Explanatory notes

Sydney housing supply forecast


The Sydney housing supply forecast 2023 data (XLSX, 197 KB) contains forecast data by financial year over the forward estimates (2023–24 to 2028–29) by local government area (LGA). The total forecast over the period to 2028–29 is also provided by city, suburb, SA2 and for major greenfield precincts.

The 2023 Sydney housing supply forecast can also be viewed on the Greater Sydney Urban Development Program dashboard.

Latest release: May 2024
Reference period: 2022–23

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How we develop the forecast

The forecast estimates the net additional dwellings completed by development type and location. You can find more information on the method and assumptions in the 2023 Sydney housing supply forecast – Methodology: Assumptions and Inputs (PDF, 1.1 MB).

The forecast reflects current trends in residential construction activity and is derived from:

  • the current pipeline of residential development
  • likely future development under current zoning and planning controls
  • announced changes in identified state and council strategic precincts
  • planning proposals that have gateway approval
  • information from state and local government and industry
  • data on economic and other factors shaping the outlook for housing demand.

The forecast is for dwelling completions, including detached housing, medium-density housing (such as terraces, townhouses and villas) and apartments.


Although we have made every reasonable effort to ensure that these forecasts are correct at the time of release, the State of New South Wales, its agents and employees, disclaim any and all liability to any person in respect of anything or the consequence of anything done or omitted to be done in reliance upon the whole or any part of these projections.