Archived planning system circulars

These circulars are no longer current but continue to provide historical information and advice on planning system matters.

For active circulars go to current planning system circulars.

Planning circularDescriptionDate issued
PS 07-001 Consideration of draft SEPPs under section 79C of the EP&A Act (section 4.15 of the current Act) (PDF, 40 KB)This circular is to advise consent authorities that certain draft State environmental planning policies are no longer required to be taken into consideration when determining development applications.11 January 2007
PS 21-029: Development adjacent to land in a pipeline corridor (PDF, 234 KB)This circular advises on the mandatory notification and assessment requirements for development near pipelines under clause 66C of State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007.2 December 2021
PS 20-002: Variations to development standards (PDF, 238 KB)This circular is to advise consent authorities of arrangements for when the Secretary’s concurrence to vary development standards may be assumed and clarify requirements around reporting and record keeping where that concurrence has been assumed. This circular replaces PS 18-003 and PS 19-005.5 May 2020
PS 20-001: Planning for Bushfire Protection 2019 (PDF, 38 KB)This circular explains the changes that implement the NSW Rural Fire Service's Planning for Bushfire Protection 2019 (PBP 2019) in the development assessment and strategic planning processes of the NSW planning system.5 March 2020
PS 19-006: Planning for coastal hazards (PDF, 107 KB)This circular replaces PS 14-003 on the disclosure of coastal hazards on planning certificates issued under section 10.7 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. It also provides councils and other consent authorities with guidance on the assessment of coastal hazards under State Environmental Planning Policy (Coastal Management) 2018.26 November 2019
PS 19-005: Commencement of new Online Submission System for the NSW Planning Portal and requirement for councils to provide certain planning documents and data (PDF, 64 KB)This circular replaces PS 15-005 and PS 15-001. It advises of the introduction of a new Online Submission System (OSS) for the NSW Planning Portal and outlines the requirements and procedures for councils to submit certain planning documents and data.4 September 2019
PS 19-003: Independent review of planning proposals for identified Aboriginal land (PDF, 134 KB)This circular is to advise councils and the public about the independent review process for plan making decisions for land identified in the State Environmental Planning Policy (Aboriginal Land) 2019.6 February 2019
PS 18-011: Loose-fill asbestos insulation notations (PDF, 445 KB)This circular is to provide councils with guidance on section 10.7 planning certificate notations relating to loose-fill asbestos ceiling insulation dwellings.12 November 2018
PS 18-010: Development adjacent to high pressure pipelines transporting dangerous goods (PDF, 310 KB)This circular advises councils and developers of the mandatory notification and assessment requirements for development near pipelines listed under clause 66C of State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007 (known as the Infrastructure SEPP).26 October 2018
PS 18-008: Amendments to Retail Land Use Definitions (PDF, 525 KB)This circular is to advise local councils and other relevant planning authorities, community, industry and practitioners of a number of retail land use definitions (new or revised) introduced into the Standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plans) Order 2006 and certain other environmental planning instruments. This version of the planning circular replaces the version published on 27 July 2018 which only advised on a revised definition of ‘garden centre’ and new definition of ‘artisan food and drink industry'.31 August 2018
PS 18-005: New guidance for centre-based child care facilities (PDF, 282 KB)This circular is to provide advice on State Environmental Planning Policy (Educational Establishments and Child Care Facilities) 2017, the Child Care Planning Guideline, and development control plans. It also provides guidance on the new concurrence role of the NSW Department of Education in determining development applications for centre-based child care facilities.31 August 2018
PS 18-007: Low Rise Medium Density Design Guide for Development Applications (PDF, 127 KB)This circular provides guidance to councils, applicants and practitioners on how and where the Low Rise Medium Density Design Guide for Development Applications (DAs) applies.11 July 2018
PS 18-001: Stepping up planning and designing for better places: respecting and enhancing local character (PDF, 248 KB)This circular provides advice on how the NSW planning system will deliver development that both meets the growing needs of NSW and is contextual, local and of its place, to make better places for everyone.16 January 2018
PS 17-005: Conditions of consent for fibre-ready facilities and telecommunications infrastructure (PDF, 316 KB)The purpose of this circular is to advise local councils and other consent authorities that all development consents (unless exempted) should include conditions to ensure that modern telecommunications infrastructure is provided in respect of all premises to be constructed in developments.17 November 2017
PS 17-004: Regulating expansion of schools (PDF, 264 KB)This circular provides guidance to consent authorities and applicants on the application of certain conditions of consent that regulate the expansion of schools.20 September 2017
PS 17-003: Amendment to provisions for concept (formerly ‘staged’) development applications (PDF, 211 KB)Amendment to provisions for concept (formerly 'staged') development applications.19 September 2017
PS 15-005: Commencement of the NSW Planning Portal (PDF, 72 KB)

Commencement of the NSW Planning Portal.

(Superseded) Standard Technical Requirements for Spatial Datasets and Maps (Version 1.0 dated 30 November 2015).

