
Greater Newcastle metropolitan planning


Planning helps small to medium-sized cities like Newcastle to fulfil their economic potential and become thriving metropolitan locations with many attractions.

Professor Greg Clark CBE was involved with the Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Plan. He is an author and global adviser with expertise ranging from city economies and identities to strategic planning.

Watch him address a workshop on how strategic planning enables second-tier cities like Newcastle to reach their potential.

Metropolitan planning in Greater Newcastle

Professor Clark has been involved with the Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Plan since its launch in early 2017.

Australia’s leading regional economy

Creativity and innovation in the services and tourism sectors will turbocharge Greater Newcastle’s economy, boosting household incomes in the next 2 decades, according to property consultancy MacroPlan Dimarsi.

We commissioned the firm to contribute to the inaugural draft of the Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Plan 2036.

Its key recommendations are in Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Strategy Economic Prospects to 2036 (PDF, 1.8 MB), released in 2017. They build on Newcastle’s transformation from a steel city to a new service economy based on health, education and tourism.

Read the economics report