels of safety and productivity improvements.
Neil McIntyre is Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources at The University of Queensland. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) from Edinburgh University, a Master of Science in Environmental Engineering and Doctor of Philosophy in water quality modelling from Imperial College London. He is a Chartered Civil Engineer (UK Engineering Council), with expertise including surface water hydrology, water security assessments, and impacts of land use changes and mining on hydrology and water quality. His advisory roles have included serving on the Institution of Civil Engineer’s Water Expert Panel (UK), the Steering Committee of the Commonwealth Leading Practice Sustainable Development Program, and the NSW Independent Expert Panel for Mining in the Catchment.
Emeritus Professor Rae Mackay was until 2024 the Executive Chair of the Victoria's Mine Land Rehabilitation Authority. He has over 40 years of experience as a practicing engineer, hydrogeologist and academic. Before his previous role he was the Latrobe Valley Mine Rehabilitation Commissioner (2017-2020). Professor Mackay was also a member of the Victoria Technical Review Board, which had oversight of ground stability issues across the state’s mines and quarries. Before moving to Australia, he served 15 years as the Head of Hydrogeology at Birmingham University in the United Kingdom.
Dr Williams is a coal mine gas management and coal seam gas utilisation expert. He has extensive experience in coal seam gas related work spanning over 49 years, which included founding GeoGAS consulting and laboratory services for the underground coal mining and coal seam gas industry. Dr Williams completed a Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Geology from the University of Newcastle. His experience in the industry includes gas reservoir definition, gas production assessment and modelling for coal mine gas management and coal seam methane production, laboratory gas testing, gas emission assessment for coal mine gas management and gas outburst assessment and management. Dr Williams has been appointed to the panel to provide advice on greenhouse gas matters.
Tim A. Moore is the Managing Director of Cipher Consulting, specialising in the understanding of, and exploration for, organic-rich sediments, including coal, coalbed methane and shale gas. He holds the positions of Adjunct Professor at the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Queensland University of Technology, Australia as well as Distinguished Visiting Professor at China University of Mining and Technology in both Beijing and Xuzhou. Tim has also been Vice-President, Technical and Indonesian Country Manager for Arrow Energy International; Principal Advisor – Subsurface for Sinopec Oil and Gas Australia, Principal Geologist/Asset Geologist for Origin Energy, Chief Geologist and Senior Advisor for Ephindo Energy (Indonesia) and Senior Advisor for Dart Energy (Singapore).
Tim was also Manager for Research and Development for Solid Energy New Zealand as well as Consulting Manager for CRL Energy, New Zealand. He was Head of the Coal Section for the Wyoming State Geological Survey from 1992 to 1994. He has acted as an Expert Witness for international arbitrations and for civil and criminal cases. He is also on the Editorial Boards of the International Journal of Coal Geology, Indonesian Journal on Geoscience and Mongolian Geoscientist. Tim has over 270 papers in internationally refereed journals, reports and abstracts.
Travis has extensive experience in ecological assessment and management, in strategic and impact assessment roles, vegetation classification, biodiversity offsetting and major project delivery. Travis has 30 years experience in ecological assessments, technical investigations and strategic ecological matters. He has thorough knowledge of the NSW Biodiversity Offsets Scheme and the EPBC Environmental Offsets Policy, and has substantial experience with offset schemes in many other jurisdictions.
Travis’s technical background is in vegetation survey, mapping and classification of private land and conservation reserves, and he has extensive experience in mining, infrastructure and renewable energy developments. He is an Accredited Biodiversity Assessment Methodology Assessor under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016. Travis is appointed as a member of the NSW Native Vegetation Panel, for expertise in ecology, and frequently provides expert witness evidence to the NSW Land and Environment Court. Travis is also a Fellow of the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand.