Horizon projects

New building development.

We’re committed to creating an efficient planning system that keeps our economy moving and people in jobs and creates public benefit.

Following the completion of the Planning System Acceleration Program, the department will continue to deliver quality assessments across major projects and planning proposals.

The Horizon program builds on assessment acceleration and aims to bring new momentum to our everyday assessment activity.

Projects in the program include:

  • Concept plans
  • Major projects (determined by the department)
  • Major projects (determined by the Minister, provided the determination is completed within the set period)
  • Major projects (referred to the Independent Planning Commission (IPC), provided the referral is completed within the period)
  • Planning proposals (finalised by the department, provided it is finalised within the period)
  • State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPPs) related to land zoning only.

Over the next three years we will cut assessment timeframes and unblock projects stuck in the system as active management of projects becomes ‘business as usual’.

Horizon projects for determination or referral to the IPC since November 2020 are expected to provide 102,014 jobs, 4,616 dwellings and $38.3 billion economic value across 203 projects.

March 2022 projects

Horizon projects that have been identified for determination or referral to the IPC during March 2022 are expected to provide 2,611 jobs, 843 dwellings and $419.7 million economic value across 7 projects. Full list of projects below:

Major projects

Hawkesbury Centre of ExcellenceNew education facility in the Western Sydney University (Hawkesbury Campus) site will provide agricultural and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education, including on-campus short-term accommodation.
Central Coast Quarter Northern TowerConstruction of 25 storey mixed use building including retail, apartments and 183 car parking spaces.

Planning proposals

Dubbo Regional Consolidated LEPPlanning Proposal to consolidate Wellington Local Environment Plan 2012 and Dubbo Local Environment Plan 2011, including clause amendments.
Oran Park Employment Area – SEPP AmendmentExpands the Oran Park Employment Area, facilitating additional local jobs.
Tranche 41 (Part Pondicherry)470 new homes in the Pondicherry Precinct as well as environmental protection and open space.
Lindfield Village HubNew public open space consisting of a community facility, community park and civic plaza.
127-133 Ryedale Road and 4-14 Terry Road, DenistoneDevelopment of approximately 84 seniors housing apartments and 31 aged care beds.
February 2022 projects

Horizon projects that have been identified for determination or referral to the IPC during February 2022 are expected to provide 1,336 jobs, 65 dwellings and $308.4 million economic value across 4 projects. Full list of projects below:

Major projects

Bayswater Power Station UpgradeUpgrade to power station including an increase to its coal ash recycling.
Glendell Continued Operations ProjectExtension of mining at Glendell Mine until 2044.

Planning proposals

Campbelltown RSLThe planning proposal seeks to amend the Campbelltown LEP 2015 to increase the maximum building height of the site.
50-56 Atchison Street, St LeonardsAmendment of planning controls to include increasing the maximum height of the buildings development standard, introduce a maximum floor space ratio and increase the minimum non-residential floor space ratio.
December 2021 / January 2022 projects

Horizon projects that have been identified for determination or referral to the IPC during December 2021 and January 2022 are expected to provide 11,907 jobs, and $3.4 billion economic value across 21 projects. Full list of projects below:

Major projects

Narrabri Underground Mine Stage 3 Extension ProjectContinuation of longwall mining within the Stage 2 mining area of the existing Narrabri Mine, an extension of longwall mining to the south of the mine to extract an additional 82 million tonnes of Run-of-Mine coal.
Tilbuster SolarThe development of a 150 MW solar farm, energy storage facility and associated infrastructure.
West Nowra Resource Recovery Park Stage 2Construction and operation of stage 2 of the West Nowra Resource Recovery Park, comprising a resource recovery facility for treatment of up to 130,000 tonnes per year of mixed municipal waste.
Westmead Catholic Community Education CampusPrimary school with capacity for approximately 1,680 students, new Parish church, early learning centre, tree removal and landscaping.
UNSW Health Translation HubConstruction and use of a new 16 storey education and research building (including an upper plant room) as part of the Randwick Health Campus.
Sydney Children’s Hospital (SCH) and Children’s Comprehensive Cancer CentreConstruction and use of a new 12 storey hospital building for the Sydney Children’s Hospital and Children’s Comprehensive Cancer Centre.
Hastings Secondary College Port Macquarie Campus UpgradeUpgrades to Hastings Secondary College Port Macquarie Campus including refurbishment of existing buildings, new buildings and covered outdoor learning areas and new shared use fitness centre.
Crows Nest OSD Site C Stage 2Design and construction of a nine storey commercial building at Crows Nest Over Station Development Site C.
Silverleaf SolarDevelopment of a 120 MW solar farm and associated infrastructure.
Liddell Battery and Ancillary WorksConstruction and operation of a new Battery Energy Storage System, to decouple Liddell and Bayswater power stations, facilitate the improved safety, reliability, efficiency and environmental performance of Bayswater Power Station.
Howlong Sand and Gravel Quarry ExpansionExpansion of an existing sand and gravel quarry from 30,000 tonnes p.a. to 330,000 tonnes p.a.
Woolworths Warehouse and CFC MarrickvilleConstruction and operation of a seven-storey warehouse complex including a customer fulfilment centre, office space and car parking.
Sancrox Quarry Expansion ProjectThe proposal seeks to extend the life of the quarry by expanding the current extraction boundary, increasing the annual extraction limits, and establish associated infrastructure.
The Children's Hospital at Westmead - Paediatric Services BuildingConstruction of a new 14 level Paediatric Services Building with rooftop helipad and pedestrian canopy link.
New Primary School at GoogongConstruction and operation of a new primary school in Googong that will accommodate up to 700 students.
St John of God Richmond HospitalConstruction of upgraded and expanded facilities resulting in an additional 24 beds, partial demolition of existing buildings, retention of Belmont House and integrated open space and landscaping.