Standard Technical Requirements for Spatial Datasets and Maps (Version 2.0 - August 2017)

6 November 2015
PS 14-002: State Environmental Planning Policy (Three Ports) 2013 (PDF, 77 KB)State Environmental Planning Policy (Three Ports) 2013.10 October 2014
PS 13-006: Changes to the assessment of development on bushfire prone land and bushfire prone land mapping in urban release areas (PDF, 267 KB)EP&A Amendment (Bushfire Prone Land) Regulation 2014.30 May 2014
PS 13-002: Calculating the genuine estimated cost of development (PDF, 59 KB)Calculating the genuine estimated cost of development.14 March 2013
PS 13-001: How to characterise development (PDF, 85 KB)How to characterise development.21 February 2013
PS 12-004: Development assessment on bush fire prone land section 79BA (section 4.14 of the current Act) (PDF, 30 KB)Development assessment on bush fire prone land – section 79BA (section 4.14 of the current Act).6 June 2012
PS 11-008: Planning and Assessment Guidelines for Hazardous Industry (PDF, 48 KB)Planning and Assessment Guidelines for Hazardous Industry.23 February 2011
PS 10-019: Illegal Camping (PDF, 44 KB)Illegal Camping.27 July 2010
PS 10-008: New definition of capital investment value (PDF, 161 KB)New definition of capital investment value.10 May 2010
PS 10-010: Planning Certificates – Biobanking Agreements and Complying Development Exclusions (PDF, 65 KB)Planning Certificates – Biobanking Agreements and Complying Development Exclusions.4 May 2010
PS 10-006: Changes to landowner consent and notification requirements - Aboriginal Land (PDF, 39 KB)Changes to landowner consent and notification requirements – Aboriginal Land Councils.31 March 2010
PS 09-031: Exempt and Complying Development Codes – asbestos amendment (PDF, 54 KB)To advise of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Asbestos) Regulation 2009 and State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) Amendment (Asbestos) 2009 (the Asbestos Amendments), which commence on 18 January 2010. The Asbestos Amendments impose new standards and requirements for anyone that removes or demolishes asbestos material in relation to complying or exempt development.23 December 2009
PS 09-019: Changes to section 149(2) planning certificates by the Contaminated Land Management Amendment Act 2008 (PDF, 31 KB)To advise councils of changes to the requirements for section 149(2) (section 10.7 of the current Act) planning certificates in respect of contaminated land.15 July 2009
PS 08-016: Development near rail corridors and busy roads – interim guideline (PDF, 30 KB)To advise of the gazettal of the Interim guideline: Development near rail corridors and busy roads - for the purposes of State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007.22 December 2008
PS 07-005: SEPP (Mining, Petroleum Production and Extractive Industries) 2007 (PDF, 40 KB)This circular is to advise mining, petroleum production and extractive industries, councils, developers and the community of the gazettal of a policy to regulate mining, petroleum production and extractive industries in NSW.22 February 2007
PS 06-018: Approval to install relocatable and flat-pack homes outside a caravan park or manufactured home estate (PDF, 51 KB)The purpose of this circular is to clarify for councils, the housing industry and home buyers the different approval requirements for the installation of two common types of transportable home on land that is not part of a caravan park or manufactured home estate (MHE). It also clarifies which types of transportable homes require a BASIX Certificate and which do not.3 October 2006
PS 06-017: Performance monitoring of the planning system (PDF, 41 KB)This circular advises of the new system of data collection on planning and development matters to enable performance monitoring of the planning system by the department.17 July 2006

PS 06-014: Minor amendments to LEPs using section 73A (PDF, 63 KB)

Proforma Section 73A EP&A Act Submission (DOC, 74 KB)

