Special activation precincts

Special activation precincts

The Department of Planning, Housing, and Infrastructure in partnership with the Regional Growth NSW Development Corporation, has created a streamlined process for planning and delivering Special Activation Precincts in regional NSW.

The precincts provide dedicated industrial and commercial infrastructure in dedicated areas of regional NSW.

They are designed to help businesses establish and grow with confidence while providing more local jobs and driving economic growth. Planning for the 4 precincts is now complete and they have moved to the delivery phase.


The Parkes Special Activation Precinct master plan and technical documents are available on the NSW Planning Portal.

For information on the delivery of this precinct, visit the Parkes Regional Growth NSW Development Corporation.

Wagga Wagga

The Wagga Wagga Special Activation Precinct master plan and technical documents are available on the NSW Planning Portal.

For information on the delivery of this precinct, visit the Wagga Wagga Regional Growth NSW Development Corporation.

Snowy Mountains

The Snowy Mountains Special Activation Precinct master plan and technical documents are available on the NSW Planning Portal.

The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure was responsible for finalising the Alpine Development Control Plan. To view this document, visit the NSW Planning Portal.

The Jindabyne Development Control Plan (DCP) was developed by the Snowy Monaro Regional Council.

For information on the delivery of this precinct, visit the Snowy Mountains Regional Growth NSW Development Corporation.


The Moree Special Activation Precinct master plan and technical documents are available on the NSW Planning Portal.

For information about the delivery of this precinct, visit the Moree Regional Growth NSW Development Corporation.