We have implemented measures to support state significant projects with better assessment, better coordination and better engagement.
The Rapid Assessment Framework is designed to make assessing major project quicker and more efficient, while improving the quality of assessments, engagement and customer service.
The framework streamlines major project assessment, provides clear guidance on environmental impact assessment and introduces the registered environmental assessment practitioners scheme to provide quality assurance for environmental impact statements.
Improvements include:
- ready-made secretary’s environmental assessment requirements (SEARS) to make state significant development clearer and more efficient
- new environmental impact assessment guidelines to improve the quality of assessments and documentation
- enhanced quality assurance for environmental assessment via a new accreditation system for registered practitioners
- a 2-year expiry for SEARs to ensure environmental impact statements are always based on current considerations.
These improvements have been enabled by amendments to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021.
More information
To find out more about the Rapid Assessment Framework:
- watch the recording of our RAF information session
- email [email protected]