Planning proposals

Reclass and Rezone land in Vineyard and Pitt TownReclassification of land to deliver an integrated recreation, community and sporting facility within Pitt Town.
Penrith LEP 2010 (Amendment No.26) 57 Henry Street, PenrithProvide additional community infrastructure, including a public open space surrounding the local heritage on the site.
2 Inverary Drive, KurmondA planning proposal to subdivide the site to provide additional housing and preserve endangered vegetation.
Picton Town Centre Government Services BuildingA flexible, multi-purpose community space in a new Government Services Building, which forms part of the wider Wollondilly Shire Cultural, Civic and Community Precinct.
Winter Sports Facility – 2 Tench Ave, JamisontownThe proposal would provide a regional scale recreational / tourist facility comprising a 300m long indoor ski slope, ice skating rink, ice and rock climbing, altitude training, gymnasium, function centre and hotel including ancillary shop, cafe, and restaurant uses.
November 2021 projects

Horizon projects for determination or referral to the IPC by 30 November 2021 are expected to provide 3,683 jobs, and $690.8 million economic value across 6 projects. Full list of projects below:

Major projects

Hunter PowerA critical state significant infrastructure application, involving construction and operation of a 750 megawatt (MW) gas fired power station and related infrastructure.
Dubbo Quarry ContinuationAn expansion of an existing hard rock quarry into two new resource areas to the south and west of the existing quarry.

Planning proposals

Cumberland Local Environmental PlanThis proposal seeks to consolidate the three existing LEPs applying to the Cumberland LGA with the aim of creating a clear planning framework under a single Cumberland LEP.
33 Morshead Road, Mount AnnanThis proposal seeks to amend Camden Local Environmental Plan 2010 (LEP) by rezoning the site to R3 Medium Density Residential and amending the minimum lot size control to 250 m2. It also seeks to facilitate redevelopment of the site for medium density residential purposes consistent with surrounding residential development.
46-52 Nicholson Street and 59 67 Christie Street, St LeonardsThis proposal seeks to increase the Maximum Floor Space Ratio to 15:1 and the Maximum Height of Buildings to RL 175.2 m.
36 Lonsdale Street and 64-70 Brenan Street, LilyfieldThis proposal seeks to introduce a maximum height of buildings control, increase the maximum floor space ratio, identify the site on the Key Sites Map and include a site-specific provision for the site.
October 2021 projects

Horizon projects for determination or referral to the IPC by 31 October 2021 are expected to provide 8,572 jobs, and $1.3 billion economic value across 12 projects. Full list of projects below:

Major projects

Griffith base Hospital redevelopmentConstruction of a new four-storey hospital building, demolition buildings and site works
Sutherland Hospital upgradeRedevelopment of the Sutherland Hospital operating theatre complex
Saint Ignatius Riverview redevelopment stage 2Redevelopment of the Senior School campus
Alterations and additions to Kincoppal Rose Bay SchoolStage 1 detailed development proposal for alterations and additions
Moorebank Avenue realignmentThe realignment and upgrade of the existing Moorebank Avenue from south of Anzac Road to the East Hills Railway
Atlassian HeadquartersConstruction of an office and hotel tower
New Primary School at Edmondson ParkConstruction and operation of a new primary school to accommodate up to 1,012 students

Planning proposals

Georges River Local Environment Plan 2020This proposal consolidates local planning provisions across the Georges River local government area.
Georges River Local Environment Plan 2021 
194 Campbelltown Road, Denham Court – number 23

This proposal sought to amend the Campbelltown LEP 2015 by altering Clause 17 Use of certain land at 194 Campbelltown Road, Denham Court;

(1) This clause applies to land at 194 Campbelltown Road, Denham Court, being Lot 100 DP 1176622.

(2) Development for the purpose of a service station is permitted with development consent, if the service station is not able to be accessed from a freeway.

The amendment will remove the prohibition for long or heavy vehicles over 7.5m in length to access the site. The proposal does not amend the E4 zoning or any other development control for the site.

