Delivering the plan

Far West

A farmer in a cotton field before cotton crop, Gwydir Highway near Collarenebri, NSW. Credit: NSW Department of Planning and Environment / Quentin Jones

The Far West Regional Plan 2036 is the NSW Government's strategy for guiding land use planning decisions for the Far West Region for the next 20 years.

The Far West region consists of eight local government areas: Balranald, Brewarrina, Bourke, Broken Hill, Central Darling, Cobar, Walgett and Wentworth. The Unincorporated Area is also located within the Far West region.

The Regional Plan sets out three goals for the Far West Region:

  • A diverse economy with efficient transport and infrastructure networks;
  • Exceptional semi-arid range lands traversed by the Barwon-Darling River; and
  • Strong and connected communities.

The NSW Government has established new governance arrangements to oversee the implementation of the vision, goals and actions in the Regional Plan and the release of an annual monitoring report.


Responsibility for implementing actions and monitoring the intended outcomes in the Regional Plan is shared with our important regional stakeholders, including Councils, other State agencies, service providers and the development industry. All stakeholders need to have a good understanding of the priorities and the deliverables.

The purpose of this implementation plan is to:

  • ensure ongoing collaboration and agreement on the implementation of actions;
  • assign accountabilities for the implementation of actions;
  • explain the role of different groups and committees involved in implementation;
  • guide the Far West Delivery, Coordination and Monitoring Committee in its role of overseeing delivery of the Regional Plan; and
  • inform the Annual Monitoring Report.

For more information, download the Far West Regional Plan 2036 - Implementation Plan 2017-2019 (PDF, 1.2 MB) or view each chapter below.

Monitoring report

The monitoring report provides an overview of work undertaken by the NSW Government, local councils and other stakeholders to implement the Far West Regional Plan 2036.

The report identifies the key achievements for delivering on the goals, directions and actions of the regional plan and outlines progress on the delivery of priority actions over the past two years. The report also outlines the work plan that will be progressed over the next 12 months.