Greenfield Housing Code

- Apartment Design Guide
- Better apartments
- Boarding houses and co‑living housing
- Build-to-rent housing
- Caravan parks, manufactured home estates and moveable dwellings
- Group homes
- In-fill affordable housing
- Retention of existing affordable housing
- Secondary dwellings
- Seniors housing
- Social and affordable housing
- Supportive accommodation and temporary housing
- Housing Support Program
- Bayside Council’s housing snapshot
- Frequently asked questions
- Blacktown Council’s housing snapshot
- Blue Mountains Council’s housing snapshot
- Burwood Council’s housing snapshot
- Camden Council’s housing snapshot
- Campbelltown Council’s housing snapshot
- Canada Bay Council’s housing snapshot
- Canterbury-Bankstown Council’s housing snapshot
- Central Coast Council’s housing snapshot
- Cessnock Council’s housing snapshot
- Cumberland Council’s housing snapshot
- Fairfield Council’s housing snapshot
- Georges River Council’s housing snapshot
- Hawkesbury Council’s housing snapshot
- Hornsby Council’s housing snapshot
- How we developed the targets
- Hunters Hill Council’s housing snapshot
- Inner West Council’s housing snapshot
- Kiama Council’s housing snapshot
- Ku-ring-gai Council’s housing snapshot
- Lake Macquarie Council’s housing snapshot
- Lane Cove Council’s housing snapshot
- Liverpool Council’s housing snapshot
- Maitland Council’s housing snapshot
- Mosman Council’s housing snapshot
- Newcastle Council’s housing snapshot
- North Sydney Council’s housing snapshot
- Northern Beaches Council’s housing snapshot
- Parramatta Council’s housing snapshot
- Penrith Council’s housing snapshot
- Port Stephens Council’s housing snapshot
- Randwick Council’s housing snapshot
- Ryde Council’s housing snapshot
- Shellharbour Council’s housing snapshot
- Shoalhaven Council’s housing snapshot
- Strathfield Council’s housing snapshot
- Sutherland Council’s housing snapshot
- Sydney Council’s housing snapshot
- The Hills Council’s housing snapshot
- Waverley Council’s housing snapshot
- Willoughby Council’s housing snapshot
- Wollondilly Council’s housing snapshot
- Wollongong Council’s housing snapshot
- Woollahra Council’s housing snapshot
- Inland Code
- NSW Housing Taskforce
- Social housing
Benefits of the code
The Greenfield Housing Code is intended to speed up the delivery of new homes in greenfield areas (new release areas) to house a growing population and improve affordability.
The code is included in the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 (codes SEPP).
The code aims to:
- simplify the standards in the codes SEPP for greenfield areas
- tailor development standards to suit market demand, housing types and typical lot sizes in greenfield areas
- increase the take-up of complying development to speed up housing approvals.
The code applies to mapped greenfield areas across NSW. It allows for new single-storey and 2-storey houses, and alterations and additions, under the fast-track complying-development approval pathway. This saves homeowners time and money.
Owners of a new home approved under complying development must plant a tree in their front and rear yards. This is one way the code is ensuring new release areas are leafier and more sustainable.
For more information, phone 1300 420 596 or contact us.