71 St. Andrews Road Varroville – map only amendmentThis proposal seeks to rezone the site to R2 Low Density Residential, RE1 Public Recreation, SP2 Infrastructure (drainage) and E2 Environmental Conservation to enable the residential redevelopment of the site.
The War Memorial Hospital, Waverley – number 22This proposal seeks to amend Waverley LEP 2012 to enable redevelopment of the War Memorial Hospital and immediate surrounds, including applying new additional permitted uses, increasing the maximum building heights and floor space ratios shown for the land, and new site specific provisions.
September 2021 projects

Horizon projects for determination or referral to the IPC by 30 September 2021 are expected to provide 5,444 jobs, 132 dwellings, and $774 million economic value across 12 projects. Full list of projects below:

Major projects

Dunedoo SolarDevelopment of a 55 MW solar farm with energy storage.
Broken Hill Battery Energy Storage SystemDevelopment of a 50 MW / 100 MWh battery energy storage facility
Cowal Gold UndergroundExpansion of the mine, including extension of the life of the mine from 2032-2039.
Weigall Sports Complex, Sydney Grammar SchoolConstruction of a new sports complex for Sydney Grammar School.
Children’s Hospital Westmead - Multi-storey CarparkDemolition of ‘The Lodge’ and construction of a new eight level carpark.
Budawang School for Specific PurposesConstruction and operation of a new school for specific purposes.
Waterloo Metro Quarter Basement Car Park Detailed Design SSDADesign and construction of a basement car park at Waterloo Metro Quarter.
Northern Precinct Detailed Design SSDADesign and construction of the northern precinct for commercial and retail use

Planning proposals

Central Sydney Planning Strategy (CSPS)The planning proposal seeks multiple amendments to the Sydney Local Environment Plan 2012.
Amendment to Wollondilly LEP 2011 - to rezone land at Anglican College, BargoThe planning proposal intends to amend the Wollondilly Local Environmental Plan 2011 to rezone the land to a combination of RU2 (Rural Landscape) and E2 (Environmental Conservation).
Amendment to Fairfield LEP 2013 (Amendment No 40) 400-404 Cabramatta Road West, CabramattaThe planning proposal seeks to rezone land at 400-404 Cabramatta Road West, Cabramatta and 6 Links Avenue to facilitate high-density residential and medium density residential development.
Camden housekeeping amendment of Growth Centres SEPP 2006The proposal seeks housekeeping amendments to clauses and maps within the State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 (Growth Centres SEPP).
August 2021 projects

Horizon projects for determination or referral to the IPC by 31 August 2021 are expected to provide 3,220 jobs, and $955 million economic value across 10 projects. Full list of projects below:

Major projects

Marulan South Limestone MineContinuation and expansion of open cut limestone mining operations.
Chullora RRFThe construction and operation of a materials recovery facility (MRF).
Project Energy Connect (Western Section)A new 330 kV transmission line connecting the NSW and SA transmission networks. Upgrade of the existing transmission line between Buronga substation and the NSW / VIC border.
Loreto Normanhurst SchoolEstablishment of 10 new building envelopes across the site for education and ancillary uses including student accommodation.
Mosman High SchoolConstruction of a new school building including new outdoor play areas, roof top play areas and landscaping works.
TAFE NSW Institute of Applied Technology for ConstructionsExpansion of the TAFE NSW Kingswood campus, including construction of a three-storey building to accommodate 3,500 students and additional car park/loading area.

Planning proposals

65 Albert Avenue, Chatswood (Mandarin Centre)The planning proposal seeks multiple amendments to the Willoughby LEP 2012.
Amendment to Parramatta LEP 2011 and Hornsby LEP 2013The planning proposal responds to the Epping Town Centre Traffic Study and seeks to ‘switch off’ the application of Clause 4.6.
Amendment to SEPP (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 - Lot 17 Section 26 DP 1459, 115 Crown Street, RiverstoneThis amendment is sought to rezone Lot 17 Section 26 DP 1459, 115 Crown Street, Riverstone to RE1 Public Recreation.
Corner of Appin Road and Kellerman Drive, St Helens ParkThe proposal seeks to rezone land on the corner of Appin Road and Kellerman Drive, St Helens Park to B1 Neighbourhood Centre and increase the permitted Height of Buildings limit for the site from 8.5m to 9.0m.
July 2021 projects

Horizon projects for determination or referral to the IPC by 31 July 2021 are expected to provide 7,026 jobs, and $1.02 billion economic value across 10 projects. Full list of projects below:

Major projects

Prospect Warehouse EstateDevelopment of a warehouse and logistics estate in Prospect.
Metro Western Sydney AirportA new metro line to service Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport, the Western Sydney Aerotropolis and interchanging with the T1 Western Line at St Marys.
Kambala Sport, Wellbeing and Senior Learning PrecinctRedevelopment of the Kambala School sports precinct.
Trinity Grammar RedevelopmentNew teaching and educational facilities including a new five storey building and pavilion and refurbishment of existing facilities and car park.
Waterloo Southern Precinct SSDADesign and construction of the Waterloo southern precinct. Includes student housing, social housing and retail space.
Tallawong station Precinct, South Stage 2Development of the Tallawong Station Precinct.

