Redfern North Eveleigh

State-significant precincts

Location in North Eveleigh, Redfern, Sydney CBD NSW. Credit: NSW Department of Planning and Environment / Salty Dingo

At a glance

  • A former industrial area reinvented as a mixed-use precinct with new jobs, homes, community facilities and open space.
  • Up to 6,200 new jobs in innovation, commercial and creative sectors.
  • 320 new homes including at least 15% affordable housing and 15% for the purposes of diverse housing.
  • New walking paths, including new connections to Redfern station.
  • 1.12 ha of new public open space. 3,700 m2 of community and cultural floor space for residents and workers, including a dedicated space for the Aboriginal community.
  • Acknowledgement of the Indigenous history of the area.
  • Protection of heritage buildings.

Transport for NSW

State-shaping precinct: precincts that typically create substantial, additional economic value, and are led by multiple agencies in partnership with local council. These require a significant level of whole-of- NSW government leadership.

The Redfern North Eveleigh Precinct is 10 ha of government-owned land within the wider Redfern-Waterloo Authority Sites State Significant Precinct (SSP).

The SSP process allows the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure to consider proposals for new planning controls for areas that are of state or regional planning significance.

The precinct is located to the south-west of Redfern station and is made up of the Paint Shop, Clothing Store and Carriageworks sub-precincts as can be seen on the Redfern North Eveleigh precinct map (PDF, 6.4 MB).

Paint Shop rezoning proposal

Transport for NSW (TfNSW) prepared a rezoning proposal for the Paint Shop sub-precinct. The rezoning proposal was exhibited for comment from 26 July to 25 August 2022.

The department was responsible for gathering submissions and evaluating the proposal. The rezoning has now been finalised.

All feedback received during public exhibition informed the final rezoning package and helped shape the future of Redfern North Eveleigh.

The commencement date of the rezoning was deferred until 15 December 2023 to allow time for infrastructure funding arrangements to be finalised. On 15 December 2023 the rezoning of the Paint Shop precinct commenced and the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 was amended to include a new provision requiring the consent authority to be satisfied that 15% of the residential floor space will be used for affordable housing in the Redfern North Eveleigh Paint Shop Sub-precinct to address affordable housing requirements as part of the rezoning.

The Carriageworks and Clothing Store sub-precincts are not affected by this proposal or its finalisation.

Read documents and submissions

The rezoning will deliver:

  • employment floor space to support up to 6,400 jobs
  • 320 dwellings, with a minimum of 15% of affordable housing and a minimum 15% of diverse housing
  • 1.12 ha of new public open space
  • 3,700 m2 of community and cultural floor space for residents and workers, including a dedicated space for the Aboriginal community
  • new pedestrian and cyclist routes, including direct pedestrian connections to the new Southern Concourse at Redfern Station.

Find out more about the rezoning proposal at TfNSW.

The Tech Central Vision

Redfern North Eveleigh will support innovation, collaboration and jobs for the future as part of Tech Central.

Tech Central stretches from Central Station to Camperdown and will be a global centre of technology and innovation, with more than 25,000 jobs. The precinct will house start-ups, scale-ups and innovation ecosystem partners in 250,000 m2 of office space for technology companies.

What’s happened so far

Study requirements (PDF, 492 KB) were prepared in consultation with state agencies and the City of Sydney council to guide TfNSW investigations into proposed new planning controls in the Redfern North Eveleigh Precinct.

The department, in collaboration with TfNSW, hosted a Place Design Forum in August 2020 to gather feedback from key stakeholders and community to inform planning for Redfern North Eveleigh. The results are captured in the Outcomes Report of the Place Design Forum (PDF, 36 MB).

TfNSW prepared a Strategic vision in March 2021, which formed the first part of the planning process to set the intention for the future of the precinct.

A TfNSW rezoning proposal for the Paint Shop sub-precinct was exhibited from 26 July to 25 August 2022.

The rezoning proposal was finalised in February 2023 and can be found at NSW legislation.

Related information


  1. Place Design Forum

    Aug 2020

    The Place Design Forum captured feedback from key stakeholders and the community to inform planning for Redfern North Eveleigh.

  2. Strategic Vision

    Mar 2021

    Transport for NSW prepared the Strategic Vision to set the framework for planning in the precinct.

  3. Rezoning proposal exhibition

    26 Jul - 25 Aug 2022 

    The rezoning proposal includes new planning controls to deliver a mixed-use precinct at Redfern North Eveleigh. Exhibition dates released July 2022.

  4. Rezoning package

    Finalisation 2023

    Feedback from the exhibition informed the final rezoning package and new planning controls for the precinct.