This circular provides guidance on the process for amending local environmental plans in accordance with section 73A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (section 3.22 of the current Act). Note: Currently under review.12 July 2006
PS 06-012: New transitional arrangements for Development Control Plans (PDF, 41 KB)This circular is to advise of an amendment to the transitional provisions applying to development control plan requirements, and to confirm previous advice on the implementation of these requirements.5 May 2006
PS 06-008: Standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plans) Order 2006 (PDF, 65 KB)This circular provides an overview of the Standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plans) Order 2006 and its implications for preparing local environmental plans.03 April 2006
PS 06-002: Inclusion of Property Vegetation Plans in planning certificates (PDF, 35 KB)This circular provides advice on changes to the requirements for planning certificates under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.10 January 2006
PS 06-001: Regulation of camping density in primitive camping grounds (PDF, 51 KB)This circular provides further information on the Manufactured Home Estates, Caravan Parks, Camping Grounds and Moveable Dwellings) Regulation 2005 in relation to the camping density provisions that apply to land used for primitive camping grounds. The Regulation commenced on 1 September 2005.10 January 2006
PS 19-004: Commencement of Part 6 (building and subdivision certification provisions (PDF, 45 KB)This circular announces the delayed commencement of Part 6 Of the EP&A Act to 1 December 2019, and summarises key changes.30 August 2019
PS 18-013: Delegation of plan making decisions (PDF, 557 KB)This circular replaces Planning Circular PS 16-005 and provides updates and advice in relation to delegations for the making of local environmental plans (LEPs)14 December 2018
PS 18-006: NSW State Design Review Panel (pilot) (PDF, 225 KB)This circular is to advise applicants, practitioners and councils of the pilot program for the NSW State Design Review Panel, and its purpose and role in the development assessment process.28 June 2018
PS 18-004: Loose-fill asbestos insulation notations on section 149 planning certificates (PDF, 464 KB)(Superseded) The purpose of this circular is to provide councils with guidance on section 149 (section 10.7 of the current Act) planning certificate notations relating to loose-fill asbestos ceiling insulation in residential dwellings. This circular replaces Planning Circular PS 16-001 and provides updates and advice in relation to the demolition and remediation of properties affected by loose-fill asbestos insulation.05 April 2018
PS 18-003: Variations to development standards (PDF, 138 KB)(Superseded) Replaces Planning Circular 17-006 and advises consent authorities of arrangements for when the Secretary’s concurrence to vary development standards may be assumed (including when council or its Independent Hearing and Assessment Panel are to determine applications when development standards are varied), and clarifies requirements around reporting and record keeping where that concurrence has been assumed.21 February 2018
PS 17-006: Variations to development standards (PDF, 173 KB)(Superseded) This circular is to advise councils of arrangements for when councils may assume the Secretary's concurrence to vary development standards, and clarify requirements around reporting and record keeping where that concurrence has been assumed.15 December 2017
PS 17-002: Changes to section Section 94 local infrastructure contributions (PDF, 227 KB)This circular is to advise councils, industry and the community of changes to arrangements for section 94 (section 7.11 of the current Act) local infrastructure contributions and the Local Infrastructure Growth Scheme.27 July 2017
PS 16-006: Section 94E Direction – Section 94A fixed development consent levies (PDF, 143 KB)This circular is to advise of a new Section 94E Direction (section 7.11 under the current Act) relating Section 94A (section 7.11 under the current Act) fixed development consent levies and the repeal of the section 94E Direction relating to projects funded through the Building the Education Revolution program.14 October 2016
PS 16-004: Independent reviews of plan making decisions (PDF, 136 KB)Replaces Planning Circular PS 12-006 and provides updates and advice in relation to changes on allowing for independent reviews of some council and departmental decisions in the plan making process.30 August 2016
PS 16-005: Delegation of plan making decisions (PDF, 141 KB)This circular replaces Planning Circular PS 12-006 and provides updates and advice in relation to delegations for the making of local environmental plans (LEPs).30 August 2016
PS 16-003: Notations on section 149 planning certificates for land affected by the draft Coastal Management SEPP (PDF, 262 KB)(Superseded) Coastal Hazard Notations on section 149 (section 10.7 of the current Act) planning certificates for land affected by the draft Coastal Management SEPP20 July 2016
PS 16-002: Simplifying and improving the planning system - SEPP review Stage 1 (PDF, 314 KB)Simplifying and improving the planning system - SEPP review stage20 June 2016
PS 16-001: Loose-fill asbestos insulation notations on section 149 planning certificates (PDF, 360 KB)(Superseded) Loose-fill asbestos insulation notations on section 149 (section 10.7 of the current Act) planning certificates17 June 2016
PS 15-004: Commencement of provisions: offences, penalties and enforcement (PDF, 445 KB)Commencement of provisions: offences, penalties and enforcement31 July 2015
PS 15-001: Establishment of the NSW Planning Portal (PDF, 229 KB)Establishment of the NSW Planning Portal19 June 2015
PS 14-003: Coastal Hazard Notations on Section 149 (section 10.7 of the current Act) Planning Certificates (PDF, 331 KB)(Superseded) Coastal Hazard Notations on Section 149 (section 10.7 of the current Act) Planning Certificates13 November 2014
PS 13-005: Exempt and Complying Development - changes to the SEPP and other environmental planning instruments (PDF, 181 KB)Exempt and Complying Development23 December 2013
PS 13-004: Exempt and Complying Development - changes to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 (PDF, 147 KB)Exempt and Complying Development23 December 2013
PS 13-003: Proclamation of certain provisions of the EP&A Amendment Act 2012 (PDF, 52 KB)Proclamation of certain provisions of the
EP&A Amendment Act 2012
18 March 2013
PS 12-006: Delegations and independent reviews of plan-making decisions (PDF, 48 KB)Delegations and independent reviews of plan-making decisions29 October 2012
PS 12-005: Urban Activation Precincts (PDF, 145 KB)Urban Activation Precincts13 June 2012
PS 12-003: Initiatives to improve housing supply (PDF, 44 KB)Initiatives to improve housing supply6 June 2012
