Design guides for low-rise housing diversity


Design guide for complying development

The Low-Rise Housing Diversity Code is supported by the Low-Rise Housing Diversity Design Guide for complying development (PDF, 14.4 MB).

We developed this guide with the NSW Government Architect in close consultation with councils, industry and the community. It will ensure a consistent approach to the design and delivery of quality dual occupancies, manor houses and terraces.

The guide aims to improve design by focusing on factors such as layout, landscaping, private open space, light, natural ventilation and privacy.

Read the guide for complying development

Design guide for development applications

Councils with local environmental plans that permit multi-dwelling housing are now accepting development applications (DAs) for manor houses and terraces.

The department has prepared a Low-Rise Housing Diversity Design Guide for development applications (PDF, 16.4 MB) to help councils assess these DAs until they develop their own development control plans. The guide equips councils with best-practice controls and design standards to ensure developments are well designed and fit into the character of the area.

Councils can still access the superseded Low-Rise Medium Density Design Guide for development applications (PDF, 11.4 MB).

We have also released the Low-Rise Medium Density Design Guide for Development Applications planning circular (PDF, 128 KB) to guide councils, applicants and practitioners on how and where the design guide applies.

Read the guide for development applications

Design verification statement forms: