Harbourside Shopping Centre Development

In 2016 the department received concept plans for the Harbourside Shopping Centre. The plans include a new retail shopping centre, residential apartment tower, and improvements to the public domain.

The development application is staged, and proposes changes to land uses, gross floor area, building size, public walkways, pedestrian and vehicle access.

The redevelopment plans are part of the revitalisation of Darling Harbour to further renew tourism and entertainment facilities in the area and to reinforce Sydney as Australia’s pre-eminent tourism destination.

Further detailed development applications are required before building can commence. The development application(s) will be guided by a design excellence framework and urban design guidelines.

View applications relating to the Harbourside Shopping Centre at Major Projects.

Community feedback

Thank you for your feedback

Your feedback is an important part of the assessment process.

Here’s how we reached out to you about stage one – concept proposal:

  • community representative information sessions
  • letters to local households
  • emails to stakeholders
  • newspaper advertisements
  • media coverage
  • information sharing on our website
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • NSW Government's 'Have Your Say'
  • public exhibition.
Next steps

The applicant will now prepare a report (a Response to Submissions), addressing concerns or issues raised by the community, council or government agencies. The Response to Submissions will be published at Major Projects.

The department will fully review all submissions received and carefully assess the concept proposal and Response to Submissions before making a decision or recommendation on the application.

If there are a large number of objections or the City of Sydney objects to the concept proposal, the application will be sent to the Planning Assessment Commission (PAC) for a decision.


Documents relating to the exhibition 15 December 2016 to 14 February 2017

Documents relating to previous exhibitions

View all assessments relating to the Harbourside Shopping Centre at Major Projects.

The planning and assessment process explained

The redevelopment of the Harbourside Shopping Centre is classified as a State Significant Project.

How the assessment process for State significant development works:

  • a development application is received by the department
  • the department prepares the Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements
  • the applicant prepares an Environmental Impacts Statement to address the Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements
  • the department publicly exhibits the Environmental Impacts Statement and consult with the community
  • the department publish submissions and ask the applicant to address any concerns or issues raised by the community, council or government agencies
  • the applicant prepares a formal Response to Submissions, which we publish
  • the department assess the merits of the project, including the Environmental Impacts Statement, all submissions and community feedback, and the Response to Submissions
  • if there are a large number of objections or the local authority objects to the concept proposal, the application will be sent to the Planning Assessment Commission (PAC) for a decision. Otherwise, the Department makes a determination on whether or not to approve the project.

View all assessments relating to the Harbourside Shopping Centre at Major Projects.