A new planning approach for the Sydenham to Bankstown corridor
The Minister for Planning and Public Spaces has recently announced a new approach to precinct planning in NSW. This will mean a change of approach to planning for the Sydenham to Bankstown corridor.
Following the release of the revised draft Sydenham to Bankstown Urban Renewal Corridor Strategy in 2017, the community has provided clear and important feedback that it wants community values and place character at the heart of the planning process.
The Department of Planning and Environment has listened and is responding with a new approach through which the community’s aspirations and Councils’ vision underpin planning of the area.
We will work closely with Inner West and Canterbury Bankstown Councils to develop a high-level, principle-based planning strategy for the corridor, which will address the community’s aspirations and Councils’ vision for their areas. The strategy will guide open space, transport and community infrastructure investments as well as appropriate development in the corridor. It will contain a set of planning principles to ensure local character is protected and enriched, and that the delivery of new homes, jobs and services are well coordinated.
Within the framework established by the strategy, we will work with Canterbury Bankstown Council to develop an implementation plan for key centres in the relevant part of the corridor to give effect to the strategic principles, focusing on areas where major changes are anticipated to occur.
The above planning work will inform Councils’ future amendment of their local planning controls.
The previous draft corridor strategies, which have not been adopted, will not influence planning decisions.
Read the Sydenham to Bankstown Urban Renewal Corridor documents relating to 2015 and 2017 draft strategies.
Responding to community views
The revised draft Sydenham to Bankstown Urban Renewal Corridor Strategy was exhibited from June to September 2017. More than 2,800 submissions were received raising a range of issues, including infrastructure, open space, employment lands, affordable housing, transport and traffic, density, urban design, heritage and local character.
We appreciate your input and has adapted the planning approach for the corridor accordingly.
Collaboration and partnership as the foundation of planning for the corridor
Close collaboration and partnership between Councils, government agencies and the Department will form the basis for shaping the planning direction for the corridor. We will continue to work with Councils and stakeholders to develop appropriate governance arrangements to oversee the upcoming planning work.
A key component of the new approach is community participation and there will be opportunities to have your say during this process.
The high-level strategy and implementation plan will provide clear direction for Councils to plan for the corridor and clarity to the community.
Councils granted $2.5 million for Local Environmental Plan review
In mid-2018, the NSW Government granted a number of local councils, including both Inner West and Canterbury Bankstown Councils, funding of up to $2.5 million each to accelerate the review of their Local Environment Plans (LEPs) for completion by mid-2020. The objective of the review is to give effect to the relevant District Plans.
We are committed to supporting Councils’ LEP review. The new planning approach for the Sydenham to Bankstown corridor will have regard to the work currently undertaken by councils in updating their local planning controls.
Sydenham to Bankstown Urban Renewal Corridor Study Area Map

Strategy timeline
- We support Inner West and Canterbury Bankstown Councils to review their Local Environmental Plans, including development of their Local Strategic Planning Statements
- A high-level, principle-based planning strategy developed in collaboration with Councils and the community for the Sydenham to Bankstown corridor
- An implementation plan for key centres prepared in collaboration with Canterbury Bankstown Council and the community
- On-going implementation and review.
Exhibition of the revised draft Sydenham to Bankstown Urban Renewal Corridor Strategy closed in September 2017
Thank you to the many people who shared their views, including the 600 community members attending six community consultation events, 900 survey respondents and more than 2,800 submitters, as well as feedback from social media and at the 2017 Bankstown Bites Festival.
We look forward to continuing our work with your inputs to ensure great planning outcomes are achieved for the communities along the Sydenham to Bankstown corridor.