PS 12-002:Amendment to Infrastructure SEPP for educational establishments (PDF, 26 KB)Amendment to Infrastructure SEPP for educational establishments17 February 2012
PS 12-001: Further amendments to transitional arrangements – Part 3A repeal (PDF, 122 KB)Further amendments to transitional arrangements – Part 3A repeal10 January 2012
PS 11-023: Codes SEPP 2008 - Extension of the transition period (PDF, 125 KB)Codes SEPP 2008 - Extension of the transition period25 November 2011
PS 11-022: Determination of state significant applications (PDF, 144 KB)Determination of state significant applications30 September 2011
PS 11-021: Part 3A repeal – transitional arrangements (PDF, 137 KB)Part 3A repeal – transitional arrangements30 September 2011
PS 11-020: Return of certain regional development to councils for determination (PDF, 213 KB)Return of certain regional development to councils for determination30 September 2011
PS 11-019: Assessment of state significant development and infrastructure (PDF, 158 KB)Assessment of state significant development and infrastructure30 September 2011
PS 11-018: Monitoring and reporting variations to development standards (PDF, 141 KB)Monitoring and reporting variations to development standards18 August 2011
PS 11-017: Delegation to the Planning Assessment Commission (PDF, 134 KB)Delegation to the Planning Assessment Commission27 July 2011
PS 11-016: Repeal of SEPP 53 - Metropolitan Residential Development (PDF, 82 KB)Repeal of SEPP 53 - Metropolitan Residential Development3 June 2011
PS 11-015: State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) Amendment 2011 (PDF, 35 KB)State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) Amendment 201120 May 2011
PS 11-014: Part 3A of the EP&A Act and residential, commercial, retail and coastal subdivision development (PDF, 131 KB)Part 3A of the EP&A Act and residential, commercial, retail and coastal subdivision development13 May 2011
PS 11-013: Changes to Sydney Harbour Catchment Regional Environmental Plan (PDF, 47 KB)Changes to Sydney Harbour Catchment Regional Environmental Plan30 March 2011
PS 11-012: Section 94E (section 7.17 of the current Act) Direction – Development contributions (PDF, 3.1 MB)Section 94E (section 7.17 of the current Act) Direction – Development contributions15 March 2011
PS 11-011: Amendment to the Standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plans) Order 2006 (PDF, 528 KB)Amendment to the Standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plans) Order 200610 March 2011
PS 11-010: Codes SEPP 2008 – Amendment Miscellaneous 2011 (PDF, 63 KB)Codes SEPP 2008 – Amendment Miscellaneous 201110 March 2011
PS 11-009: Commencement of the Planning Appeals Legislation Amendment Act 2010 (PDF, 99 KB)Commencement of the Planning Appeals Legislation Amendment Act 201025 February 2011
PS 11-006: Section 117 Direction – Shooting Ranges (PDF, 68 KB)Section 117 (section 9.1 of the current Act) Direction – Shooting Ranges16 February 2011
PS 11-005: Implementation of the Metropolitan Plan for Sydney 2036 Ministerial Direction (PDF, 62 KB)Implementation of the Metropolitan Plan for Sydney 2036 – Ministerial Direction11 February 2011
PS 11-003: New appeals scheme for small scale residential development in the Land and Environment Court (PDF, 59 KB)New appeals scheme for small scale residential development in the Land and Environment Court31 January 2011
PS 11-002: State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Drinking Water Catchment) 2011 (PDF, 64 KB)State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Drinking Water Catchment) 201124 January 2011
PS 10-032: Legislative changes relating to coastal planning matters (PDF, 39 KB)Legislative changes relating to coastal planning matters24 December 2010
PS 10-031: Changes to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 (PDF, 71 KB)Changes to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 200022 December 2010
PS 10-030: Amendments to the Mining SEPP Exempt and Complying Development (PDF, 68 KB)Amendments to the Mining SEPP – Exempt and Complying Development20 December 2010
PS 10-029: Changes to Infrastructure SEPP and other EPIs (PDF, 66 KB)Changes to Infrastructure SEPP and other EPIs20 December 2010
PS 10-026: Telecommunication facilities (PDF, 59 KB)Telecommunication facilities14 December 2010
PS 10-028: Environmental Planning & Assessment Amendment Act 2008 – Commencement Proclamation - bush fire prone land (PDF, 66 KB)Environmental Planning & Assessment Amendment Act 2008 – Commencement Proclamation - bush fire prone land9 December 2010
PS 10-027: Codes SEPP 2008 – Additional Codes (PDF, 86 KB)Codes SEPP 2008 – Additional Codes9 December 2010
PS 10-025: Practice Note for the assessment of Local Contributions Plans by IPART (PDF, 144 KB)Practice Note for the assessment of Local Contributions Plans by IPART24 November 2010
PS 10-022: Reforms to Local Development Contributions (PDF, 64 KB)Reforms to Local Development Contributions16 September 2010
PS 10-020: Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment Regulation 2010 (PDF, 33 KB)Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment Regulation 20106 September 2010
PS 10-021: Commencement of council accredited certifiers and amendments to Building Professionals Regulation provisions (PDF, 71 KB)Commencement of council accredited certifiers and amendments to Building Professionals Regulation provisions26 August 2010
PS 10-018: Telecommunications facilities (PDF, 47 KB)Telecommunications facilities16 July 2010
PS 10-017: Changes to section 149 (section 10.7 of the current Act) planning certificates for the Growth Centres (PDF, 33 KB)Changes to section 149 (section 10.7 of the current Act) planning certificates for the Growth Centres13 July 2010
PS 10-016: Changes to Infrastructure SEPP – Determination of Landfill Applications (PDF, 33 KB)Changes to Infrastructure SEPP – Determination of Landfill Applications12 July 2010
PS 10-015: Codes SEPP 2008 – City of Sydney Special Events amendment (FIFA World Cup) (PDF, 36 KB)Codes SEPP 2008 – City of Sydney Special Events amendment (FIFA World Cup)11 June 2010
PS 10-013: Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Development Consents) Act 2010 (PDF, 32 KB)Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Development Consents) Act 20101 June 2010
PS 10-012: Amendments to Mining SEPP and Infrastructure SEPP (PDF, 123 KB)Amendments to Mining SEPP and Infrastructure SEPP31 May 2010
PS 10-009: Joint Regional Planning Panels - Review and Changes (PDF, 51 KB)Joint Regional Planning Panels - Review and Changes19 May 2010
PS 10-007: Codes SEPP 2008 – miscellaneous amendment (PDF, 76 KB)Codes SEPP 2008 – miscellaneous amendment28 April 2010
PS 10-005: Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Miscellaneous) Regulation (PDF, 139 KB)Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Miscellaneous) Regulation31 March 2010
PS 10-004: Codes SEPP 2008 - extension of transitional period (PDF, 134 KB)Codes SEPP 2008 - extension of transitional period26 February 2010
