Master planning in the Aerotropolis

Western Sydney Aerotropolis

Artist's impression of Western Sydney Aerotropolis.

Master planning is an optional alternative development approval pathway which exists for certain land within the Western Sydney Aerotropolis. The main roles of a master plan are to:

  • establish alternative development guidance for sites that are important due to size or impact on other areas
  • be generally consistent with the vision and principles of the Aerotropolis planning framework
  • create a complying development pathway for nominated development in large scale precincts where upfront strategic assessment can suitably manage identified risks.

Land that is eligible for master planning is shown on the land application map under the Western Parkland City State Environmental Planning Policy.

Preparing a master plan

To prepare a master plan within the Aerotropolis proponents must meet the criteria set out in the Western Parkland City State Environmental Planning Policy and the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Master Plan Guidelines (PDF, 247 KB).

Generally, a master plan will:

  • apply to 100 ha or more of adjoining land. Sites under 100 ha may be considered if they meet criteria relating to strategic alignment, economic and public benefit, design excellence and infrastructure delivery
  • align with a precinct plan that applies to the land, or where an amendment to the precinct plan is sought, achieves a superior planning outcome
  • detail development that can be carried out as complying development and include development controls for complying development
  • be prepared in accordance with the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Master Plan Guidelines (PDF, 247 KB).

All master plans in the Aerotropolis need to align with the overarching vision and principles for the area. To achieve this, the preparation of master plans will be overseen by a technical assurance panel.

Technical assurance panel

A technical assurance panel (TAP) will oversee the preparation of a master plan, to ensure it is in line with the overarching Aerotropolis vision and principles.

The TAP is responsible for working with the proponent to oversee and advise on the preparation of a draft master plan that supports the best outcome for the site. The TAP is made up of representatives from council and government agencies and will identify and resolve key issues early in the planning process to help reduce overall approval timeframes.

The TAP is made up of the following core members:

Stephen MurrayIndependentIndependent Chair of the Western Sydney Aerotropolis technical assurance panel
Catherine Van LaerenDepartment of Planning, Housing and InfrastructureExecutive Director, Metro West
Simon HunterTransport for NSWChief Transport Planner
Graham RichardsonTransport for NSWDirector Program Management and Integration, Western Sydney Aerotropolis, Greater Sydney
Gina MetcalfeWestern Parkland City AuthorityDirector, Strategic Planning
Renee IngramSydney WaterHead of Western Sydney Development
Angela JefferySydney MetroProject Director, Western Sydney Airport
Lina KakishLiverpool City CouncilActing Director, Planning and Compliance
Kylie PowellPenrith City CouncilDirector, City Futures

In addition to the core members, other members may be required to form the TAP, and this may be different for each master plan. Selection of additional members is based on factors including:

  • the location of the site
  • what the site will be used for
  • the scale of changes required to the Precinct Plan or State Environmental Planning Policy.

The functions of the TAP are guided by the Governance and Probity Plan: Aerotropolis technical assurance panel (PDF, 939 KB).

Membership of the TAP for each site will be confirmed early in the master planning process, prior to the panel’s first meeting for that respective master plan.

The department will work with the proponent, Chair and panel members to prepare an agreed set of timeframes and identify key milestones.


A fee for the technical assurance panel process will be determined on a case-by-case basis. The fee is based on the complexity of the master plan and the number of meetings needed. The fee will be calculated at the milestone agreement stage of the master planning process, when key milestones, the number of meetings and other requirements are agreed. Payment must be made following the TAP's first meeting.

There is also a fee for the department’s assessment of a draft master plan, determined by the Planning Secretary. More details can be found in the approved fee schedule (PDF, 131 KB). Assessment fees must be paid before public exhibition of the draft master plan.

In some cases, assessment of the master plan will determine a need to change the approved precinct plan. An additional fee will be charged if a change to the precinct plan is required.

Current master plans

A list of draft master plans currently being overseen by the technical assurance panel can be viewed on the NSW Planning Portal.

The draft IPG Badgerys Creek Road Master Plan prepared by the Ingham Property Group (IPG) was on exhibition from 15 November to 13 December 2024. Feedback to the exhibition will help inform the final plan.

For more information and to view the exhibited documents, please visit the NSW Planning Portal.

How to lodge a master plan

To lodge a master plan application, email [email protected]. The NSW Planning Portal will soon be updated to accept master plan applications.

For more information about the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Planning Package, go to the NSW Planning Portal.

For more information about master planning in the Aerotropolis, email [email protected]