Leppington Precinct – Stages 2 and 5


Leppington Precinct – Stages 2 and 5 will facilitate the development of a new community with walkable access to sports fields, community services, schools and other open space.

Stages 2 and 5 rezoning

Leppington Precinct – Stages 2 and 5 was rezoned on 16 July 2021.

The rezoning will enable up to 2,400 new homes, 1,900 dwellings in Stage 2 and 500 in Stage 5. The rezoning will also:

  • set aside land for a new school
  • provide for 8.32 ha of local open space to be delivered over time
  • identify 23.18 ha of land to be set aside for other infrastructure purposes.

The proposed amendments will facilitate a new community. The community will also enjoy the 7.6 ha Leppington Park located just outside the precinct, worth $4 million.

What has happened

The rezoning package was exhibited from 10 November to 19 December 2014. In November 2015, Stage 1 of the Precinct was rezoned where infrastructure capacity was available.

The exhibited package included an explanation of the intended planning controls, discussion paper and supporting technical information.

Following consultation with infrastructure providers, the department has confirmed wastewater capacity can be delivered to service Stages 2 and 5 of the Precinct. The wastewater capacity provides the opportunity for up to 2,400 new homes.

The department has identified the need to take a more holistic approach to open space planning support of growth of the Leppington Precinct, that is why the rezoning of land needs to be balanced with essential infrastructure capacity and provision of and access to high quality open space.

The rezoning package and response to submissions report is available on the NSW Planning Portal.

The finalisation report as part of the rezoning package provides a summary of key issues raised during exhibition and the department’s response.

The department has updated the Camden Council Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan (DCP) – Schedule Five (Leppington Precinct) to include Stages 2 and 5. The DCP contains detailed planning controls for development in the precinct.

What has changed since exhibition

The department has been working with Camden Council and state agencies (such as Sydney Water) to ensure adequate infrastructure is available prior to rezoning.

In collaboration with Council, an independent open space study has been finalised which will guide future open space provisions in the Leppington Precinct.

Post exhibition, the key changes have been:

  • Road corridor realignment to avoid impact on existing houses, infrastructure and open space.
  • Realignment of Stage 2 boundary to ensure entire lots are rezoned.
  • Reduced curtilage for the local heritage item at 125 Heath Road, Leppington.

Frequently asked questions

What happens next?

Over time, infrastructure will be provided to support development.

What is happening with the remaining stages

The rezoning of the remaining Stages 3 and 4 will be determined in collaboration with Camden Council and infrastructure providers such as Sydney Water.

The timeframe will be informed by the ongoing open space investigations by Council and the other infrastructure serving capacity and availability in the area.

My property includes open space or a reservation, what do I do?

The state government and local councils are responsible for the provision and supply of infrastructure to the area.

The process for acquiring land is governed by the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991. The act provides for the process and to ensure compensation on just terms for the owners of land affected by a potential acquisition.

As per the exhibition material and as identified on the Land Reservation Acquisition Map, if your property includes any of the following reservation/zones, please discuss the process with Camden Council:

  • Local Drainage (SP2)
  • Local Open Space (RE1)
  • Local Road (SP2)
  • Community Facility (SP2).

Should your property contain SP2 Infrastructure (Classified Road) or SP2 Infrastructure and marked Educational Establishment the state government is responsible for delivery of these services.