
Sun setting over the Hawkesbury River, Wisemans Ferry. Credit: Destination NSW

Keeping people safe during floods requires using multiple risk management strategies and relies on good planning.

Shelter-in-Place guideline for flash flooding

Evacuation is the preferred response to flood emergencies but is not always possible in all locations, especially during flash flooding.

The draft Shelter-in-Place guideline was on exhibition for public comment from 17 January until 28 February 2023, outlining considerations for assessing shelter in place. The submissions report summarises the feedback received during the exhibition and how the feedback was addressed in the final guideline.

The Department has finalised the Shelter-in-Place guideline for flash flooding which provides clear and consistent guidance for councils and consent authorities about when shelter in place can be considered.

The guideline aims to:

  • guide proponents on where shelter in place may be considered in land use planning
  • provide guidance to help to assess if shelter in place is suitable for development proposed in flash flood environments by balancing the proposals merits, risks and impacts
  • assist councils when considering the role of shelter in place in their own guidelines, policies and development control plans.

For more information, email [email protected]