Planning proposals

Penrith LEP 2010 - Reclassification of land at The Driftway and Reynolds Road, LondonderryProposal seeks to reclassify seven (7) lots of land owned by Hawkesbury City Council located on the corner of The Driftway and Reynolds Road in Londonderry from "Community" to "Operational".
173-179 Walker Street and 11-17 Hampden StreetProposal seeks to amend North Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2013 to facilitate a residential development at 173-179 Walker Street and 11-17 Hampden Street, North Sydney.
297-299 Canterbury Road RevesbyProposal to insert site-specific clause in Part 4 of the Bankstown LEP 2015 to allow development for the purposes of a hospital with a floor space ratio of up to 2.3:1 and a height limit of 51 m Australian height datum.
Chullora Marketplace, 353-355 Waterloo Road, GreenacreProposal to rezone No. 353 Waterloo Road, Greenacre to B2 Local Centre, increase the maximum building height and floor space ratio for the property and remove the minimum lot size control as well as increase the maximum building height for No. 355 Waterloo Road, Greenacre. A maximum residential floor space ratio will apply across the entire site.
June 2021 projects

Horizon projects for determination or referral to the IPC by 30 June 2021 are expected to provide 2,236 jobs and $734.8 million economic value across 10 projects. Full list of projects below:

Major projects

Macquarie Park Data CentreConstruction and 24-hour operation of a data centre, in Macquarie Park. The proposal for the Centre includes a five-storey data storage building with office space and supporting infrastructure, services and landscaping.
90-102 Regent Street, Redfern - Student AccommodationConstruction of an 18-storey student accommodation building in Redfern.

Planning proposals

Blacktown LEP 2015 (Amendment 22) St Bartholomew's Cemetery ExpansionAn amendment to facilitate the provision of 6,000 to 9,000 additional burial plots to the St Bartholomew's Cemetery. The amendment retains approximately 0.78ha of critically endangered Cumberland Plain Woodland and incorporates the retention and continued protection of three local and State heritage items: St Bartholomew’s Church and Cemetery, the Old Prospect Post Office (State heritage items) and Tarlington Place (local heritage item).
Amendment to SEPP (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 Marsden Park Industrial PrecinctAmendments to floor space ratio and height of building controls to allow for greater flexibility in built form. This will enable development in the Marsden Park Industrial Precinct promoting emerging technologies.
Liverpool LEP Amendment 75 Amendment to SEPP (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 Austral and Leppington North PrecinctsAn amendment to facilitate the implementation of well-designed stormwater drainage and road layouts by removing surplus stormwater land in two proposed basins. It will provide protection of non-certified vegetation within an Environmental Protection Zone and facilitate Edmondson Park Avenue road expansion within the South West Growth Area.
Amendment to The Hills 2019 - Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS)An amendment to align environmental land use zones with cadastre and current land uses to protect areas, enable appropriate provision of support services for growth in rural industries and tourism, support character of local centres, and introduce interim measures pending completion of precinct planning.
22-32 Queen Street, Campbelltown (Amendment No.21)A proposal seeking additional housing and employment opportunities within a walking distance to Campbelltown CBD and providing open space for the enjoyment of future residents and opportunities to establish a connected open space corridor within the Campbelltown CBD.
Consolidated Ku-ring-gai Local Environmental PlanA proposal to consolidate the two existing LEPs in Ku-ring-gai into one updated, consistent and transparent LEP for the local government area.
Amend North Sydney LEP 2013 to give effect to the LSPSA proposal to give effect to actions of the North Sydney Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) and to put in place a more accurate and transparent LEP for the local government area.
4-22 and 24-44 Wentworth Avenue, Surry HillsA proposal to facilitate the adaptive reuse of existing heritage buildings for hotel and entertainment focused uses. This proposal supports the revitalisation of the CBD fringe area and directly contributes to Sydney’s visitor economy.
May 2021 projects

Horizon projects for determination or referral to the IPC by 31 May 2021 are expected to provide 3,123 jobs and $958.8 million economic value across 8 projects. Full list of projects below:

Major projects

Ingleburn Resource Recovery FacilityAn expansion of an existing resource recovery facility to accept up to 250,000 tonnes of various waste streams per year.
New Berrima BrickworksProposed construction and operation of a brickworks facility with the production capacity of 50 million tonne's per annum with a Capital Investment Value of approximately $80 million.
Uungula Wind FarmDevelopment of a wind farm with up to 97 wind turbines, with energy storage and associated infrastructure.
Sport and Wellbeing Centre, Roseville CollegeConstruction and operation of a new Sport and Wellbeing Centre including basement car parking, swimming pool, gym, learning areas, food technology space, amenities and storage, rooftop sports courts, landscaping, signage and tree removal.
Northside Private Hospital, West GosfordConcept and Stage 1 proposal to develop a new private hospital.

Planning proposals

Fairfield LEP 2013 Amendment No. 39 –Part of 16 Kamira Avenue, VillawoodAmend the Fairfield LEP by rezoning the site from RE1 Public Recreation to R4 High Density Residential. The planning proposal also seeks to apply the following development standards to the site.
Ku-ring-gai Local Environmental Plan 2015 -47 Warrane Road, Roseville ChaseAmend Ku-ring-gai LEP to rezone 47 Warrane Road, Roseville Chase, from RE1 Public Recreation to R3 Medium Density Residential and amend associated development standards.
Ku-ring-gai Local Environmental Plan 2015 -4 Pennant Avenue, GordonAmend Ku-ring-gai LEP to rezone 4 Pennant Avenue, Gordon, from RE1 Public Recreation to R3 Medium Density Residential, amend associated development standards, reclassify the land from community to operational land, and extinguish all interests on the site.
April 2021 projects

Horizon projects for determination or referral to the IPC by 30 April 2021 are expected to provide 2,695 jobs and $3.1 billion economic value across 12 projects. Full list of projects below:

Major projects

M12 MotorwayA new dual-carriageway motorway to connect the M7 Motorway with the Western Sydney Airport and The Northern Road. The motorway will be initially two lanes in each direction, with capacity for an additional future lane in each direction.
Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children - Centre of ExcellenceDevelopment of a 300 MW solar farm and associated infrastructure.
Wellington North SolarDevelopment of a 300 MW solar farm and associated infrastructure.
Orica Southlands WarehouseA modification to subdivide an existing lot into two lots, primarily to create an additional lot for the existing Orica Groundwater Treatment Plant infrastructure.

