Development controls for the Western Sydney Employment Area

Western Sydney Employment Area

The State Environmental Planning Policy (Western Sydney Employment Area) 2009 establishes planning and development standards for the Western Sydney Employment Area.

A Development Control Plan (DCP) helps guide certain types of development and achieve specific outcomes for certain areas.

They ensure development in an area follows certain design guidelines, considers the areas local character, protects the environment and preserve areas that have a heritage or cultural value.

DCPs are also used to establish a master plan for an area.

Before development consent is issued, land for a precinct in the Western Sydney Employment Area must have a DCP in place that contributes to a master plan for the area.

Existing Development Control Plans

The following DCPs are applicable to the Western Sydney Employment Area. Other development control plans may apply under the relevant local government area.


Land in Fairfield (327-335 Burley Road, Horsley Park) has a current development control plan (PDF, 7.7 MB) to establish site specific planning controls for the site to promote high quality design outcomes.

Oakdale East Estate

The Oakdale East Estate Development Control Plan 2022 (DCP) has been adopted. It was prepared to expand the 2019 DCP to cover the whole Oakdale East Estate.

It has been updated to include:

  • development standards and management requirements to better address the environmental context, and;
  • controls for earthworks, rehabilitation and land clearing.

The DCP was on exhibition for public comment from 21 March 2022 to 14 April 2022.

New Development Control Plans

Mamre Road Precinct Development Control Plans

The Mamre Road Precinct Development Control Plan (DCP) provides precinct-wide planning controls for industrial development in the Mamre Road Precinct, including building design controls, a road network, drainage strategy and landscaping and biodiversity controls.

Exhibited Development Control Plans

Draft Ropes Creek draft Development Control Plan on exhibition

A draft development control plan (DCP) for the Ropes Creek area has been exhibited.

The draft DCP has been developed in close consultation with Blacktown City Council and is supported by a series of technical studies which address key considerations for the planning of the site.

View the draft DCP and submissions at the NSW Planning Portal. We are responding to all submissions received before preparing a finalisation report for the DCP to be adopted.