PS 10-003: Commencement of provisions – accreditation of council employees (PDF, 158 KB)Commencement of provisions – accreditation of council employees26 February 2010
PS 10-002: Changes to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 – draft LEPs notified to the Director-General before 1 July 2009 (PDF, 41 KB)Changes to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 – draft LEPs notified to the Director-General before 1 July 200918 February 2010
PS 09-030: Amendment to SEPP No. 62–Sustainable Aquaculture (PDF, 47 KB)To advise of an amendment to State Environmental Planning Policy No. 62 - Sustainable Aquaculture to help implement the new NSW land based sustainable aquaculture strategy (NSW Government 2009).23 December 2009
PS 09-029: Assessment of native vegetation under the Seniors Housing SEPP (PDF, 42 KB)
To advise of an amendment to the State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing for Seniors or People with a Disability) 2004 in relation to clearing of native vegetation under the Native Vegetation Act 2003.
8 December 2009
PS 09-028: Planning for entertainment (PDF, 46 KB)To advise of changes that have been introduced to the regulation of public entertainment under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.26 October 2009
PS 09-027: Implementation of the Metropolitan Strategy – ministerial direction (PDF, 181 KB)To advise of a new Ministerial Direction under section 117(2) (section 9.1 of the current Act) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, which gives statutory effect to the NSW Government's Metropolitan Strategy. The Direction applies to Sydney metropolitan local government areas, and takes effect from 1 October.22 September 2009
PS 09-026: Amendment to the Mining SEPP regarding underground mining (PDF, 35 KB)To advise of an amendment to State Environmental Planning Policy (Mining, Petroleum Production and Extractive Industries) 2007.15 September 2009
PS 09-025: Building Education Revolution Program – section 94E Direction (PDF, 808 KB)To advise of a Direction issued under section 94E (section 7.17 of the current Act) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 preventing the imposition of development contributions on Building Education Revolution projects.15 September 2009
PS 09-024: Additional provisions for public transport facilities under State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007 (PDF, 29 KB)Provides information about the recent commencement of an amendment to State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007 associated with public transport facilities.8 September 2009
PS 09-023: Joint regional planning panels–Western Region and Wagga Wagga (PDF, 43 KB)To advise of the commencement of joint regional planning panels for the Western Region of NSW and the Wagga Wagga local government area on 1 September 2009.26 August 2009
PS 09-022: Exempt and complying development codes–related regulation changes (PDF, 46 KB)To advise of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (General Commercial and Industrial Code) Regulation 2009, which takes effect on 7 September 2009. The changes support the implementation of the new General Commercial and Industrial Code. In addition they alter the requirements for post-determination notification and planning certificates.5 August 2009
PS 09-021: Changes to the exempt and complying development codes (PDF, 46 KB)To advise of the provisions of State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) Amendment (Commercial and Industrial) 2009, which commence on 7 September 2009. This includes advice about the new Housing and Internal Alterations Code and the new General Commercial and Industrial Code as well changes to the existing exempt and complying development codes.5 August 2009
PS 09-020: Complying development–accredited certifiers to follow Minister's directions on development contributions (PDF, 35 KB)To advise accredited certifiers, councils and the community of a minor changes to the way conditions requiring a development contribution are imposed on complying development certificates issued by certifiers.21 July 2009
PS 09-018: Amended school provisions under State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007 (PDF, 30 KB)To provide information about an amendment to State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007 associated with schools.14 July 2009
PS 09-017: Changes to Crown development provisions under the EP&A Act (PDF, 28 KB)To outline provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment Act 2008 relating to Crown development that commence on 1 July 2009.2 July 2009
PS 09-016: Establishment of joint regional planning panels (PDF, 38 KB)To advise of the commencement of joint regional planning panels on 1 July 2009.2 July 2009
PS 09-015: Commencement of certain provisions of the EP&A Amendment Act 2008 and EP&A Amendment (Plan Making) Regulation 2009 (PDF, 37 KB)To advise of the provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment Act 2008 and Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Plan Making) Regulation 2009 that commence on 1 July 20091 July 2009
PS 09-014: SEPP (Repeal of REP Provisions) 2009 (PDF, 30 KB)To advise of the repeal of certain REPs through State Environmental Planning Policy (Repeal of REP Provisions) 2009, which takes effect on 26 June 200926 June 2009
PS 09-013: Complying development (PDF, 30 KB)To advise of changes to post-determination notification requirements for complying development.3 June 2009
PS 09-012: Complying development – Conveyancing Regulation, and guide to post-determination notification (PDF, 32 KB)To provide further guidance on changes to the Conveyancing (Sale of Land) Regulation 2005, and post-determination notification requirements for complying development.17 April 2009
PS 09-011: Certification of draft Standard Instrument LEPs for exhibition (PDF, 43 KB)To update and clarify a number of issues relating to the consideration of draft Standard Instrument local environmental plans prior to public exhibition. Note: Replaces Planning Circular PS 07-019 issued 30 November 2007.9 April 2009
PS 09-010: Exempt development – temporary structures for film making and filming activities on any land (PDF, 33 KB)To advise of the amendment to State Environmental Planning Policy No. 4 - Development without Consent and Miscellaneous Exempt and Complying Development regarding exempt development and filming activities.3 April 2009
PS 09-009: School provisions under SEPP (Infrastructure) 2007 (PDF, 33 KB)To provide further information to Planning Circular PS 09-007 about the recent gazettal of amendments to State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007 associated with schools.18 March 2009
PS 09-008: Updated mapping requirements for local environmental plans (PDF, 28 KB)To advise of the latest revisions to Standard technical requirements for LEP maps and Standard requirements for LEP GIS data.10 March 2009
