North Wilton

Wilton Growth Area

We are planning for thriving, attractive and well-connected communities to add to the pipeline of new homes needed for a growing Greater Sydney. The North Wilton Precinct will be a place where people can live and work and enjoy good access to open spaces, community facilities, public transport, shops and services. The precinct is adjacent to the Wilton Town Centre Precinct, which will provide jobs, services, schools and hospitals.

The North Wilton Precinct has been rezoned in line with the vision for the Wilton Growth Area. Publicly exhibited plans for the North Wilton Precinct are available on the NSW Planning Portal. Wilton will be a landmark area in the Western Parkland City where the local community and businesses can grow and flourish.

The plan for the North Wilton Precinct will:

  • cater for a variety of housing
  • create a new local centre and schools
  • create local jobs
  • provide essential infrastructure
  • improve connections by extending the road network
  • provide more public transport options
  • provide open spaces and parks
  • protect the environment and heritage
  • manage the risk of bushfires
  • include a new zone – the Urban Development Zone.

The department adopted the North Wilton Neighbourhood Plan No. 1 into the Wilton Growth Area Development Control Plan on 1 September 2023. The final document can be viewed on the NSW Planning Portal. The North Wilton Precinct Structure Plan (PDF, 2.8 MB) was updated in September 2023 to give effect to the Neighbourhood Plan.