Explanation of Intended Effect

Western Sydney Aerotropolis

Artist's impression of Western Sydney Aerotropolis.

Amendments to the State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPPs) relating to the Western Sydney Aerotropolis (the Aerotropolis) took effect on 25 March 2022.

The Explanation of Intended Effect (EIE) (PDF, 12.9 MB) provided an overview and background into the proposed amendments to State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPPs) relating to the Western Sydney Aerotropolis (the Aerotropolis). This document was on exhibition for public feedback from 8 October to 5 November 2021.

The SEPP amendments follow a multi-stakeholder review of the planning framework relevant to the Aerotropolis. The amendments respond to:

  • The recommendations made by the Independent Community Commissioner (ICC) Roberta Ryan;
  • Submissions made by landowners, the community, industry, local councils and other stakeholders in response to the draft Aerotropolis Precinct Plans (exhibited 10 November 2020 to 12 March 2021); and
  • A general review of the Aerotropolis Planning Framework and necessary amendments to the Aerotropolis SEPP to reinforce the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Plan.

The amendments to the Aerotropolis SEPP include:

  • the reduction in the Open Space Network to lessen the impacts on landowners
  • the Environment and Recreation zone will be removed for properties that adjoin Rossmore and Kemps Creek south of Elizabeth Drive and will go back to their previous RU4 zoning; and
  • Provisions to reintroduce a number of permissible land uses that were previously permissible prior to the commencement of the Aerotropolis SEPP in 2020.

Open Space Needs Study

In response to the ICC recommendations and feedback from the community we have undertaken a comprehensive review of all open space areas. We have focused on refining and reducing the amount of open space to be located where future communities will live, and to meet open space benchmarks set by the Department of Planning and Environment.

Following the review, the amount of open space has been reduced by about 42%.

Land included in the open space network has been clearly identified in the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Open Space Needs Study (PDF, 7.1 MB) and Aerotropolis - Open space summary (PDF, 7.9 MB).

The document outlines how open space is prioritised to serve a variety of purposes including walking and cycling, water cycle management, scenic and cultural connections. The revised open space plan ensures more than 95% of new homes will be located within 400 m (5-minute walk) of public open space areas.

An achievable plan has been developed that identifies the acquisition of 767 ha of land in the initial Aerotropolis precincts for the recreation and stormwater infrastructure needs of the existing and future population. We have identified land for a grand new city park along Thompsons Creek to support the Bradfield City Centre.

Some minor edits have been made to the open space network following exhibition of the Explanation of Intended Effect (EIE) in late 2021. The finalised open space network, shown within the Precinct Plan, identifies land which will need to be acquired sometime in the future, but in the meantime the land can be used as before. It will mainly be acquired by the councils, Sydney Water or the NSW Government and will provide parkland and recreation spaces for the current and future community.

Land identified for the open space network is included in the Land Reservation Acquisition Map in the Aerotropolis SEPP and shown within the Precinct Plan. The existing underlying zone still applies to the property.

The open space network was finalised with the Aerotropolis SEPP and is reflected in the final Precinct Plan.

Guideline to Existing Use Rights

We have prepared the Western Sydney Aerotropolis – Community Guideline (PDF, 176 KB) as part of the NSW Government’s commitment to implement the recommendations of the Independent Community Commissioner. The aim of the Guideline is to assist landowners, business operators and other community stakeholders to understand how existing residential, business, or other uses may continue, despite the changes to the planning controls within the Aerotropolis.

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to provide feedback.

You can view the submissions on the NSW Planning Portal.