PS 09-007: SEPP (Infrastructure) Amendment (Schools, Affordable Housing and Metro Rail) 2009 (PDF, 33 KB)To advise of recent amendments to State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007. The amendments cover provisions applying to schools, affordable rental housing and the proposed metro rail network.2 March 2009
PS 09-006: SEPP (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 - Amendment No. 1 (PDF, 35 KB)To advise of changes needed to State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 since its gazettal that have been addressed in Amendment No. 1 to the policy.27 February 2009
PS 09-005: Commencement of certain provisions of the EP&A Amendment Act 2008 and EP&A Amendment (Complying Development) Regulation 2009 (PDF, 36 KB)To advise of the provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment Act 2008 and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Complying Development) Regulation 2009 that will commence on 27 February 2009.20 February 2009
PS 09-004: SEPP (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 (PDF, 1.3 MB)To advise of the commencement of State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 on 27 February 2009.20 February 2009
PS 09-003: Commencement of provisions – enforcement matters (PDF, 63 KB)To advise of the provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment Act 2008, Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Inspections and Penalty Notices) Regulation 2009, Building Professionals Amendment Act 2008 and the Building Professionals Amendment (Inspections and Penalty Notices) Regulation 2009 relating to enforcement, which commence on 2 March 2009.16 February 2009
PS 09-002: Commencement of provisions – new inspection requirements (PDF, 74 KB)To advise of the provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment Act 2008, Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Inspections and Penalty Notices) Regulation 2009, Building Professionals Amendment Act 2008, Building Professionals Amendment (Inspections and Penalty Notices) Regulation 2009 and the Strata Schemes legislation relating to new inspection requirements, which commence on 2 March 2009.16 February 2009
PS 09-001: Review of local contributions – section 94E Direction (PDF, 154 KB)To advise councils of a Direction issued under section 94E (section 7.11 of the current Act) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 imposing a maximum amount for section 94 (section 7.11 of the current Act) development contributions for residential development.23 January 2009
PS 08-017: Review of infrastructure contributions (PDF, 41 KB)Questions and answers To provide advice on the implementation of the recent reforms to infrastructure levies. This circular supersedes Planning Circular PS 07-018.23 December 2008
PS 08-012: Entertainment in pubs, bars, cafes and restaurants (PDF, 61 KB)^Superseded. Replaced by Planning Circular PS 09-028 issued 26 October 2009.18 December 2008
PS 08-015: SEPP (Repeal of Concurrences and Referral Provisions) 2008 (PDF, 43 KB)To advise of the commencement of SEPP (Repeal of Concurrences and Referral Provisions) 2008 on 15 December 2008.12 December 2008
PS 08-014: Reporting variations to development standards (PDF, 52 KB)To remind councils of their responsibilities to complete quarterly returns on variations to development standards and to provide a deadline for such returns before the processing of removing assumed concurrence from the Director General begins.14 November 2008
PS 08-013: Consideration of draft EPIs under section 79C of the EP&A Act (section 4.15 under the current Act) (PDF, 64 KB)To advise consent authorities that certain draft State environmental planning policies, draft regional environmental plan and draft local environmental plans are no longer required to be taken into consideration when determining development applications.13 November 2008
PS 08-011: Commencement of provisions on 3 November 2008 – accredited bodies corporate (PDF, 41 KB)To advise of the provisions of the Building Professionals Amendment Act 2008 and the Building Professionals Amendment (Accredited Bodies Corporate) Regulation 2008 that commenced on 3 November 2008 relating to accredited bodies corporate.3 November 2008
PS 08-010: Commencement of provisions on 3 November 2008 – certain certification matters (PDF, 73 KB)To advise of provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment Act 2008, Environmental Planning and Assessment Further Amendment Regulation 2008 and Building Professionals Amendment Act 2008 that commenced on 3 November 2008 relating to certain certification matters.3 November 2008
PS 08-009: Disclosure of political donations and gifts – further information (PDF, 32 KB)Provides further information to clarify and supplement Planning Circular PS 08-007 in relation to the Local Government and Planning Legislation Amendment (Political Donations) Act 2008. 3 September 2008, amended.16 September 2008
PS 08-007: Disclosure of political donations and gifts (PDF, 32 KB)To provides an overview of the new reporting requirements under the planning and local government legislation in relation to political donations and gifts. 21 August 2008, amended.16 September 2008
PS 08-008: Commencement of further provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment Act 2008 (PDF, 35 KB)To advise of the commencement of further provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment Act 2008 on 1 September 2008.22 August 2008
PS 08-006: Commencement of certain provisions of the EP&A Amendment Act 2008 and the BP Amendment Act 2008 (PDF, 32 KB)To advise of the commencement of certain provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment Act 2008 and Building Professionals Amendment Act 2008 on 1 August 2008.24 July 2008
PS 08-004: Amendment No. 2 to SEPP 65 – Design Quality of Residential Flat Development (PDF, 32 KB)To advise councils of State Environmental Planning Policy No. 65 - Design Quality of Residential Flat Development (Amendment No. 2).14 July 2008
PS 08-003: Variations to development standards (PDF, 23 KB)The purpose of this circular is to remind councils to complete quarterly returns on variations to development standards using SEPP 1 or similar provision. Also to notify councils of arrangements where the Director-General's concurrence may be assumed.9 May 2008
PS 08-002: State Environmental Planning Policy (Rural Lands) 2008 (PDF, 55 KB)The purpose of this circular is to explain to local councils to which State Environmental Planning Policy (Rural Lands) 2008 applies the key planning provisions of the policy and the supporting section 117 direction (section 9.1 of the current Act) . The policy applies to the regional NSW local government areas listed in Attachment A to the circular.9 May 2008