Planning proposals

Removal Clause 4.1A and Restricted Dwelling Yield Maps (Amendment No.18)The planning proposal seeks to remove the dwelling cap for three residential sites in the Campbelltown LGA at Claymore, Campbelltown and Airds/Bradbury. This would be achieved by removing clause 4.1A Maximum dwelling density in certain residential areas and the corresponding Restricted Dwelling Yield Maps from the Campbelltown Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2015.
City of Sydney Affordable Housing ReviewThe proposal seeks to increase the amount of affordable housing in the city of Sydney to achieve Council's Sustainable Sydney 2030 affordable housing targets. To achieve this, the proposal seeks amendments to Sydney LEP 2012 and the introduction of the City of Sydney Affordable Housing Program (to be adopted by Council) to provide a transparent framework for the application of affordable housing contributions when land is being developed.
Affordable Housing Review - Green Square Town CentreThe planning proposal seeks to amend the affordable housing provisions in the Green Square Town Centre LEPs.
Planning proposal to allow Residential Care Facility as an additional use at 20-21 Boorea Avenue, LakembaPlanning proposal to permit Residential Care Facility on IN2 Light Industrial Land at 20-21 Boorea Avenue Lakemba and amend associated development controls (112 Aged Care Beds).
Campbelltown LEP Review (Amendment No. 24)A review of the Campbelltown LEP to provide alignment with Western City District Plan.
Planning proposal to amend zoning, FSR and height controls for 7 Concord Avenue, Concord WestThe proposal seeks to amend the Canada Bay LEP 2013 by rezoning the subject site from IN1 General Industrial to R3 Medium Density Residential; increasing the maximum floorspace ratio (FSR) from 1:1 to 1.76:1; and increasing the maximum building height from 12 m to 25 m to facilitate the development of approximately 290 apartments at 7 Concord Avenue, Concord West.
March 2021 projects

Horizon projects for determination or referral to the IPC by 31 March 2021 are expected to provide 6,119 jobs and $7.8 billion economic value across 22 projects. Full list of projects below:

Major projects

Belmont Drought Response Desalination PlantConstruction and operation of a temporary desalination plant including seawater intake infrastructure, desalination units, brine discharge via existing ocean outfall, electricity/water supply, ancillary works.
Hume Coal and Berrima Rail Upgrade ProjectDevelopment of a new underground coal mine and supporting rail infrastructure, involving development of a new rail connection to the Berrima Branch Line.
ESR Horsley Logistics ParkConstruction, fit-out and operation of six warehousing and distribution buildings.
Moriah College Concept and Stage 1Redevelopment of the Moriah College senior school campus including the demolition of buildings, construction of new teaching facilities and progressive increase in student enrolments.
Moorebank Precinct West Stage 3Establishment of a works compound in the southern portion of the Moorebank Precinct West site and associated works.
Sydney Metro WestA Sydney Metro rail service connecting Greater Parramatta and the Sydney CBD.
Concept and Stage 1 stage application seeks approval for approximately 24 km of twin tunnels between Westmead and the Sydney CBD and tunnel and station excavation between Westmead and The Bays.

