Parramatta Road Urban Amenity Improvement Program

Infrastructure funding

Artist's impression of open space in the Parramatta Road corridor.

The Parramatta Road Urban Amenity Improvement Program (PRUAIP) is an initiative by the NSW Government to improve open space and active transport links along the Parramatta Road corridor. The program brings state agencies and local councils together to collaborate on projects that will improve public amenity in the corridor.


$198 million funding has been allocated to councils across 6 local government areas along the Parramatta Road corridor. This funding is supporting 32 projects that will revitalise the precincts between Camperdown and Granville.

Discover the successful projects for the program in the table below.

Council nameProject summaryHomes supported
Burwood CouncilNew cycle connection between Parramatta Road and Burwood Park4,082
Incorporation of Wangal Park into the regional bicycle network883
Formalise the existing informal cycle route from Luke Avenue and Parramatta Road intersection to Burwood park3,968
City of Canada BayNew playspace on Charles Heath Reserve408
Concord Oval Redevelopment1,346
Regional Cycleway between Concord and the Bay4,644
New cycle connection between Parramatta Road and Queen Elizabeth Park2,720
Cumberland City CouncilFunding for purchase of land west of Auburn Park to facilitate park extension2,139
Public domain improvements to Parramatta Road (Auburn)1,221
Improved pedestrian safety and amenity works on Stubbs Street1,022
Melton Street M4 pedestrian / cycleway overpass upgrade623
City of ParramattaGeneral streetscape improvements along Good Street and Bridge Street2,025
General Streetscape improvements along Alfred Street2,758
Upgrade of FS Garside Park2,452
Funding for purchase of land for a new urban plaza north of the railway station on Bridge Street1,886
Funding for purchase of land for a new local park to the north of Parramatta Road at the intersection of Albert Street and Prince Street2,399
Inner West CouncilGreenWay connection under Parramatta Road (at Parramatta Road)1,886
GreenWay connection at Longport Street2,057
Public domain improvements to key north-south streets perpendicular to Parramatta Road (Rofe Street/Renwick Street/Norton Street/Balmain Road/Catherine Street/Crystal Street)2,138
Dot Lane new cycle connection between Norton Street and Hay Street1,273
Public domain improvements and cycle connection to Pyrmont Bridge Road between Parramatta Road and Mallett Street5,173
Johnstons Creek new north-south pedestrian and cycle connection from Booth Street to Parramatta Road5,707
Conversion of Petersham Street to a pocket park between Parramatta Road and Queen Street1,167
Strathfield Municipal CouncilPublic domain improvements to Parramatta Road (George Street to Underwood Street)5,086
New pedestrian and cycleway bridge crossings over Powells Creek5,770
Station Street public domain improvements and entrance to Homebush Station1,767
Public domain improvements to Bridge Road5,245
Improve cycle and pedestrian connection along Powells Creek Reserve2,991

For more detail on each project, visit the relevant council’s website:

The works fall into three categories:

  • Streetscape upgrades including tree planting, multi-purpose lighting, new pavements, pedestrian and cycle pathways and safer crossings.
  • Creation of new and improved open spaces including a new urban plaza, which are important to support communities in a high density environment.
  • New walking and cycle ways which link to key transport locations and open spaces.

Parramatta Road Urban Amenity Improvement Program projects

You can view progress of the 32 PRUAIP projects currently in planning or construction and the completed projects by using the interactive map below.

View a larger version of this map.

PRUAIP public art framework

Public art plays an important role in creating a sense of place when it responds to the surrounding environment in both a physical and thematic sense.

A public art framework (PDF, 5.5 MB) has been developed as a guide for councils in the Parramatta Road corridor. Use of the framework will ensure an integrated and collaborative approach is taken when creating and commissioning public artworks for installation along the corridor.

The framework provides councils with a curatorial approach for the corridor as a whole. It is aligned to the objectives of the PRUAIP and local communities will benefit culturally, socially and economically from great public art in the corridor.

View the public art framework