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Central Coast Regional Plan 2041

Family enjoying a visit to The Factory - Chocolate and Nougat, West Gosford. Credit: Destination NSW

Gosford City Centre is the social and economic heart of the Central Coast.

Regional economic gateways provide a diversity of industrial and high-tech jobs, while small and large businesses connect local communities, meaning people can access to goods and services within 15 minutes of their doorstep. 

Productive agricultural and resource lands continue to support the state’s growing population and booming economy.

Download the Central Coast Regional Plan 2041 (PDF, 11.5 MB).

Emerging industries

The Hunter-Central Coast is one of at least 5 renewable energy zones (REZs) in NSW.

REZs are clusters of modern-day power stations that combine renewable energy generation such as wind and solar, storage such as batteries, and high-voltage poles and wires. 

The REZ will take advantage of transmission infrastructure, transport links and a skilled workforce. 

There is potential for new jobs in energy intensive industries like hydrogen and green chemical production, minerals processing, data centres, glass manufacturing and food processing. 

The Energy Corporation of NSW (EnergyCo NSW) will coordinate the delivery of the Hunter-Central Coast REZ. 

Find out more in objective 1 (PDF, 11.5 MB) of the regional plan.

Advanced manufacturing, logistics and warehousing

The Central Coast’s manufacturing, logistics and warehousing sectors will evolve. These industries will benefit from smart manufacturing, artificial intelligence and robotics, and more distributed manufacturing. 

Online retailing is increasing demand for warehouse and logistic properties to accommodate automated warehousing. Employment lands will need to be planned to respond to opportunities and technologies, including catalytic investments and transition to net zero. 

Manufacturing reforms will require an efficient supply chain. With more than 70,000 light and heavy vehicles travelling between the Hunter, Central Coast and Sydney each day, the lands surrounding interchanges on the M1 Pacific Motorway are suited for employment, particularly manufacturing (i.e. engineering and food manufacturing), logistics and warehousing. 

The regional plan, specifically objective 1 (PDF, 11.5 MB), recognises 24/7 supply chain operations and aims to protect the freight network from encroachment by residential and other sensitive land uses.

Knowledge and innovation

The Central Coast economy is diversifying as it attracts new residents and businesses. This trend will increase with the global reach of the Six Cities Regions and connections to Greater Sydney. 

This creates an opportunity to identify and grow knowledge and innovation clusters. This could occur at the University of Newcastle (Ourimbah) and Gosford Hospital campuses.

Productive landscapes

The Central Coast is recognised for its agricultural diversity, from citrus farms and poultry farms to flower farms and turf.

The agricultural sector benefits from the quality of the region’s natural features and systems. It also benefits from access and infrastructure networks to markets, including the global gateways of Newcastle and Sydney.

The regional plan recognises the potential to intensify or diversity on-farm agricultural activities. This could include tourism activities, such as farm stays, camping, farm gate or events.

Read objective 9 (PDF, 11.5 MB) to find out more.