Planning proposals

Wollongong Heritage amendments Stage 1Housekeeping amendments to the Wollongong LEP to ensure Council’s Heritage Staff have accurate heritage information to assist with customer enquiries, development applications and planning proposals, and can provide advice on various council projects.
Affordable Housing Review Green Square Town CentreSupports the increase of affordable rental housing in the City of Sydney LGA and contributes towards the City’s target of 10,856 additional affordable rental housing by 2036.
Reclassification of Lot 2 DP 1200178 Taylor's Reserve Lime Klin Road and Woodland Avenue, LugarnoReclassification of Taylor Reserve, Lime Kiln Road and Woodlands Avenue, Lugarno (part Lot 1 and Lot 2 in DP 1200178 ) from community to operational land.
474-480 New Canterbury Road and 34-38 Hercules Street, Dulwich HillTo rezone 466-180 New Canterbury Road and 296-38 Hercules Street, Dulwich Hill from IN2 Light Industrial to B5 Business Development, R4 High Density Residential, RE1 Public Recreation and RE2 Private Recreation and amend associated development standards on the site.
7-23 and 25-33 Water Street, Strathfield SouthProposal to amend zoning, floor space ratio and height controls under Strathfield Local Environmental Plan 2012 to increase development standards at 7-23 and 25-33 Water Street, Strathfield South.
Ku-ring gai Local Environmental Plan (Local Centres) 2012 Reclassification of land at 9, 15 and 17 Dumaresq Street, GordonTo reclassify council owned land at 9, 15 and 17 Dumaresq Street, Gordon from community to operational land. No interests to be extinguished. No land to be rezoned.
Removal of multi dwelling housing from the R2 Low Density Residential zone, RydeSupports the increase of dwellings within the Ryde LGA, including controls to support increased opportunities for dual occupancy development.
Response to Low Rise Medium Density Housing Code, Northern BeachesNorthern Beaches Council submitted an amended planning proposal in response to the Gateway determination issued on 31 July 2018.The changes will mean that dual occupancies and multi dwelling housing cannot be carried out as local development or as complying development.
122 Bronte Rd, Bondi JunctionTo facilitates adaptive reuse of a local heritage item. Provides retail / business uses, employment opportunities as well as serviced apartments that support the local economy and contribute to the vibrancy of Bondi Junction strategic centre.
Parramatta LEP 2011 12 Hassall Street, ParramattaPlanning proposal seeking to enable the redevelopment of the site for a mixed use building for commercial and residential purposes. The proposal is also supported by a Voluntary Planning Agreement which provides a monetary contribution towards local community infrastructure.
2 O'Connell Street ParramattaThe planning proposal aids in delivering the redevelopment of the site for mixed use. The proposal also includes a monetary contribution towards community infrastructure and public domain improvements.
The Hills LEP 2019 Amendments to small lot housing provisionThe proposal seeks to facilitate the delivery of amenable and high quality small lot/'Missing Middle" housing in The Hills Shire LGA.
Blue Mountains LEP 2015 (Amendment No 5) Heritage ReviewThe planning proposal will enable the conservation and protection of local heritage items in the Blue Mountains LGA.
Penrith LEP 2010 LEP Review Phase 1The planning proposal seeks to increase the minimum lot size control for multi dwelling housing in certain zones, include ‘eco tourist facilities’ as a permitted use in the E4 zone, strengthen the role of Castlereagh’s ‘centre’, introduce a new control for non residential uses on the ground and first floor levels in the St Marys Town Centre.
Liverpool Planning Proposal (Am 82) Review of Liverpool LEP 2008The proposal seeks to align the existing LEP with the actions in the LSPS. These actions are based on the outcomes of community consultation and reflect the local community’s desire and needs in terms of social infrastructure, built environment and character of the area.
Stage 1 Review of Wollondilly LEP 2011The planning proposal seeks to enhance the health and wellbeing of communities, attract investment and grow local jobs, and recognise the role and function of the Metropolitan Rural Area.
February 2021 projects

List of projects determined or referred to the IPC by 28 February 2021.

These projects were expected to provide 7,134 jobs, 536 new dwellings, and $1.34 billion economic value across 13 projects.

Major projects

Newcastle Power StationA Critical State Significant Infrastructure application, involving construction and operation of a 250megawatt gas fired power station and ancillary infrastructure.
Sikh Grammar School Rouse HillConstruction of a new school for students from Kindergarten to Year 12.
Pitt Street South over station development Stage 2State Significant Development application including the construction and operation of a new residential building above the south entrance of the new Sydney Metro Pitt Street Station.
Pitt Street North over station development Stage 2Detailed design application including construction and operation of a new commercial tower above the northern entrance of the new Sydney Metro Pitt Street Station.

Planning proposals

Shoalhaven Planning Proposal – various housekeeping amendments concerning heritageAdministrative amendments responding to anomalies identified through the operation of the Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan, specifically Schedule 5 Environmental Heritage and associated heritage mapping.
Paramatta LEP 2011 - 470 Church Street, Parramatta (154 dwellings)To increase the maximum building height and floor space ratio for land at 470 Church Street, Parramatta.
Amendment to Parramatta LEP 2011 to permit a mixed-use development at 33-43 Marion Street, ParramattaTo amend the Parramatta LEP 2011 to permit a mixed-use development at 33-43 Marion Street Parramatta, including amendments to the Floor Space Ratio Map and the Height of Building Map.
469-483 Balmain Road, LilyfieldTo introduce a maximum building height equivalent to 6 storeys for the site, increase the maximum floor space ratio, introduce residential accommodation as an additional permitted use and introduce a minimum non-residential/ employment floor space of 6,000m2.
Amendment to Bankstown LEP 2015 – 74 Rickard Road and 375 Chapel Road, BankstownAmendment to development standards under Bankstown LEP 2015 that apply to 74 Rickard Rd and part of 375 Chapel Rd, Bankstown. The proposal relates to floor space ratio and building height.
Amendment to Canada Bay LEP 2013 (LSPS; Housekeeping)Amend the Canada Bay LEP 2013 to align with the Eastern Sydney District Plan and the draft Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS).
Housekeeping proposal to improve legibility of the Camden LEP 2010Housekeeping amendments to resolve minor errors and anomalies to improve the legibility of the Camden LEP 2010. The proposal also seeks to ensure the Camden LEP 2010 gives effect to the Western City District Plan.
Amendment No 71 to Liverpool LEP 2008 – Rezoning of land at PrestonsAmend the Liverpool LEP 2008 to rezone land at Prestons from IN3 Heavy Industrial to E2 Environmental Conservation. The minimum lot size and height of buildings controls applying to the sites will be amended to reflect the rezoning.
Liverpool LEP Amendment No 77 - To allow for 'car parks' at Collimore ParkAmend the Liverpool LEP 2008 to allow for 'car parks' as an additional permitted use with consent at Collimore Park. The planning proposal will allow for the future development of a multi-storey car park.
December 2020 – January 2021 projects

List of projects determined or referred to the IPC by 29 January 2021.

