Luddenham Village Interim Strategy

Western Sydney Aerotropolis

Artist's impression of Western Sydney Aerotropolis.

Responding to feedback from the community and recommendations from the Aerotropolis Independent Community Commissioner Professor Roberta Ryan, we are working with the community to investigate a sustainable future for the Luddenham Village.

With the assistance of the Independent Community Commissioner further consultation has been undertaken with the Luddenham community to discuss the future role of Luddenham, so the appropriate planning controls can be crafted to enable a sustainable future.

A Luddenham Village Discussion Paper (PDF, 8.7 MB) was available for comment as part of the exhibition of the Explanation of Intended Effects to amend to State Environmental Planning Policies relating to the Western Sydney Aerotropolis. The discussion paper provided the basis for dialogue with relevant stakeholders, setting out key opportunities, constraints, objectives, urban design principles and other relevant content necessary to support engagement.

The Luddenham Village Discussion Paper was on exhibition from 8 October to 5 November 2021 for public comment.

The NSW Government will continue to work with relevant government stakeholders and the community to achieve the best planning outcome for Luddenham Village and has prepared the Luddenham Village Interim Strategy.

The Interim Strategy identifies how the planning framework for Luddenham Village has changed as a result of the finalisation of the Planning Package, and identifies the work needed to finalise the Luddenham Village Plan. The Interim Strategy outlines that the Luddenham Village Plan will be finalised when there is greater certainty regarding noise impacts and water and sewer servicing and identifies that subsequent amendments to the Aerotropolis SEPP and Precinct Plan will be considered in consultation with the community and stakeholders.

Read the Luddenham Village Interim Strategy (PDF, 5.8 MB).

You can find the submissions made on the exhibition on the NSW Planning Portal.