Environmental factors

Waterloo south

Artist's impression of Waterloo south.

Climate change

Over time, climate change will increase heavy rainfall and the risk and impact of flooding. It will also make the air temperature warmer.

There are ways to help reduce these impacts of climate changes. This includes keeping trees and gardens healthy and designing new buildings so that they can be kept cool and are less likely to flood.

There are ways to help keep the air temperature cooler, such as keeping existing trees and planting new trees so there is more shade.

The plan for Waterloo south shows which trees are proposed to be kept. The plan also includes rules for building heights and locations so that shadows from buildings do not prevent trees from getting the sunlight they need to grow.

New trees are not included in the plan. Decisions about new trees such as the type, how many and where they will be planted will be made during the development stage.

Storm water and flooding

Some parts of Waterloo south are prone to flooding during heavy rainfall, for example towards George Street and McEvoy Street, and parts of Wellington Street and Cope Street.

Once the rules for how land can be used are in place, the development process will begin. Flood studies will need to be done during the development stage before new buildings are approved.

The flood studies will show ways to minimise the effect of flooding. Architects will need to apply the findings of the flood studies in the building designs. For example, buildings may have floor levels raised to ensure flood water can’t get in.


Noise studies done in Waterloo south found that new buildings will need to be designed to minimise noise inside homes.

Once the rules for how land can be used are in place, the development process will begin. More noise studies will need to be done during the development stage, before new buildings are approved.

The studies will show ways to minimise noise inside homes and other areas. Architects will need to apply the findings of the noise studies in the building designs. For example, treated windows and insulation can be used to make homes quieter.


Wind testing done at various locations throughout Waterloo south found that new buildings will need to be designed so that wind in areas such as streets and parks is minimised.

Once the rules for how land can be used are in place, the development process will begin. More wind testing will need to be done during the development stage before new buildings are approved.

The results of the testing will help minimise wind in the area. Architects will need to consider the results of the wind tests when designing buildings to make sure spaces are safe and comfortable.