Trees and sunlight

Waterloo south

Artist's impression of Waterloo south.

Trees add character to Waterloo south and provide shade to help cool outdoor areas.

Tree canopy describes the area that is covered by trees.

The tree canopy in Waterloo south is currently 29%. This is expected to increase to around 40%, once development is complete.

New trees are not included in the plan but will be planted during the development stage. The location and details of new trees will be included in the design of buildings and other areas.

We have included existing trees in the plan if they:

  • are significant to the area,
  • provide good shade
  • make streets and views from buildings more attractive
  • create a buffer between homes and the streets.
Artist's impression of the main park.
Artist's impression of the main park

There are several reasons why we have not included some trees in the plan. In some cases, the trees are no longer healthy, or they have the potential to cause damage. Although we have considered building locations carefully to allow for keeping more trees, some trees have been removed to make way for new buildings.

Sunlight and shade

Sunlight makes living spaces brighter and more energy efficient and is vital for the growth of healthy trees and gardens. The plan allows for sunlight to come into homes, outdoor areas and community spaces.

The plan includes rules for how high, how big and how far apart buildings can be, as well as the direction they can face. These rules help to make sure that the shadows created by buildings do not prevent sunlight coming into homes and onto parks and outdoor areas.

These rules also make sure that the sky can be seen from streets and sunlight can shine onto them. Planners have considered the heights of buildings to ensure future courtyards receive enough sunlight to support the growth of landscaping and trees in these areas.

The directions streets face, their widths and how they are laid out will help maximise sunlight at street level. For example, more north–south oriented streets such as George Street are wider to allow enough sunlight in. As trees grow, they will provide more shade at street level to help make the area cooler.