Grant programs

Grant programs

Urban greening grant programs support local councils across Greater Sydney to enhance urban tree canopy and green cover in our local parks, streets and neighbourhoods. More trees mean more shade, cooler suburbs and attractive places to live and work for our communities.

Each project contributes to our objective of achieving 40% urban tree canopy cover across Greater Sydney by 2036.

Since 2019, the grant program has funded the delivery of 131 tree planting and demonstrations projects across four grant rounds. These projects will result in over 107,000 new trees planted in areas where they are most needed, creating greener, shadier and more attractive suburbs across Sydney.

Program objectives


Enhance Greater Sydney’s urban tree canopy and green cover, particularly in areas with low canopy cover, have higher exposure to urban heat island effect and are more vulnerable to the adverse impacts of urban heat.


Help prepare for climate extremes and mitigate the urban heat island effect through tree planting and other green cover initiatives to cool urban areas and provide shade.


Promote partnership projects between local and state governments, organisations, industry, the private sector and the community.


Support projects that demonstrate a commitment to canopy expansion, including improved outcomes for health, resilience and climate adaptation.

Grant rounds

2022 Greening our city grant banner

The latest round of grant funding awarded $9.9 million to 21 projects in 17 councils across Greater Sydney.

2021 Greening our city grant banner

The third round of grant funding awarded more than $9.9 million to 28 projects in 23 councils across Greater Sydney.

2020 Greening our city banner

The second round of grant funding awarded $10.2 million to 50 projects in Greater Sydney.

2019 Five Million Trees Grant

This first round of grant funding awarded over $5.3 million to 32 projects across 20 councils in Greater Sydney.

Flowering ussurian pear against the blue sky. No image credit.

The Greener Neighbourhoods program empowers councils to create cooler, shadier neighbourhoods.

Rosemeadow banner

Launched in July 2019, Rosemeadow was the first demonstration project for the program. This innovative set a new benchmark for tree planting in urban environments.

More information

The grant program is being administered by Local Government NSW on behalf of the department. For enquiries or more information, email [email protected]