These projects were expected to provide 24,603 jobs, and $9.74 billion economic value across 41 projects.

Major projects

Hume Battery Energy Storage SystemA battery energy storage facility, with a maximum storage capacity of 20 MW / 40 MWh.
Kemps Creek Warehouse, Logistics and Industrial Facilities HubDevelopment of a warehouse, logistics and industrial facilities hub including construction and operation of eight warehouses at Kemps Creek.
Baiada Integrated Poultry Processing FacilityConstruction and operation of an integrated poultry processing plant with the capacity to process 3 million birds per week.
Mangoola Coal Continued Operations ProjectExtension of open cut mining at Mangoola Coal Mine to a new area to extract approximately 52 million tonnes of additional ROM coal.
Culcairn SolarDevelopment of a 350 megawatt solar farm with energy storage and associated infrastructure at Culcairn.
Sydney Business Park Stage 3Construction and operation of Stage 3 of Sydney Business Park, including four warehouse and distribution centres, roads and infrastructure.
Central Sydney Industrial Estate and Downer Sustainable Road Products ComplexSubdivision and infrastructure works to create a new 35 ha Central Sydney Industrial Estate and Stage 1 works for the development and operation of Downer’s Sustainable Road Products Complex.
Yarren Hut SolarDevelopment of a 28 MW solar farm and associated infrastructure near Nyngan, New South Wales.
Darlington Public SchoolConstruction of a multi-storey school building consisting of 19 new homebases, new administration and staff facilities, new library and special programs rooms, new hall and canteen facilities and three new preschool classrooms.
Alesco Senior College, CharlestownAlterations and adaptive reuse of a former church for the purpose of a new school to cater for up to 60 students (Years 9 to 12).
Redfern ConcourseConstruction of a new concourse at the southern end of Redfern station providing direct access to platforms 1-10 and Little Eveleigh Street.
St Patrick's CollegeDemolition of existing sports courts and construction of a new four-storey Science and Learning building with basement car park and rooftop sports courts, outdoor sports courts and landscaped civic space at the ground level.
Blue Gum Community SchoolAlterations and additions to, and change of use of, an existing dwelling for the purpose of a child care centre and primary school at Hornsby.
Western Harbour TunnelA new crossing of Sydney Harbour involving twin tunnels connecting WestConnex at Rozelle and the existing Warringah Freeway at North Sydney, and upgrade of the Warringah Freeway to connect with the Beaches Link and the Gore Hill Freeway Connection.
USYD Darlington Terraces Student HousingAlterations and additions to the Darlington Road terraces and Darlington House to provide a mix of university related uses including: student accommodation; study areas; meeting rooms; teaching facilities; and public domain improvements.
Saints Peter and Paul Assyrian Primary SchoolConstruction of a new primary school for up to 630 students from Kindergarten to Year 6 at Cecil Park.
Sydney International SpeedwayConstruction and operation of a new speedway (Sydney International Speedway) including a clay-based racetrack, support infrastructure for competitors, 
42 Honeysuckle DriveMixed use development including commercial/retail uses and hotel accommodation.
Taronga Zoo - Upper Australia PrecinctRefurbishment of the existing Upper Australia Precinct.
Crows Nest Over Station DevelopmentConcept development application for an Over Station Development (OSD) above the new Crows Nest Metro station, including maximum building envelopes, gross floor area, conceptual land uses, car spaces and signage zones.
Hills Showground Station PrecinctConcept proposal for a mixed-use precinct adjacent to the Hills Showground Station, including maximum gross floor area for residential and non-residential land uses, building envelopes, parking rates, principal subdivision and public open space.

Planning proposals

Administrative amendments to heritage items, flooding provisions, and development standardsAdministrative Amendment (No. 24) of the Orange Local Environmental Plan 2011.
WallarahRezoning for employment lands and environmental conservation at the Central Coast.
Amendments to address mapping errors and minor changes to zones, land use tables, non-mandatoryPart of a periodical review by Lismore City Council of the Local Environmental Plan 2012 (LEP 2012).
Environmental Zone Implementation - Stage 2The proposal seeks to implement the Northern Councils Environmental Zone Review final recommendations by applying appropriate zones to land which is currently deferred from the Byron LEP 2014.
Review of the R1 General Residential ZoneTo create greater consistency and public confidence in the application of the primary residential zones across the Mid Coast area in the short-term.
Blacktown LEP 2015 (Amendment 9) - Rezoning and reclassifying 23 Council owned sitesReclassification of land from community to operational; improvement of existing parks and creation of new parks and recreational areas.
Amendment to SEPP (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 - Hollinsworth Road, Marsden ParkPlanning proposal to amend the State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 to rezone lots at Goshawk Avenue, Marsden Park from RE1 Public Recreation to R2 Low Density Residential.
Botany Bay LEP 2013 - Deletion of Clauses 4.3(2A) and 4.4BAllow a merit-based objection to the height of building map standard and allow council to assess height and bulk of development on a merit based, site by site basis.
Amendment of Schedule 1 Additional Permitted Uses to enable airport-related land usesIntroduce additional permitted uses relating to Sydney Airport on land located to the north of the airport at Mascot, to enable a wider range of uses related to and compatible with the operation of the airport.
Campbelltown LEP 2015 - Rezoning 26 Mercedes Road, IngleburnAlter development controls to two side-by-side sites to R2 low density residential.
Housekeeping and LSPS LEP AmendmentExtension of Marramarra National Park (at Coba Point, Berowa) and expanded Design Excellence clauses.
Penrith LEP 2010 (Amendment No.17) - Mulgoa Road and Retreat Drive, Penrith - Panthers siteThe revitalisation of the Penrith Panthers site to include a mixed use residential and commercial precinct.
95 Great Southern Road, Bargo (Amendment No. 30)Protection of vegetation along the creek and provision of 150 additional dwellings for the community.
Central Sydney Modern Movement Heritage ItemsProposal to list nine heritage items that are examples of modern post-war buildings and artworks.
46 Chisholm Street, DarlinghurstPotential retention of significant heritage buildings.
The Hills LEP 2019 - Introduce exempt development criteria for advertising on public infrastructureProposal to amend the Hills LEP to identify the site as a local heritage item.
Penrith LEP 2010 Reclassification of Council owned land in St Marys and Penrith from Community to OperationalIntroduce exempt development criteria for advertising on public infrastructure including bus shelters, seats, street signs and bridges for all land to which the Penrith LEP applies.
Amendment to SEPP (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 - Box Hill and North KellyvilleIntroduce exempt development criteria for advertising on public infrastructure including bus shelters, seats, street signs and bridges.

