Application forms


Application forms for Part 4 development proposals

This page provides the application forms needed to get approval for Part 4 development proposals, where the Minister for Planning is the consent authority.

Part 4 developments

The department assesses development proposals where the Minister for Planning is the consent authority under Part 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Most development proposals that need approval under Part 4 of the Environmental Planning Assessment Act 1979 are assessed and determined by local councils. The Minister for Planning is however the consent authority for a limited number of development proposals including:

  • those in the Kosciuszko alpine resort area
  • major advertising signs in transport corridors
  • development in the Gosford City Centre with a value greater than $10m
  • state significant development.

Who should use these forms?

You should use the forms provided below when applying to carry out Part 4 developments where the Minister for Planning is the consent authority.

Before you download and complete a form please contact the department to confirm whether we have any special information requests. We can also advise you which form(s) you will need to complete.

If your proposal is in relation to development located in the Gosford City Centre, you may also request Pre-Development Application (DA) advice by completing a Request for Pre-DA Advice form (PDF, 80 KB).

Before starting construction or subdivision work

Type of application formWhen to use this form?

Development application form excluding the Kosciuszko alpine resorts area (PDF, 122 KB)

Development application form excluding the Kosciuszko alpine resorts area (RTF/ZIP, 194 KB)

Part 4 development proposals where the Minister for Planning is the consent authority - excluding the Kosciuszko alpine resorts and Gosford city centre area.

Development application form in the Kosciuszko alpine resorts area (PDF, 127 KB)

Development application form in the Kosciuszko alpine resorts area (DOCX, 750 KB)

Part 4 development proposals where the Minister for Planning is the consent authority – in the Kosciuszko alpine resorts area
Development application form in the Gosford City Centre area (PDF, 925 KB)Part 4 development proposals where the Minister for Planning is the consent authority – in the Gosford City Centre area.
Application to modify a development consent in the Gosford City Centre area (PDF, 189 KB)When applying to modify a Part 4 development approval, where the Minister for Planning was the consent authority – in the Gosford City Centre area.

Application to modify a development consent (PDF, 84 KB)

Application to modify a development consent (DOCX, 738 KB)

When applying to modify a Part 4 development approval, where the Minister for Planning was the consent authority – excluding the Gosford City Centre area.

Application for a construction certificate (PDF, 100 KB)

Application for a construction certificate (DOCX, 740 KB)

After development approval has been granted and before carrying out building work or subdivision work.

Notice to commence building or subdivision work and appointing of a principal certifying authority (PDF, 80 KB)

Notice to commence building or subdivision work and appointing of a principal certifying authority (DOCX, 736 KB)

When appointing the principal certifying authority, at least 2 days before starting work.

After completion of work and before occupation

Type of application formWhen to use this form?

Compliance certificate (PDF, 44 KB)

Compliance certificate (RTF/ZIP, 284 KB)

When work has been completed.

Application for an occupation certificate (PDF, 78 KB)

Application for an occupation certificate (DOCX, 736 KB)

Before occupying or using a new building or commencing a change of use of an existing building.

Other forms

Type of application formWhen to use this form?

Application for a subdivision certificate (PDF, 84 KB)

Application for a subdivision certificate (DOCX, 744 KB)

If you are the owner, before registering the plan of subdivision with Land and Property Information NSW.

Application for a building certificate (PDF, 75 KB)

Application for a building certificate (DOCX, 739 KB)

When applying to prevent the Minister for Planning from making an order requiring a building to be repaired, demolished, altered, added to or rebuilt.

Submission of electronic application documents

The department makes all development applications and supporting information available on its website. Applications submitted to the department must include electronic copies of all documents.

The department aims to keep the size of all PDF documents on the website below 10 megabytes and files should be named in a logical way and easy to decipher.