PS 08-001: State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007 (PDF, 101 KB)This circular is to advise councils, State agencies and the public of the key planning provisions under State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007.31 January 2008
PS 07-020: Standard instrument for principal LEPs amendment (PDF, 44 KB)The purpose of this circular is to advise councils of an amendment to the standard instrument for principal local environmental plans that was gazetted on 14 December 2007.19 December 2007
PS 07-017: Commencement of Brothels Act 2007 (PDF, 34 KB)This circular is to advise local councils, relevant State agencies and the community of the commencement of the Brothels Legislation Amendment Act 2007 (Brothels Act).3 October 2007
PS 07-016: State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing for Seniors or People with a Disability) 2004 (PDF, 146 KB)This circular is to advise councils of the main planning implications of State Environmental Planning Policy (Seniors Living) 2004 (Amendment No. 2). The name of the Principal Policy is now SEPP (Housing for Seniors or People with a Disability) 2004. Note. See also Housing for seniors and people with a disabilities for updated application form and further information.28 September 2007
PS 07-015: Review of and subsequent changes to the SEPP (Major Projects) 2005 (PDF, 80 KB)This circular is to advise local councils, relevant State agencies, industry and the community of the gazettal of some recent amendments to State Environmental Planning Policy (Major Projects) 2005.27 September 2007
PS 07-012: New GIS data requirements for LEPs (PDF, 34 KB)This circular is to advise councils of the new standard technical requirements for local environmental plan (LEP) GIS data.11 September 2007
PS 07-014: Amendment no. 3 to SEPP 62–implications for development that may affect oyster aquaculture (PDF, 47 KB)This circular is to advise coastal councils of the planning implications of State Environmental Planning Policy No. 62—Sustainable Aquaculture (Amendment No. 3), gazetted on 8 December 2006, and the NSW Oyster Industry Sustainable Aquaculture Strategy relating to developments that may affect oyster aquaculture.22 August 2007
PS 07-013: Amendment no. 3 to SEPP 62–implications for oyster aquaculture development (PDF, 23 KB)This circular is to advise coastal councils of the planning implications of State Environmental Planning Policy No. 62—Sustainable Aquaculture (Amendment No. 3), gazetted on 8 December 2006, and the NSW Oyster Industry Sustainable Aquaculture Strategy relating to oyster aquaculture development.22 August 2007
PS 07-010: Heads of consideration for the Minister to appoint a planning administrator or panel for unsatisfactory performance (PDF, 86 KB)This circular is to advise of the gazettal of heads of consideration for the exercise of power under section 118 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (section 9.6 of the current Act) to appoint a planning administrator or panel to exercise the functions of a council where there is unsatisfactory performance in dealing with planning and development matters.1 August 2007
PS 07-009: Environmental Planning Legislation Amendment Act 2006 and EP&AA (Miscellaneous) Regulation 2007 (PDF, 75 KB)This circular is to advise councils, relevant State agencies and the community of the commencement of the remaining provisions of the Environmental Planning Legislation Amendment Act 2006 and associated amendments to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.18 July 2007
PS 07-008: New section 117 directions (PDF, 33 KB)This circular is to advise councils of new ministerial directions under section 117(2) (section 9.1 of the current Act) of the EP&A Act that commence on 19 July 2007.17 July 2007
PS 07-007: New mapping requirements for local environmental plans (PDF, 34 KB)This circular is to advise councils of the new standard technical requirements for local environmental plan (LEP) maps.17 April 2007
PS 07-004: Minor amendments to existing use rights (PDF, 98 KB)This circular is to advise of minor changes to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 regarding existing use rights.12 February 2007
PS 07-003: New guideline and changes to section 117 direction and EP&A Regulation on flood prone land (PDF, 116 KB)This circular provides an overview of a new guideline to the Floodplain Development Manual and changes to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 and section 117 Direction (section 9.1 of the current Act) on flood prone land.31 January 2007
PS 07-002: Environmental Planning Legislation Amendment Act 2006 (PDF, 44 KB)This circular is to advise local councils, relevant State agencies and the community of the commencement of various provisions of the Environmental Planning Legislation Amendment Act 2006.12 January 2007
PS 06-019: Changes to the standard instrument for principal local environmental plans (PDF, 38 KB)This circular is to advise councils of recent changes to the standard instrument for principal local environmental plans.4 September 2006
PS 06-016: Commencement and implementation of the EP&A Amendment Act 2006 (PDF, 63 KB)This circular advises of the commencement and implementation of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment Act 2006, which deals with planning administrators, assessment panels, development corporations, development control plans and contributions plans. The changes took effect from 30 June 2006.5 July 2006
PS 06-009: Changes to the land acquisition process for reserved land (PDF, 51 KB)This circular is to advise councils, relevant State agencies and the community of changes to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 regarding the procedure for owner-initiated acquisition of land reserved for public purposes.27 April 2006
PS 06-010: Changes to the EP&A Regulation regarding major project assessments (PDF, 46 KB)This circular advises of minor changes to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 (EP&A Regulation) in relation to the assessment process for major projects.18 April 2006
PS 06-007: Changes to existing use right (PDF, 307 KB)This circular is to advise of changes to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 regarding existing use rights.31 March 2006
PS 06-006: Changes to the transitional arrangements for the introduction of new section 117 directions (PDF, 41 KB)This circular is to advise of changes to the transitional provision in the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 regarding Ministerial directions issued under section 117 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (section 9.1 of the current Act).17 February 2006
PS 06-003: State Environmental Planning Policy No. 4 – Amendment No. 17 (PDF, 196 KB)The purpose of this circular is to advise councils, relevant state agencies and industry groups of Amendment No. 17 to State Environmental Planning Policy No. 4 - Development Without Consent and Miscellaneous Exempt and Complying Development (SEPP 4) gazetted on 3 February 2006.17 February 2006

