Proposed and finalised policy changes

A female building certifier inspects scaffolding with her colleagues on a building site. Credit: NSW Department of Planning and Environment / Christopher Walters

The Department regularly reviews and updates the Transport and Infrastructure State Environment Planning Policy (SEPP) to make sure planning rules support improvements to infrastructure in NSW.

As part of these ongoing improvements, the Department may propose changes to the policy. Any changes are put on public exhibition, and the community, organisations and other government agencies are invited to have their say.

Changes under consideration

All feedback received during exhibition periods is considered and informs the Department’s final decision on the proposed changes.

The following proposed changes to the Transport and Infrastructure SEPP are currently under consideration.

Improving planning processes to deliver infrastructure faster

In March and April 2024, we proposed changes to help speed up delivery of essential infrastructure in NSW.

The changes would make it easier to deliver infrastructure at the right time, including speeding up planning for projects that benefit the community, create jobs and support economic growth.

An explanation of intended effect outlining the proposed changes was on exhibition from 6 March to 16 April 2024. For more information on the proposed changes, visit the NSW Planning Portal.

Recent changes

Speeding up delivery of essential school and health infrastructure

The Transport and Infrastructure SEPP has been changed to speed up the delivery of essential education and health services facilities. Changes include:

  • permissible heights for new public schools (including preschools) and existing public schools.
  • permitting the development of new health services facilities up to 2,500 m2 and alterations and additions to existing health services facilities up to 30,000 m2 without development consent.
  • expanding complying development for non-government schools.

Read the Changes to speed up the delivery of essential school infrastructure – Frequently asked questions (PDF, 106 KB) for information on the Transport and Infrastructure SEPP changes.

Changes to protect fuel pipelines

In August 2024, changes were made to better protect fuel pipelines from new development. The changes strengthen measures to manage potential risks earlier in the planning process.

Fuel pipelines transport essential materials, such as natural gas and fuel, that keep our communities running. We must protect them and the communities around them.

The changes apply to developments which increase the number of people in the area near pipelines, such as aged care, child care centres and hospitals.

For more information and to view the ministerial direction, guideline and planning circular, visit the NSW Planning Portal.

New rules to help farmers

Changes were made that introduced a new planning pathway for landscape rehydration infrastructure.

NSW farmers can now repair, restore and water dry land without just relying on rainfall, thanks to provisions to permit landscape rehydration infrastructure as development without consent. The amendment has made it easier for landowners to restore streams on their property through landscape rehydration techniques, without development approval. However, an environmental assessment is required together with state agency approvals.

The amendment is to help farmers keep their properties hydrated and build resilience to natural disasters such as future droughts and flooding.

The landscape rehydration infrastructure works – approvals and procedures section 170 guideline has now been released and started on 20 March 2023.

View the Landscape rehydration infrastructure works – approvals and procedure.

For more information visit the NSW Planning Portal.

Electric vehicle charging units

Changes have now been made through the State Environmental Planning Policy (Electric Vehicles) 2023, to expand the policy provisions for electric vehicle charging facilities.

The amending SEPP updates the existing provisions of the Transport and Infrastructure SEPP to be responsive to changes in technology and consumer demand.

Electric vehicle charging units answers frequently asked questions about installing an electric vehicle charging unit and explains the relevant planning provisions in the Transport and Infrastructure SEPP.