Making it happen

Riverina Murray Regional Plan 2041

Local rice grower checking produce in a rice field in Deniliquin. Credit: Destination NSW


The regional plan will be implemented by the Department of Planning and Environment working with councils, state agencies, the Riverina Murray Regional Leadership Executive (RLE) and the community.

The RLE includes regional directors from state agencies and joint organisations of councils. The RLE will lead cross-government or multi-agency actions, provide strategic advice, broker solutions and make whole-of-government and whole-of-region decisions.

We will also hold bi-annual planning forums with land use planning agencies and councils. These may require us to reprioritise or change strategies or collaboration activities.

Monitoring and review

We will regularly monitor and review the progress of the regional plan and will publish the findings in terms of progress against actions and collaboration activities. This page will also provide links to relevant resources and to general tracking tools in the NSW Planning Portal.

Planning legislation requires reviews of regional plans as directed by the Minister. Reviews are currently undertaken every 5 years.

Implementation priorities will be updated as required.