The Pemulwuy Project

The Pemulwuy Project, owned by the Aboriginal Housing Company (AHC), is a project to redevelop land known as “the Block” in Redfern. The mixed-use site will ultimately include affordable housing for 62 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families, a gymnasium, commercial and retail space, a gallery, student accommodation, and childcare centre.

In June 2009, the department provided concept approval for the redevelopment. AHC was granted approval to build in 2012. 

The development includes 3 precincts:

  • Precinct One has concept and project approval for up to 6 storeys and includes 62 affordable dwellings for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, a gymnasium, and retail space.
  • Precinct Two has concept and project approval for up to 6 storeys and includes a 60 place childcare centre and retail and office space.
  • Precinct Three has concept and project approval for up to 6 storeys and includes 154 student accommodation beds within 42 rooms.

The project involves the following existing applications:

The Independent Planning Commission (IPC) determined all three applications in March 2019. Read their published Statement of Reasons.

A major component of the Pemulwuy Project, being Precinct 3 was identified as State Significant Development (SSD) and assessed according to the SSD Process.

For further information on this planning process visit the NSW Planning Portal.

Project Modification Application

In June 2009, the Aboriginal Housing Company received concept approval from NSW Government for the Pemulwuy Project.

Consultation closed

Thank you to everyone who made a submission – your feedback is an important part of the assessment process.

All documentation related to the applications are available at the NSW Planning Portal.