Integrated Mining Policy

Owner of MSM Milling discusses plans in Manildra, located halfway between Orange and Parkes in the Cabonne Shire of NSW. Credit: NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure/Quentin Jones

The Integrated Mining Policy aims to:

  • improve the regulation and assessment of major mining projects
  • strike a balance between the significant benefits mining can bring to the economy and the potential effects on communities and the environment
  • help manage the environmental and social effects of mining
  • ensure the community has access to relevant and timely information about mining projects.

How it works

The policy works by helping applicants develop applications and compliance reports that better communicate key issues of interest to government and the community. It also improves the transparency and consistency of government planning decisions.

Related documents

Guidelines for the Economic Assessment of Mining and Coal Seam Gas Proposals

These guidelines help applicants applying for new or modified mining and coal seam gas projects to give clear, consistent and robust information in support of claims they have made in their environmental impact statements.

The accompanying technical notes help applicants apply comprehensive, robust and defensible methods in their cost–benefit analyses.

Indicative secretary’s environmental assessments requirements

These indicative requirements outline common items that environmental impact statements for proposed mining operations must address.

The document shows applicants what to consider when developing a proposal, and how to inform communities of the key issues that are considered when a mining application is assessed.

While these are a good starting point for applicants, the secretary of the Department of Planning and Environment is authorised to prepare environmental assessment requirements for a development application. This may include adding to or reducing the indicative requirements, depending on factors such as the context of the proposal, nearby communities and specific environmental risks.

Note: The indicative requirements are not considered ‘standard’ as outlined in clauses 3 (9) and 7 (3) of Schedule 2 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.

Mine Application Guideline

This guideline helps applicants describe their proposal in a way that highlights the key design features and environmental considerations, and how the mine design process has accounted for economic, social and environmental impacts.

It helps the applicant prepare a development application that explains what is proposed and why.

The environmental impact statement should give a full account of environmental impacts and mitigation actions.

Annual Review Guideline

This guideline brings together the annual reporting requirements of the former Division of Resources and Energy and our department into a single, concise document. The guideline also focuses the content of an annual review into a targeted compliance document requiring concise self-reporting.

The guideline does not integrate the reporting requirements of the Environment Protection Authority.

Web-based Reporting Guideline

This guideline encourages mine operators to publish appropriate and clear operational and compliance information on their websites. This improves transparency and may also meet certain reporting obligations. For example, if supplying monitoring data is a condition of consent, online reporting may be possible.

The guideline does not integrate the online reporting requirements of the Environment Protection Authority.

Independent Audit Guideline

The guideline gives a clear process that the government expects an independent audit to follow. This includes the determination of scope, criteria, auditors, audit process and report finalisation.

Water regulation overview

This overview summarises water policy, legislation and regulation that applies to developing resources in NSW. It includes key federal policy and legislation. It gives industry and the community a reasonable understanding of water regulation in NSW and what each key instrument sets out to achieve. It summarises policy and is not an exhaustive overview.