State-led rezonings

West Schofields PrecinctRezoning to ensure future residents will benefit from local and regional parks, a local centre, a new primary school, new and improved road networks and environmental conservation areas, including 40 ha of open space, consisting of parks, cycleways and 11 playing fields - pending due to flood considerations.
Carter Street PrecinctRezoning to result in a 3 ha public open space, a site for a new primary school, a new 1,000 m2 community facility and land for the widening of Hill Road.
November 2020 projects

List of projects determined or referred to the IPC by 30 November 2020.

These projects were expected to provide 12,622 jobs, 3,040 dwellings, and $5.9 billion economic value across 17 projects.

Major projects

Temperature Controlled Warehouse FacilityDevelopment of Lot 4 at the Bringelly Road Business Hub at Liverpool for use by light industry.
Tamworth Solar FarmDevelopment of a 65 MW solar farm with energy storage and associated infrastructure at Tamworth.
Bonshaw Solar FarmDevelopment of a 200 MW solar farm, energy storage facility and associated infrastructure near Dubbo.
Liverpool Hospital redevelopmentConstruction and operation of an Integrated Services Building and refurbishment works for Liverpool Hospital.
Liverpool Hospital multi-storey carparkConstruction and operation of a seven level carpark at Liverpool Hospital, including 1,097 car and 55 motorcycle parking spaces.
Chatswood Education PrecinctUpgrades, including new building works and refurbishment works, at Chatswood Public School and Chatswood High School.
St Francis College Stage 1 – landscapingLandscaping works along the southern and eastern boundaries of St Francis College at Liverpool.
Coffs Harbour BypassAn upgrade to approximately 14 km of the Pacific Highway to create a bypass near Coffs Harbour.
Lindfield Learning VillagePhase 2 and Phase 3 works for the Lindfield Learning Village at Ku-ring-gai.

Planning proposals

Anambah Investigation AreaTo rezone approximately 480 ha of land in the Maitland area to facilitate the development of up to 3,000 lots, ensure protection of environmentally sensitive land and provision of associated commercial, community, and recreational outcomes.
Amendment No.54 Reclassify land at Kirkham Street, Moss Vale, from Community to OperationalAmend the Wingecarribee LEP 2010 to reclassify land at Moss Vale to enable its sale.
Amendment No.54 Retford Park Reclassification Rowland Road, Bowral (Lot 38 DP 882935)Amend the Wingecarribee LEP 2010 to reclassify land at Bowral to provide an access road to the proposed location of the Southern Highlands Regional Art Gallery.
Rezone part of 2155 Sutton Road, Sutton to R2, 20 dwellingsAmend the Yass Valley LEP 2013 to rezone a parcel of land to support the Yass Valley Council Masterplan for the village of Sutton and surrounds.
Parramatta LEP 2011 142 154 Macquarie Street, ParramattaAmend the Parramatta LEP 2011 to enable a higher density of development and mix of residential and commercial land uses to support the NSW Government’s Plan for Growing Sydney, Parramatta City Centre Vision 2007 and Draft Parramatta CBD Planning Framework 2014.
42 50 and 52 60 Railway Parade, BurwoodTo increase the maximum building height and floor space ratio for 42-50 and 52-60 Railway Parade, Burwood to facilitate a mixed-use development.
Liverpool LEP 2008 (Amendment No. 54) Reclassification and Rezoning of parts of Hammondville Park, Heathcote Road and HammondvilleTo amend the Liverpool LEP 2008 to rezone part of Hammondville Park and facilitate potential development outcomes for the land, including a roadside convenience use and recreation or community use.
Fairfield LEP 2013 (Amendments Stage)Housekeeping amendments to extend the timeframe for temporary uses at the Fairfield Showground Site for major cultural recreational events; promote activation of town centres and opportunities for commercial enterprise; and, encourage design excellence for new developments.