The planning pathway

Western Sydney Aerotropolis

Artist's impression of Western Sydney Aerotropolis.

Planning for and around the Aerotropolis involves a number of statutory plans and strategic policies. These plans and policies are designed to guide development in the Aerotropolis and to ensure appropriate planning outcomes are achieved within the precinct.

As the Aerotropolis evolves, changes to these plans and policies will need to be made to enable development within the area to progress. The local community and other stakeholders will be consulted prior to any changes being made.

A list of all current planning controls applicable to the Aerotropolis is included below. These plans and policies will be updated here as changes are made.

Current planning controls

State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts – Western Parkland City)

The Western Parkland City SEPP outlines land-use controls for the Aerotropolis including land use zoning, identification of infrastructure corridors, land to be acquired, heritage, biodiversity protection and aviation safety controls.

Western Sydney Aerotropolis Precinct Plan

The Precinct Plan provides the place-based objectives and requirements to guide development within the Aerotropolis. It provides further details to support land-use zonings, such as building height and density, and other provisions outlined in the Western Parkland City SEPP.

Technical Studies to support the Precinct Plan

A range of technical studies commissioned to support the precinct planning process. Studies include biodiversity, social infrastructure, and bushfire, amongst others.

Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan (DCP)

The DCP provides specific development controls to guide development across the Aerotropolis’ initial growth precincts. These precincts include the Aerotropolis Core, Badgerys Creek, Wianamatta South Creek, Agribusiness, and Northern Gateway.

Recognise Country: Guidelines for Development in the Aerotropolis

The Recognise Country Guidelines sits alongside the Western Sydney Aerotropolis DCP and provides guidance and support to proponents to effectively respond to Aboriginal culture and knowledge throughout the design process.

Aviation Safeguarding Guidelines

The Aviation Safeguarding Guidelines are built on information contained within the Western Sydney Aerotropolis DCP. They provide more details relating to the protection of community safety and amenity and enable safeguarding of the new Western Sydney International Airport’s 24-hour operation.

Western Sydney Aerotropolis Plan

The Aerotropolis Plan provides a high-level strategic plan for the Aerotropolis growth area and includes planning visions, objectives and principles for each precinct.

Luddenham Village Interim Strategy

The Luddenham Village Interim Strategy outlines key issues and clarifies the next steps required to finalise the Luddenham Village Plan.

Special Infrastructure Contribution (SIC)

The Special Infrastructure Contribution (SIC) will collect contributions from developers to help fund new infrastructure within the Aerotropolis.

Project timeline

August 2018Release of Stage 1 Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan
September 2019Release of What We Heard Community Consultation Report
December 2019Release of Draft Western Sydney Aerotropolis Plan, Draft State Environmental Planning Policy Discussion Paper and Draft Aerotropolis Development Control Plan - Phase 1
Early 2020Community Consultation
September 2020 
Finalisation of Western Sydney Plan; Phase 1 DCP and Aerotropolis SEPP (including rezoning of initial precincts) and release of the Finalisation Report and Master Planning Guidelines
10 November 2020 – 12 March 2021Initial Precinct Plans and Special Infrastructure Contributions released for community consultation
8 October 2021 – 5 November 2021Exhibition of Western Sydney Aerotropolis Explanation of Intended Effect, Luddenham Village Discussion Paper, and Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan – Phase 2
25 March 2022Final Precinct Plan – Initial Precincts; State Infrastructure Contribution; updated Aerotropolis SEPP; Luddenham Village Interim Strategy; Master Plan Guidelines.
10 November 2022Phase 2 DCP finalisation.
18 November 2022 – 16 December 2022Exhibition of the Aerotropolis Precinct Plan to make minor amendments within the Sydney Science Park (SSP) in Luddenham and 2700 Elizabeth Drive, Luddenham.
26 May 2023Finalisation of Aerotropolis Precinct Plan Amendment No. 1
5 February 2024 – 4 March 2024

Exhibition of the proposed Bradfield City Centre Master Plan on behalf of Western Parkland City Authority (the proponent).

Exhibition of proposed changes to the:

  • Western Parkland City SEPP
  • Western Sydney Aerotropolis Precinct Plan
  • Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan (DCP) – Phase 2.

The framework may be amended from time to time to accommodate approved master plans and updates to the controls. Community consultation will be conducted before any amendments occur.