PS 06-005: Local environmental plan review panel (PDF, 101 KB)

Fact sheet LEP Review Panel (PDF, 71 KB)

Instrument Of Delegation (PDF, 63 KB)

LEP Pro–forma Evaluation Criteria (RTF/ZIP, 90 KB)

This circular explains the role of the department’s new LEP Review Panel. It provides advice on new procedures, including the information the Director General requires from council in notifying the department (under section 54(4) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (section 3.32 of the current Act)) of council’s decision to prepare a draft local environmental plan. The new procedures come into effect on 22 February 2006. Note: Currently under review.16 February 2006
PS 06-004: Prohibition of retrospective construction certificates and changes concerning compliance certificates (PDF, 48 KB)This circular is to notify councils, private certifiers, developers and the community that the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) has been amended to make clear that construction certificates for building or subdivision work cannot be issued after work has commenced, and that the obtaining of compliance certificates cannot be made a condition of development consent. The changes take effect from 3 March 2006.13 February 2006
PS 05-014: State Environmental Planning Policy (Seniors Living) 2004 (Amendment No. 1) (PDF, 36 KB)This circular is to advise councils, developers and the community of the gazettal of an amendment to the Seniors Living SEPP restricting the form of seniors housing permitted on land adjoining land zoned primarily for urban purposes.23 December 2005
PS 05-013: Amendment no. 4 to SEPP 71 – coastal protection (PDF, 63 KB)This circular is to advise local councils on the NSW coast that the Minister for Planning has made an amendment to State Environmental Planning Policy No. 71 - Coastal Protection. The councils affected are listed in Schedule 1 of the circular.12 December 2005
PS 05-011: Changes to the arrangements for implementing new requirements for development control plans (PDF, 43 KB)This circular provides advice on changes to the transitional arrangements for the introduction of new requirements for development control plans.9 December 2005
PS 05-012: Planning implications of the extension of the NSW Coastal Zone (PDF, 52 KB)This circular is to advise councils in the greater metropolitan region of the planning implications for their local government area with the extension of land declared to be part of the NSW Coastal Zone. The councils affected are listed in Schedule Reissued.22 November 2005
PS 05-010: Requirements for development control plans with the latest planning reforms (PDF, 131 KB)This circular restates important advice previously provided on the new arrangements for development control.9 November 2005
CC 05-001: Department of Planning office contacts and advisory lines (PDF, 104 KB)The purpose of this circular is to update clients on departmental inquiry services and regional office contacts.27 October 2005
PS 05-009: Changes to ministerial directions under section 117 of the EP&A Act (PDF, 121 KB)This circular provides an overview of the recent changes to ministerial directions about the local environmental plan-making system under section 117 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (section 9.1 of the current Act)30 September 2005
PS 05-008: Changes to Part 3 and 4 of the EP&A Act PDF, 154 KB)This circular advises of the changes to Part 3 and 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act that commence on 30 September 2005.30 September 2005
PS 05-007: Commencement of updated regulation for caravan parks and moveable dwellings (PDF, 143 KB)This circular is to inform councils, operators and residents of caravan parks, camping grounds and manufactured home estates, government agencies and other interested parties of changes introduced by the Local Government (Manufactured Home Estates, Caravan Parks, Camping Grounds and Moveable Dwellings) Regulation 2005.14 September 2005

PS 05-005: Reports by the Director General under section 69 of the EP&A Act (PDF, 132 KB)

– Section 69 Report when using delegation

This circular provides councils with advice on the Director-General's requirements for reporting to the Minister under section 69 (since repealed) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, and clarifies the circumstances under which amending plans may be prepared. Section 69 Report when using delegation.19 August 2005
PS 05-006: Commencement Part 3A (Major Projects) of the EP&A Act (PDF, 103 KB)The purpose of this circular is to notify councils, State government authorities, industry and community interests of the commencement of Part 3A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) on 1 August 2005.29 July 2005
PS 05-004: Development contributions practice notes (PDF, 100 KB)This circular is to advise local councils, other consent authorities, the planning and development industry and the community of new practice notes on the administration of the development contributions system under Division 6 of Part 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act.8 July 2005
PS 05-003: Changes to the development contributions system in NSW (PDF, 144 KB)This circular provides councils, other consent authorities, the planning and development industry and the community with an overview of the recent changes to the development contributions system under section 94 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act (section 7.11 of the current Act).14 June 2005
PS 05-002: State significant development (PDF, 112 KB)The purpose of this circular is to notify councils, state government authorities, industry and community interests of the gazettal of the State environmental planning policy for State significant development on 25 May 2005.27 May 2005
PS 05-001: Occupation certificates and conditions of development consent (PDF, 133 KB)This circular provides councils and other consent authorities, accredited certifiers and applicants with advice on occupation certificates for buildings.22 April 2005