Livvi’s Place, Wagga Wagga

Everyone Can Play

Local resident, Leila Bright, was struggling to find a playspace that would accommodate the needs of both of her young daughters. Her eldest, Mia, was born with a limb difference that meant she relied on a prosthetic leg to navigate the world.

Traditional playspaces that feature fences and mulch carpet excluded Mia from enjoying playing with her sibling and making new friends. Leila decided to partner with her local council to help them understand how to make a playspace that would include all people.

The City of Wagga agreed to partner with national charity Touched by Olivia to consult and engage with the local community to re-design the playspace and deliver a best practice space that everyone could be proud of.

Once the design had incorporated increased access and met Universal Design principles and was given the big tick by all parties, it was time to fundraise and build it!

The Wagga Wagga playspace was funded by in partnership with the NSW Government and touched by Olivia Foundation.

Once the design was reviewed against the newly developed Everyone Can Play guidelines, the first sod was turned.

In just a couple months’ time, our local construction company had performed miracles and we were celebrating at Livvi’s Place everything that is good about collective impact – when both levels of government work in synchronicity with community, and everyone REALLY can play.