
Greater Macarthur Growth Area

Appin (part) precinct planning proposal

We have assessed and approved a planning proposal for part of the Appin Precinct – which we refer to as the ‘Appin (part) planning proposal’.

Rezoning of the area will come into effect on 15 December 2023.

The new urban development zone is for a 1,378 ha site within the Appin Precinct and will provide for up to 12,900 new homes, including affordable housing. It will also feature regional open space and local centres.

Approximately 470 ha of land has also been protected under an environmental conservation zone and will help secure new koala corridors.

Development in the precinct will roll out over a number of years. A mixed-use local centre and a new school are to be built in Stage 1 with additional schools and centres to be built in later stages.

To view the proposal and the finalisation report, visit the NSW Planning Portal.

Next steps for Appin (part) precinct

The next steps to complete are:

  • the precinct structure plan, which is a fine-grained masterplan for the site showing features like the location of local and neighbourhood centres and new public open space networks
  • a development control plan that sets out specific requirements for the development
  • state and local planning agreements.

The community will have an opportunity to comment on the draft development control plan and planning agreements when they are placed on public exhibition.

Frequently asked questions

What biodiversity safeguards have been put in place to protect Wollondilly’s Koala population?

Approximately 470 ha of land in Appin is now protected under the Environmental Conservation zone. The controls only allow appropriate development, with roads and buildings prohibited and the list of permissible uses implement the Office of Chief Scientist and Engineer advice.

There are new koala corridor maps which clearly identify land set aside to protect and increase Koala habitat. Development consent for any development in a koala corridor will be subject to assessment process which includes obtaining the Planning Secretary’s concurrence and addressing the matters published in the Guide to the Greater Macarthur Growth Area November 2022.

The rezoning secures a substantial part of the Nepean River Koala Corridor, and the Ousedale Creek koala corridor. The Ousedale Creek corridor provides an east-west link for koalas and other fauna populations from the Georges River in the east to the Nepean River in the west.

Significant areas of existing vegetation will be conserved with cleared former grazing land to be restored and revegetated.

The rezoning is consistent with and is an important step in implementing the Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan and the recommendations of the Office of Chief Scientist and Engineer.

What infrastructure upgrades will be needed to allow development in Appin?

The NSW Government has conducted investigations on infrastructure needs for the Greater Macarthur Growth Area in its 2040 draft infrastructure schedule.

A series of infrastructure upgrades will be required for the local area. These upgrades include upgrades to Appin Road, other new sub-arterial roads, schools, a substation and water and sewerage services.

What were the key issues raised during public exhibition?

We received 204 community submissions during public exhibition.

The key issues raised in submissions related to:

  • preservation of koala population, habitat, and corridors
  • impacts to biodiversity
  • loss of Aboriginal and European Heritage
  • inadequate transport links into and out of Appin
  • lack of infrastructure in the area
  • overdevelopment and/or interruption to the rural lifestyle.

We consider the matters raised in public submissions addressed.

Was Wollondilly Shire Council supportive of the Appin planning proposal?

Wollondilly Shire Council objected to the rezoning of Appin.

Our finalisation report thoroughly discusses each of council’s concerns and responds to each.

Is the Appin development area impacted by flooding?

Most of the subject land is above the Probable Maximum Flood.

The Precinct Structure Plan will show the layout of new centres, public open space, and detention basins for stormwater management. The Precinct Structure Plan will ensure future development is located away from any flood waters.

The Development Control Plan for the site will also contain more specific flooding considerations and controls.